Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

PR X PT is getting very frosty and those hairs havnt even started to curl in. How far along is she. I usually take my Sativa domes around 75 days with a trich check around 65 on unless they tell me they are done. PK boost around 5th week in flower on every other watering. I have one of theNerk footballs from the big PR left in the fridge with a 8 month cure. Very Lemony smoke.


Week 7. I’ve been adding extra P and K for three weeks. This week, dimensional growth has slowed but the buds are filling in and getting denser.

As far as when I might cut it - I have some room in my Flowering space so I’m gonna let it go as long as I can. I want Nerf footballs! Right now they’re footballs but only souvenir-sized. It hasn’t struggled with anything I’ve thrown at it so I’m gonna continue adding P&K.

Have you considered a cross of the PRxPT and Brutal Paw? On paper, it seems it could be an excellent match. I harvested pollen from the PRxPT male (great pheno btw) and I have a few Brutal Paw seeds you gave me. Think I’m gonna start the BP seeds soon.

Kev :seedling:


I just made a few hundred F2 on the Brutal paw of the tall green pheno with 60 degree lateral branching. And also F2’d a small batch of the small tight to the stalk Black pheno which I have two more running at about 8 weeks. So there’s plenty of stock around. I’ll get a pic of the big cured bud, it’s burgany haired club of a kola.


Do you have enough to give me some of both phenos? I’d like to start both phenotypes at the same time as the other few BP I have. I’ll likely paint branches of the best phenos with the PRxPT pollen.

If you can spare some, I’ll cover the postage and send you something good back.


Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Here’s three blacks and three of the greens

And the PR cured down
I’ll put a breeders pack together for you, with all the x’s plus some F2 if you wanna work it.


Fantastic! Thanks Bud.

Shots from today:

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai

Blue Cookies

Blue Dream


Just yum! Makes my mouth water. That goes for you too @Instg8ter. Love those 2 BP phenos. :clap::clap::clap:


Very nice, like how dark the fans are staying, she gonna bulk up big here on out, may shoot hairs twice so don’t give up on her early.


I would love some of those also if you have any to spare


You got it Monkey


awesome, thanks much - I have some interesting new crosses to send your way as well


Apologies for the lack of a recent update. I’ve been battling PM in the juvenile hall which is next to the flowering area where these girls are.

The Panama Red x Pineapple Thai girl is getting big buds as foretold by @Instg8ter. They are not quite Nerf football size but they’re getting there.


The Blue Dreams are making nice dense buds and will be the first to finish.

Earlier in this grow we suffered a setback in the grow area after temps plunged and stayed down for a good three weeks. I thought I had the means to combat the cold but I was fighting a losing battle. I made the decision to relocate the grow to another part of the basement in an enclosed room where environmental issues were minimized. This resolved the temp problems and we were back on track. The plants were stunted a bit but have come back well.

The two Blue Cookies are an interesting story. These two appeared to be all but dormant and I planned to cull them. Pleas from @Queenmambo saved them. However, they came back in a big way. They’re small plants but full of buds forming spears. They are very greasy including the sugar leaves. I didn’t take any closeups because their greasiness has grabbed every wayward hair. I will need to spend some quality time clearing them at harvest.

Blue Cookies

Ultimately, our harvest will be less but it’s all looking very tasty.

Kev :seedling:


Can I ask what temps you ran into? Have been struggling myself with low temps in an unfinished basement.

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~75 degrees. That stuff is a pain in the ass! Good luck with yours mate.

Kev :v:t4:


That was your LOW temp??!! Damn brother, I am in Antarctica then. My high temp is only 72*.


I try and keep flower around 75 and nights during winter can get down to 60. I’d rather be too cool than too hot. Hard balancing room with HPS, I have high volume intake and exhaust on timers to change air in room, can be a balancing act here in Michigan winters


I just went through 56 degree night temps but was able to get into the high70’s low 80’s with lights on . Made for some frosty buds .

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nuke the mildew with a sulfur drench in veg. once then two weeks later. Should kill it all.


Apologies for the lack of an update. I’ve been away for a month.

Powdery Mildew in the grow room necessitated an early harvest. With that, yield was compromised but early tests so great promise for the smoke.


You’re OK!!! I was a bit worried about you man. (don’t tell anyone)

What was the humidity level that helped the pm grow?