Gushmint test run fun (hopefully)

going to be popping these beans within the next few days and see if we can find something special! these were gifted to me from discord to help the breeder test and see what the deal is. any herms will get the boot just hope i catch them in time if it happens.

the line up
Gushmints from purple city genetics is the reversal that donated all the pollen
Gushmints x GG4 josey wales cut
Gushmints x capjunky/alien mints
gushmints x dantes inferno tiki madman cut
gushmints x apples and bananas from compound genetics.

going to run them in canna coco 70/30 perlite in 2 or 3 gallon pots will be using a 650 watt LED (they can sponsor me if they want a name drop :p)
nutrients will be Jacks 321 hand fed



Nice! Here we go Looking forward to it bro :facepunch:t2:


That GG4 x Gush Mints could be really nice. Best of luck with them!


Good luck with these , I’ll stay in a corner to see :wink:

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Looking forward to see your results! :partying_face::sunglasses::peace_symbol:

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We have Gush Mints direct from PCG, and its a banger. High potency, strong tasty terps and 3/light easy.
Running a Gush Mints x Wedding Cake cross from PCG right now, about 3.5 weeks in flower and look amazing.
Bet you find some killer genetics in there!


this is good to hear! i know the breeder loves the gushmint and says its a producer so im excited


well got myself a 3x3 veg tent off market place all set up and got the seedlings all into their Q plugs heat mat set to 74 and the 150 watt led set at 20%. now all i can do is wait and see who decides to sprout.

updates will be slow for the first month until the fun begins. Happy Canada day to all the canucks.


excited to see where this goes! gushminnts tents to grow tall and form heavy spears. youll need to tie her up well. hopefully you find some terp forward phenos worth keeping


getting some life. 48 hours.


I’ve run the GM clone from PCG a couple of times now, and it’s really nice. Looking forward to seeing your crosses


20/21 with one iffy one alot better than i was expecting after my last cap junky failure.


Yea I’m gonna pull up a chair for this one

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seedlings got way to stretchy on me so i planted them into some coco filled solo cups. 20/21 remain but i can see 2 or 3 that are stunted and might not make it. as long as i have 16 i think that would be perfect. any more is a plus


Note to self first feed with nutes at 350 ppm

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not having much fun. stunted and environment issues. prob set myself back 2 weeks gave a higher feed 750ppm 3 oz shot of water. killed one off that was broken at the stem. temps are 69f and 73% humidity lifted the lights and turned the power to 50% to try and get more heat.

this is why i much prefer clones


back on track. and kicking into gear. was under feeding and watering.


they look great! i wouldnt sweat an extra week or two. once you find a mother pheno you like youll get past this stage way faster anyhow. seeds are so fussy. they do look healthy. we rooting for ya. they look a bit hungry but dont all children

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ya there picking up and on higher feed and frequency. thanks for the support :+1:


29 days since planted. some leaf curl on a few and maybe some deficiencies ? can be my imagination though had their new feed yesterday around 900 ppm. will get them up to 1200ppm with in the next 10 days and then see if they can handle the full jacks dose. around 1450 ish including tap water before transplanting.