Kush kings canna pharm

I’ve never had PM before, my wife sent me a pic and said what’s this?
I’m not at home, it looks like pm to me. I don’t have anything on hand for it. I googled it told her to use a baking soda and water mixture on them as a means to slow it down.
Is there anything else she can do to keep it at bay until I can get home? Or am I fucked? I won’t be home till next Wednesday.
I ordered sulfur but it won’t be there until the weekend.
I’m scared shitless I’m gonna loose it all and can’t do anything about it.


just make sure to do it at lights out! i almost killed my plants doing it with lights on


Hola KK

Water with a PH of 10 will stop it in its track
Also there is a product name "Sulphur Lime "
be carefull with this product it work extremely
well but the dosage has to be right.

You need more air flow and bring
moisture down to 50% at least,

Good luck



Also keeping your Temps in a 10f degree difference between lights on and off will help. Just defoliate the worst hit leaves and wipe the rest with a high ph water and kitchen towel. A Sulphur burn in the tent will kill it all, but I don’t recommend doing it in flower.


I am not sure with you but where I am at when the conditions are right the spores start to make their appearance. Going from wet to dry to wet seems to cycle that stuff up and with change in weather it makes the moisture swing much worse where I am at. I implemented an ozone generator to kill stuff in my grow place but it really has to be dialed in or it beats the hell out of the leaves so? I would rather stress the leaves a little rather than lose an entire grow to powder; hope you get this beat brother!


I would check out this Powdery mildew - An easily exterminated parasite.

@JoeCrowe has got all kinds of good info with empirical data/pics.

Sending good vibes :call_me_hand:


Hmm those are in bloom, that’s not good. Anything you spray on there will contaminate the crops! I’d just harvest the buds and make tincture. Spray plants in veg with sulfur 2x, the mildew will be dead, and won’t come back.


They are only in flower for two weeks so there’s really not much there to harvest.
I don’t get home until next Wednesday so I’m pretty helpless in this situation. :sob:


@Kushking902 how many plants are like that? Did your wife send any other pics or give you specifics on how many plants are seriously afflicted?

The one you posted looks heavy with pm…probably patient zero. If you’re hoping to be able to salvage at least some of the grow, I would ask her to turn off the fans while she gets some gloves and carefully bags up the worst ones, chops them, and start treating the rest with a potassium bicarbonate spray, only hitting the leaf and avoiding buds. You would have to keep on top of it for the rest of the grow, spraying every 4-5 days. It’s a lot of time and effort though, and the flower that comes out might not be the greatest.

It’s either that or chop everything and start over. If I was hurtin for bud and at least half the plants were still ok, I’d go for it…but if they’re all that bad, I’d say it’s time for a reset and double check the grow environmentals to see what can be improved on to help prevent it from possibly recurring in the future.


I don’t mind putting in the effort but I don’t want to put too much I her when I’m gone. She’s keeping an eye on it. That’s the only pic I have of it but she said it’s only on the bottom fans.


Much good luck Kushking902.
It sounds like she has her hands full with this one.


She definitely does. She’s gotten a bit cranky about it. I don’t blame her lol


I’m home and my beautiful wife did a wonderful job keeping things under control. I guess it was only a handful of lower leaves that had it. She removed them and there’s a dehumidifier and a couple extra fans going. Things seam to be ok. It’s definitely better than I thought lol my mind went straight to the whole room being toast when I seen the leaf with pm. I feared the worst not being able to see what was going on first hand lol


Here’s the room today. This is the beginning of week 4.


Hola KK

Keep a sharp eye on them
I can see those marking on
most of the stem I had the
same thing after treating my
plant with ph 10 water.



ooo yah water scale, great idea! It can look so much like a fungus sometimes.


Hey bro how are things going? I think winter hit us pretty fast still getting down to the 30’s once in a while so kinda cold here right now. Hope you are doing great and Happy New Year!

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Happy new year to you as well! The weather is fine in Nova Scotia :grinning: we’re sitting at a beautiful 11 degrees celsius with the sun shining.
Not what I’m used to this time of year but I’m definitely not going to complain


Might get to 13 very overcast but good for hiking.

How do you like your new system, I was thinking about doing something like that, looks so efficient! I am thinking I already have most of it since I am DWC. I am wanting something a little more user active/friendly! Plus cleaning I think would be easier? I am going to need a good recommend on a good Kush from you when you get a chance!

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Cant complain about the weather yesterday and today! Hope everyone has a great new years!