To sow or clone… that is the question

So… until recently I have dealt with poor genetics and not much diversity. So you OGers out there…. Are elite clones worth the investment or do you feel that you can grow something just as good from seed? I know that all plants are not keepers but I would bet many of you hold clones or Moms from seeds you have sown. I would assume chances are better buying elite clones but is it really that hard to find something special from your own vault?


SO many great seeds out there. If you don’t mind divulging the info, what seeds were you growing?

As far as elite clones. … they’re worth it if they’re worth it to you :man_shrugging:t2:


@Jetdro has been running a bunch of the elites. I’d look at his thread for a good look at a number of the clones he’s collected. You can better make a good decision that way.


Very familiar with his grows. I know he basically runs clone only. Evidently he has lots of money to play with. And still then he finds some he dosent like. Personal choice Im sure. But he is just one guy…. with one opinion.

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C99… PCK…Peyote Purple…to name a few. Plus some fems through a local guy(strain unknown). These were all from several years ago

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All elite clones have been seeds in the first place


True… but I would think many were grown and sorted and only best of the best were continued. I get that part. But many dont have capabilities to look over many plants to try and find a special elite. Can it be easily done by a plain Joe Gardener?

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It’s an opinion on direct access only, just this.

The calculation is simple to do, the costs. If you buy a dozen of three-digits lines per year and that you don’t end really with at least a motherplant per year that will last or that have a competitive smoke while you’re sharing cones with friends … i find the clone’s angle pretty much legit in this case.

You can also have an hybrid strategy, buying a couple of clones and pollinate them to start somewhere. And become a breeder the next day but it’s another debate lol ^^

Sincerely, i think it’s more about an individual equation to deal with, based on cold calculations.


I’m going to say do both if possible. A known clone saved you time, space for a known end result.
Seeds give you unknown variety, some good some not. You could find the next elite or meh. It is a time space investment to search.


Definitely not hard finding keepers with the right genetics, tbh that’s why there’s only a select few I truly trust to spend my hard earned cash with, but with cuts once you have a few killer ones (initial investment) you can just trade from there. If you saw/knew my stable you would SHIT! Absolutely and an initial few investments is all it took. To me though it’s all about the stuff I know/love and miss from yesteryear, and I also have every intention of tissue culturing and everything worth while to me and completely rejuvenating them to their true original splendor . Next summer we’ll be putting together a TC room at my mentors (Mr.moneybags :dollar:) and then the real work begins!


You made a lot of good points. Thanks for your input Top. My thinking kinda along those same lines. @TopShelfTrees1

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I specifically only grow apple fritter lumpy cut and Mac 1 caps cut for bud. Have been for close to 2 years.


It’s worth it if you find something you like. Imo.

Stay kind.


Ive heard many good things of both of those. Never had either.

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I love hunting packs like love love. I would say both if you have the capabilities.


Clone is how you keep the same of what you like. Can be found hunted in good seed stock but can also be more easily attained by getting an elite or clone only.


Obviously seed genetics are very important. I think most cuts and breeding pieces were not found in a very large sample size. Just look at the old tired story of the chem lines, 13 bag seeds and pretty much half of them go on to become elite cuts. Bodhi says he hunts a pack at a time to find genes worth passing on. I think these days more than ever, there should be something worth keeping in every pack.


I’d say @TopShelfTrees1 plan is the lowest cost of entry and gets you the quickest results. Find a good regional cut you can obtain, and start cloning it and trading it. And while doing that in your veg tent, you can grow out seeds like you normally would and if you find a keeper, even better.


Cuts are definitely nice. Some dialage and you’ll smoke better than 90% of tokers.

You can find better then every elite clone from seeds, it is possible. Depends how much work you’re willing to put in and how lucky you’re feeling. :wink:

I’m a seed guy myself, I pop them by the hundreds and only a few I’d call elite and rather smoke vs cuts but they are my precious :upside_down_face:


I’ve run clones that I thought really sucked. Most elite clones are better than what you’d get from a seed, but if you’re running good genetics they might not be as much better as you think.

I ran into financial problems a little over a year ago and had to curtail my seed spending. So I started looking for cheaper options and bought some seeds from Greenpoint and a couple of other vendors. These were all just crosses of expensive elite seeds, but all of the seeds were good smoke, and I bet one in three are quality keepers. I’d say it’s pretty easy to find something good from seed, if you buy the right seeds. I’m not talking about $400 seeds either – you shouldn’t have to pay more than $10-15 per.

I’ve gotten seeds from OG, and seeds that I suspect came from OG that were fire and probably have some keepers in the pack. And you might ask at the local dispensary if you’re in a legal state. I’ve bought clones as cheap as $25. Two are semipermanent moms in veg now.