Keeping clones alive for two hour drive back home? TIPS?

I’m hoping you guys can give me some tips for getting my clones home. It could be as many as 2 dozen. I need to go to the mountains where a friend is growing 4-5 strains and I wanted to take clones home as I watched his grow to see which to keep.

So, if I get two per plant there could be a lot of clones depending how many plants he kept to finish. I was sort of hoping he’d keep the males for a short bit, too.

It’s about 80º today and it could be two hours before I can get home after cutting.

Moist paper towels and baggies to place in a cooler with a bag inside of it?

Just throw them in their own bag with some water and a towel, zip and toss into cooler?

I want to be able to go through and cut two per plant and get back home. I may have to just pick some winners today and hope for the best later. I never gave it that much thought when I sent all of the plants with him, lol…

I need to go tonight or first thing in the morning.

Any tips are welcome. peace


All sounds good maybe a bag of ice in the cooler that and air conditioning in the vehicle you’d be good for a few. days driving home


Yeah as long as you keep the AC solid I think you’ll be fine. Maybe pee and eat beforehand so you don’t have to stop in a hot parking lot.


They’ll be fine just keep 'em relatively cool and out of the sun. Cooler with a little ice is OK, ziploc on top of that. If they can live in a dark box for a week plus and still root I think you’re fine.


I have heard of people using aloe Vera. Cut a piece of aloe vera and stick the cutting in the fresh aloe.


Per @vernal, you’ll be fine. The nearest place to buy clones here in Maine is a 3-hour drive. ALL survived, not a bit of trouble. Depending on how big the cuts are, cut 2-inch wide strips of Paper Towels, write the Strain Name (ball point pen), fold the strip in half, place cut(s) in and roll it up. Moisten the rolled P. Towel, place inside Zippie, seal…you’re good. You can put quite a few cuts in one Zippie and many Zippies in a Gallon Zippie. Don’t overthink it!!! Happy/safe travels, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


EXCELLENT way to root a Cut, Nature’s Cloning Gel. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


See it’s even rooting while in transit, no time wasted hahah


Thanks all! Just wanted to run it by everybody. Seemed simple but then I thought about how many it might be. It may only be a dozen or so.

One is the Orange Goji f2. I never grown the f1 and haven’t grown the f2 yet so I wanted to make sure I get the clones. Others are Malana, Herijuana, and Paonia Purple Paralyzer. I have male Malana down here none of the others. I failed on my small attempt at PPP last year, too, so I really want those clones so I can keep it going. I think I might have given all I had away. All the more important now. peace


I thought about taking the rooters and clone dust up to poke them all up there, and maybe I’ll take it to see. I may not be able to keep them cool though so, probably be better with bags, and the dark cooler.


stop at 4 mcdonalds or one if they arent cheap ask for a xtra larger water no ice and a trey dump water so there is 4 inches left put clones in and put lids on, sit them on passenger seat till u get home


Don’t sweat it, a little ice in a cooler and ac cranked up and your going to be good to go!

Im jealous your getting the goji, I have a goji cross, but have never tried true orange goji. One day I’ll get a chance.


Have your friend take the cuttings the night before, put them into well labeled ziplock bags and keep them in the fridge until you arrive the following day.
You take them and put them in a cooler with a bag of ice on the bottom covered with a towel, set the bags of cuttings on the towels so they are not contacting the ice.
I have done this several times traveling from NorCal to Southern Cal about a ten hour trip no problems when I got home if I was too tired to take care of the cuts I just put them in the fridge until the following day.


Just stick them in bottles/cups with a little bit of water in the bottom, something that you can close to also keep humidity in. Or just wrap the cut end in wet paper towel and stick them in a labeled ziplock bag.


I never smoked straight up Goji or the OG. I have other crosses to Goji but never felt like I was tasting the Goji. One of these days.

I’m gonna call tonight to see how many plants he kept and go up early. I wanna get back to see our local baseball team play and then hit the fireworks show. It may be off of the hook this year because of all of the rain we’ve had.

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I remember a meme of orange goji, “when the last hit tastes like the first”. Made it a strain I want to try pure someday


I grew out a couple orange goji f2, very strong with a savory orange zest scent and taste. It takes a good while to flower though.


I got some I can send you if you’d like I f1ed my keeper mom from 50 state if you’d like?


Not gonna “jump the queue”, would you be willing to donate 12 (two Flips of 6 each) for the Sep Donation/Giveaway? I have Goji X Goji, but not any of the sought-after F1’s. If not able to, Big Thanks anyway. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


@misterbee Sure not a problem I need to pick up some washers this coming week I can get ahold of you and get a address once I do . 12 is all you’ll need?