Kingmambo’s COVID Potpourri

Which are the best stalks to check for hollowness?


I find Thais and heavy Thai (Sativa) crosses have fleshy hollow, celery like stalks as opposed to the bark like woody stalks on most plants.

Have some DTHF II and they are gonna be huge, one big male, two havnt shown yet and one female that’s seeded with Monkey paw and is stacking buds already, this will be the F fast finisher And I’ll try and reveg a cut for breeding as it’s a 90+ day strain.

I also have two Black Willie F and ones a monster, all these strains have the 1/2”+ hollow stalks. DTHF walls are literally as thin as a plastic straw (snapped male apical just flexing it to collect a little pollen).



Dingleberries for everyone!

I will soon be collecting pollen from this beautiful boy. I have a feeling using it on outcrosses will improve anything it’s crossed with. I’m going to paint a branch on the sister to this plant. Then, sometime in 2021 I’ll start putting it to work.

(Afghan Kush x Black Pearl) x Pineapple Thai is also a male.

Thanks for looking!

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Whats this one all about? My favorite strain is pink grapefruit, but it was an auto and low yielder but loved the flavors and high.

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In my last update, I was struggling with temperature in the grow room. It is a partially-closed room which I fully closed off with a bunch of giant moving blankets. It was very light-proof but allowed much air transfer. We started getting low temps just before my last update whereas now we’re fully cold. The grow room is in the basement - great for summer but always cold in the winter. I have a nice baseboard electric heater that I dug out of storage only to find the switch broken and set on low. I planned to fix it but that didn’t help with my temp problems right away.

I cleared another room to transition my grow into. I’m now able to heat it to 80F+ and maintain 50% RH. Another benefit of the new room is height. My 6’4”/194cm was in a constant stoop for the low ceiling but now I can stand tall!

4 of the 11 plants were male:
1) (Afghan Kush x Black Pearl) x Pineapple Thai
2) Purple Kush
3) Panama Red x Pineapple Thai
4) Blue Dream

The Purple Kush and PRxPT were both exceptional plants so they were isolated to collect pollen. The other males were culled.

The Purple Kush male was the prototypical Indica Christmas tree shape - very dense with thick stems. I don’t have a particular breeding project in mind for the pollen but it will surely bring much to the table when I use it. It was from Mark @ CaliBest420.

The Panama Red x Pineapple Thai male was simply one of the most beautiful and vigorous plants I’ve ever seen. It was one of those rare plants that needed no pruning or opening. It just grew well on its own. I was initially bummed it was a male but I’m 100% certain I will be using the pollen in breeding projects.

So now our group is seven:
1) Blue Dream #1
2) Blue Dream #2
3) Blue Dream #3
4) Blue Cookies #1
5) Blue Cookies #2
6) Blue Cookies #3
7) Panama Red x Pineapple Thai

Blue Dream #1, Blue Cookies #1 & #2 are all dwarfish. They have been laggards from the start. I planned to cull them when I moved rooms but @Queenmambo lobbied hard to save them. I’m not so dumb as to say no!

Blue Dream #2 is our trifoliate buddy. He was woefully slow growing in veg but he’s really stretched out. My guess is the yield on this one will be ~50% of Blue Dream #3. Blue Dream #3 is a very nice plant. Here are a couple pics:

Blue Cookies #3 is very compact and bushy. Not dwarfish like the other BC but it is small. It does appear that it will yield well for its size.

The Panama Red x Pineapple Thai has been nearly as great a plant as its brother. I had a real struggle with this one for a couple weeks. Just after flip, it started showing stress in the form of colour change. Surprisingly, it looked N-deficient. Ultimately, it was a combination of N-deficiency and growing medium pH. I got the pH back to acceptable then did a blood meal top dressing to get the N up. I trimmed it up and kept watch. Thankfully, it has rebounded well and the buds are starting to stack:

My plan is to keep the PRxPT and Blue Dream #3 as mothers. They are both worthy presuming the smoke is good.

As expected, this grow all the plants will be maturing at different times. It will be interesting to see how much pain it causes.

Thanks for following along!

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


When 4 of the 11 plants in this grow showed as male, they were removed as described earlier. This left empty space under the lights. I cannot abide with wasting energy I’m paying for so I made the decision to start a few new plants to fill in.

Here are the five minor-leaguers which have been called up to the big club:

They are:
*LA Confidential (2)
*Purple Kush
*Next Day Regrets (2)

Next Day Regrets is my name for a cross by our own world-famous @Instg8ter. It is Brutal Paw x Dirty Margarita. They have both been good from the start and are the tallest two plants in the picture. Tales of smells like opium and stripper perfume have me excited.


Mixed with Strawberry Hawaiian…strippers and strawberries , can’t go wrong, pulling up the Lazy -boy for this one, let’s see if they catch the big leaguers…:metal::sunglasses:


I’ve never grown Blue Dream until now. Buds are dense and hard already. These have a very unique bouquet. It’s a combination of pine, cat piss, and stinky feet.:man_shrugging:t4:

Kev :v:t4:


Took some glamour shots today.

Blue Dream

Blue Cookies


Nice looking girls I don’t know about stinky feet but they sure seem to like your grow conditions .


I’m getting it dialed in after I moved locations in the basement. I not yet happy with the humidity. I need it up some but I need a more robust humidifier.

They all suffered a bit from the temps being cool in the other spot but they’ve bounced back nicely.

Kev :v:t4:


The plants are in a growth spurt on the buds. Huge difference between last Friday and today. In particular, the Panama Red x Pineapple Thai along the biggest Blue Dream are jumpin.

PRxPT - @Instg8ter I never realized frosty it was in Panama or Thailand!

Blue Dream


The Thai was much frostier than the PR but those are exceeding any expectations for trich production…great job


@Kingmambo I have to get out more :frowning: some how I missed your thread

very nice thread and grows thanks for sharing it with us :slight_smile:

all the best and enjoy the day



The kids continue bulking up. Here are some pics from today:

Blue Cookies - 2nd pic is the same bud ten days apart.

Blue Dream

Panama Red x Pineapple Thai


Pulling up a chair.
I am about 1-2 weeks from harvesting Mark’s Blue Cookies. I have a grow log.
BigMike55’s Ongoing Cannabis Log.
Check it out. I am starting a new grow right after I clean the tent.
I will have 4 White Widow. An Afghani clone and maybe a Blue Cookies Clone or 2.




A few more shots of the Blue Dream from yesterday.

I’m very happy with the bud development on this plant. They’re really putting on bulk and getting more dense.

We’re getting there!

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


Your grow is looking awesome bro. I’m impressed every time you upload pics.


Thanks mate! The plants in this grow won’t reach their full potential in terms of size - thanks to my temperature challenges in veg. That’s okay. It forced me to find a better solution and they are killing it now.

Even the two little dwarf Blue Cookies I wanted to cut earlier are doing well. One is about 24” only but absolutely loaded with buds.

I’m glad I got it dialed in as I’ve got 20 seedlings of Aurora Project (NL#5xNL#1) coming in hot. Never a dull moment.

Kev :seedling: