Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Heirlooms are IBLS. Let’s take those 2 ( skunk is arguably heirloom due to age .)off the list lol. I don’t think anyone has taken either of these 2 to the 25th generation
In my mind the only heirloom cookies out there are made by Nabisco😁


Although the late 70’s stinky stuff from Northern California is a piece of history I wished I owned.


Yeah. This!


I’m pretty sure that MM was whatever wicked shit was being grown outdoors in Australia back in the day. Could be PNG or Thai or a mix of both.


I’d been told it was an old Thai/ Old Mother hybrid. Maybe png in there too, but my understanding is that PNG itself is a 50’s era Thai transplant brought to the highlands by Aussies after WW2. So maybe Old Thai = Png?


I read about a 30 foot tall Italian( extinct) Hemp. I can find nothing on it now. I thought Dalat was 30 feet?


It shows why hemp makes such excellent rope. Seriously long fibers.


everything is possible.
I have not heard soooooo much from this Region , that i could present you Data where the biggest Plnts came from.

If you read robert Clarkes book, there are different Segregations of Gentics, 1) Hemp Crops, and 2) recreational Crops. Or in between.
Never is a Strain smokable just collectd from one of those Semi-wild populations.
BUT some Features of Semiwild escaped Cultivars are similar to the same Regions domesticated Cultivars. Thats an interesting notion aswell.

That means, well, if its from Dalat (Vietnam) Region, it could be just a Hemp cultivar, or semiwild, and would THEREFORE in my opinion be gigantic. Cause the pattern i see is that also the whole Regions Plants , Laos Thailand, and China display the Gigantism quiet often.

When you reason wether or not Dalat was invaded by Italian /French hemp. And this resulted in the most pleasant powerful Weed on Erarth that i search for my Live long. Then i just dont assume that what i smoked is Hemp-influence.
Many of my research showed that the best came from this Tribe in dalat.
Many reports also discussed wether Hempy weak Cannbis is actually the norm in Vietnam.
So Vietnamese has always had a very steep Difference of Reports ranging from weak pure Garbage , and the most legandary weed peoples ever smoked. (bouth Reports from the 70s)

So, yeah, i just have problems thinking this has to do with my beloved “legendary smoke” from Vietnam. Because this steep Difference of Smokereports,

and because Robert Clarkes anekdote that Hemp and Recreational Crops were found somehow separated , thats why it just makes most sense for me.that legendary smoke has nothing to do with hemp. Hemp could have been there in Vietnam, form foreign genetics. but again, my reserches show a different pattern , if you ask me, But there are thousand interpretations one can make of the sparse data wich i nicely presented in this post. so think yourselve.

I smoked Cambodian Haze (3/4 Cambodian Genetics) wich also has a “hempy” High. Actually i rather call it a soft High. HEmpy high would men unvaforable Traits… Atleast the HEmp i smoked had tonns of unfavorable Traits. It smells even shitty, ever tried to hang hemp in your BEdroom? youll almost trow up after couple days of intense HEmp smells, even it has sweet notes too…

So, this Cambodian haze, makes me think, there were soft Cultivars in the overall region ?.. it just learns me alsot. but really, i BET if Italian weed or French weed is selected for HEmp mostly… then its bah, just badtasting weak weed.

If Italian or French weed was Drugcultivar (probably beacuse its an imported Greek Kalamata Red) , then i can atleast imagine it as cross to Vietnamese, and this becomes Dalat.

ITs just a bit a puzzle, if i reseach where the strongest came from in Vietnam, and 4 unrelated PErsons say “a Tribe called Mountagnards” one of them says “black Hmnong” , wich is just a more southern “Mountagnard”. Anyway, and any of those Guys are expelled from the main population…

And if i reserch Congolese tripweed, and people say it came from the pigmys… I think other strong cultivars not just form the tribe…
Anyway, i just stick to it. I believe THE BEST LAndraces were inbreed. Because all the reports point to Secluded Cultures. I dont see pigmys and expelled Black Hmong Mountagnards as the most connected PEoples. Theyre bouth the opposite. Theyre for themselve till today they are the last tribes…

For me , i dont know what to do with your big Hemp, i dont reserch bigness-patterns, i reserch TIPWEED. And the Data i found for Tripweed point to inbreeding,.

But a last Note: the Guiness Record Hemp looks like a slightly sweet smoke !
So, its not a pure garbage HEmp weed. But its a weak smoke still. Like French and Italian Weed is known for… haha… mostly.

Im a total mess at the moment. hehe


I mean, yes, Hoabac - Reefermn per example has quiet Fat Seeds
(Seeds for Food as in China?), that could mean it has Chinese Genetics in this “Vietnamese”.
Reeferman said from wich Tribe the Hoabac came from, i googled the History of them, and they have Chinese descent. So yeah, could be Hoabac is Chinese Anchestry. Then 50 Years acllimatized. outcrosse to viet? i mean its a nice classy smoke,

In gneral its said that Hmong brought hemp from China when migrating to Vietnam. But the Black Hmong in the South (Dalat) are still to differ from them. Exactly from them comes THE BEST.

If there was French/Italian Hemp in SE Asia, i dont know. Possible.


Of course I didn’t find it. The internet has been scrubbed recently. Only 15 pages for each search result and after page 15 the articles repeat. (Approved articles only of course)


You have to clear your mind of the hemp image you have. Chinese hemp is a very different plant than European Hemp. Chinese Broadleaf Hemp can be made potent by breeding the thc dominant plants only. (About 4% thc is possible…which is about the average for 70’s/ 80’s imported pressed bud that made it into the states). If you were to make Hash from a field of CBH it would have similar potency to todays Moroccan hash. So then… crossed with a true drug cultivar, who knows? Anything is possible. There have been multiple migrations of Northern peoples from Hemp producing areas of China into Southeast Asia.
Ruderalis has no potency yet has been effectively used in numerous breeding programs to make potent offspring. Chinese Hemp is by far much more potent than Ruderalis.


yes, but yet again i reserched unbiassed. I reserched these Moutagnards who migrated. I had the Chinese Strains in mind that they brought , i was thinking how could Chinese be my beloved Southern Vietnamese. And i researched where exactly these Mountagnards lived. Not long into my reserch they showed dna Analysis of Mountagnards and wich belong to wich or are related to wich…, and they mentioned that the Southern Mountagnards were not immigrants. NOT IMMIGRANTS. They were there for longer Time … And thats exactly where my beloved Dalat Vietnamese Weed comes from.
So, i dunno . but i couldnt been more openminded, its just that it points thowards no outcrossing

(yes, the dna Analysis of these Montagnards showed anyway lots of mixups with other tribes, atleast to a degree… Ao, yeah, you can speculate if the Chinese weed they brought outcrossed with the Southern HAmong. OF CORSE, but, it would be hard to find that proove. I anyway leave it open upstate. who knows.)


Lately I’m thinking that the tall Cangshan style Sativas are what fathered both Chinese Broadleaf Hemp AND the Southeast Asian Drug cultivars. Someday we will know I hope.

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And Dalat flowers MUCH longer than other Vietnamese strains, perhaps showing isolation from the effects of introduced hemp.

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Chinese hemp is the only BLH (subsp. sativa) I’ve ever heard of. It seems like it was bred for fiber, without any consideration of THC percentage.


Could this be the case with that Tiger Berry strain?

Also wondering what’s the deal with TLT’s Chinese cultivar that isn’t hemp allegedly.


Euro hemp seems more geared for fiber, with low test results all around - very specialized.
Chinese hemp seems more diverse in both use and test results.
I can see why, after broad chromatograph and genetic testing that China, and outlying area, is thought to be the genesis of cannabis.
Whereas if you look at Europe, its very bottle-necked towards agriculture - Id assume that they were already happy with their own medicines: ergotamine, mushrooms, DMT, henbane, mugwort, and others, so they didnt need for cannabis to be a drug/medicine. Also, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria all kept Silk Road traders from freely going back and forth from Middle East to Europe.


tiger Berry ? Chinese TLT? Korean -from oldhippy?

I find the tiger berry interesting, but not Landrace, and unusable to shorten the magic Thai Stuff… to much Afghani or whatever…

TLTs Chinese. None of bouth i like.

But i already like the Korean - from oldhippy.

Problem? its almost located close enough to Thai, but just still bit farrelated.

A Chinese would be closer, right?

And i cant find one that i like, old one…
I thought once Fudji Snowhighseeds look cool, but didnt finish my third eye analysis… eventually.

Koran or the Fudij.are all i can come up with. Probably ok, especially the Korean.

Its the only chinese hemp I’ve heard of too. It was bred for long fiber. But whereas thc was intensionally bred out of European Hemp, the natural percentages of Thc in Broadleaf Hemp were never tampered with. It ranges from nil to 4% and i read of a 5 % thc plant. Cbd in Broadleaf Hemp also ranges up to 4%. In theory Its similar to middle eastern hash plants in potency…at least according to the %'s.


It never ceases to amaze me how different everything is east of the Tibetan Plateau.