Keeping seeds from herms....????

Thanks for the detailed info @seven_trees and @lefthandseeds! I’ve been thinking about his subject lately and my gut tells me that @seven_trees is right. Someone recently talked about this a little but I can’t remember who. I’m interested in the subject, but, at my age, I’m more likely to keep chucking seeds and learning what I can that way and read the little I can on the forum.

I have a plant that I just cut that started as a male and I had another female. I was moving plants in and out because of hail storms and triggered early flowering. The male, which had already shown male flowers turned into a female with the exception of the tip on two different stems, which had male flowers.

The male had a terp profile that was double that of the female in dankness. It also made seeds from another plant and I wanted to run them because of the insane dankness and trichomes that it was showing. I also want to get the seeds closest to the male flower bunch that may have made some seeds, too.

I’m really interested in the results. The whole subject intrigues me. I’m a layman grower and learn what I can but do a lot of observing in the process.

I’ll try and keep this subject alive with pics and results from the seeds I grow from the he/she plant. As a side note, I remember in the early nineties i was growing from bagseed always. I swear I never once got a male from seeds. I was buying a quarter of weed at a time so I had a few different strains. I was always curious about the real science of what I was observing versus bro talk.

It’s all just fun for me at this point. At my age, I’m starting to hear the clock tick in the background so I’m always breaking a few rules along the way to test what i’ve always been told. Fascinating subject, though. I hope we can keep it going! peace


Thank you for sharing your outstanding writing and horticultural knowledge.


So the seeds from a hermie carries that trait, if the conditions that hermied the original plant isn’t seen by the seeds would they hermie? Or is it any stress that will trigger it? I guess reason I’m asking is I had a timer that I accidentally pushed a tab in. So lights came on in middle of dark two nights in a row. The smoke crushed me. It was gorilla girl. I kept seeds but as I’m reading probably will chuck them.

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Wouldn’t this be a debate between lamarckism and mendel?
My unserstanding is this…if you didnt have the stress would not know about the strains weakness
But…since you do it serves as a warning botto grow that strain…
If it were inly for your consumption it would be one thjng, but if you are trying to produce seeds anywhere near this grow you have a chance of polluting your other line

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Thanks @Trowertripper . appreciate that.

Wouldn’t this be a debate between lamarckism and mendel?

Um, the fact I have no clue means I should stop asking questions and get on the Google machine but I get what your saying a little

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Here may be a bit confusion in the early posts between “sex determinism” and “sex expression”, now when we can attribute certain traits as more apical dominance, longer internodes and an earlier flowering etc to maleness of the male phenotype and this may be - or not - attributed to the XY in dieocious species.

Now if that is true that sex expression is completely based on other (later) factors (epigenetics, environmental factors etc) then, theoretically, it should be possible to either take either a tester XX or XY dieocious plant and veg it as mother. Then, make a number of cuttings, and introduce them to 3 growthchambers that have their parameters set to cause (1) all pistillate flowers only (2) all staminate flowers only (3) a somewhat even ratio of male:female ratio - when the parameters are set in such a way that these are very close to these “tipping points” mentioned earlier.
The test obviously would have to not include hormones, but maybe spectrum, lightstrength, temperature and plant nutrition parameters. Or maybe even the angle of the lighbeamst if you want that…
But I don’t think this has ever been done, or?

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