Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Should I bring up that Burmese has some ‘broader’ leaf sativa as well ??

I think the broader leaf large growing plants from burma , Manipur, Tibet, Nepal , malana etc deserve a lot more attention then they get. High elevation ganja plants are something truly special


The internet especially
Google had been fuked for some time now.

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I agree with romanoweed. Tigerberry has modern genetics in it. Its Not a landrace imo but
. there must be lots of semi domesticated farmhouse strains in China. There is weed in many places there. Rather than doing any breeding, id think most people people would just collect buds from desireable plants. The good ones likely have a certain smell or look any lover of weed could spot.


The interesting thing is there are areas where large amounts of hemp still grow up in the hills from when it was farmed there , I saw a documentary about how the police there are constantly arresting local kids for smoking and bringing the stuff back down with them. Hemp back then was not quite the same plant it is today in the commercial settings so there could be some interesting genetics in those hills.


I agree. Many of these regions produce such big plants, makes it hard to work with indoors and outdoors they won’t finish for most of us.
Tibet. I’d love to seed hunt Tibet.


I rememder seeing thc % of American ditchweed. Somewhere in the midwest produced plants with 2 or 3 % thc. Rates Higher than Ruderalis…it still.autoflowers and is bigger. If i lived out there I’d be breeding with it.


I’m sure somebody is but not me, I like my herb a lot stronger and more stable then what that would produce . It might serve a good purpose in some places for some people but you won’t ever see me messing with auto flowers or ruderalis of any kind.


Should be as stable as ruderalis crosses with the obvious benefit of great resistance to local diseases, insects and climate if its found in your area ( i don’t mean you.)as well as ccoming in a larger size package.than ruderalis. Not only is it a viable option for those into autoflowers, it could be the best option out there. Potency wise Illinois and Indiana Hemp were tested to be most potent with the most potent plants coming in between 1.5-2.37%.( kentucky hemp was not tested)and cbd fro 0 -7%. About like Moroccan hash today. While I admit this sounds low, ruderalis is even lower at .5% thc for highs. These tests were done at a time when commercial bud averaged 5% using the same tests. I’m into the Sativas myself but I’d love for someone to use Americn Hemp and see what happens. I’ve got some Kentucky hemp from @misterbee and am getting some Chinese Broadlesf Hemp, from which Kentucky Hemp descends. I’m curious more than anything about its potential. . I’d like to find my own thc dominant hemp and see what it does.


A friend found feral hemp on a trail in north Missouri…growing ten and twelve foot tall.


Same here. Either Tibet, Bhutan or both. Tibet probably doesn’t get very many visitors and Bhutan strictly controls the number of tourists every year. That sort of political and geographic isolation means very, very little or no genetic contamination. Then there is probably a dizzying natural variety.
If I were to go searching for the wild progenitor of cannabis, I’d be eyeballing Tibet for sure.


Ain’t that the truth! lol

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If I lived near a bunch of feral hemp, I’d be pollinating it with drug variety pollen and dropping seeds all over the place. I can’t be the only person to ever think of that. In fact, pollinating and planting your own seeds in feral patches may be one of the best-kept secrets in the community.


You should post some of those pictures in the Indian thread

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Durban and Malawi are about 2500 km apart, but it’s nearly a straight line. It also passes near Lesotho. All landraces along that route probably have a common ancestor. Genetics have probably gone back and forth for a while.

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There was trade between Egypt and Mesopotamia, and between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilization. If I recall correctly, the pharoahs consumed cannabis. As old as trade itself, indeed.


but that was 2000 years ago i recall? if so, then it adapted most probably a bit …
(i guess you refere to King Solomon who gave his Egyptian Strain to Pygmies, congolese People)

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Really? Super cool info. Where did you come across that tidbit of info? Fascinating how much this plant can change. The chameleon.

I think i read that when researching the Black African Strain from the Pygmies.
it could have come from the Guy who sells his supposed Black African, i cant remeber tho if he said it…
The guy is on the Net on various Plattforms by the way.
One Site he made is growlikejoe . org .
Hes called Joe Pietri

I found him on various podcasts on Youtube, trying to find out if he is truthful.

Well, he rather made me doubt, 1) cause he is complaining about literally everyone like Sam Skunkman, Nevil, everyone is a bad guy in his eyes… Very weird…
2) he made very confusing statements, cause first he says that all these scammers sell outcrossed Landraces instead of selling true Landrace wich in his eyes is the best… BUT later he mentioned that he often stabilizes a Strain till F8 , and he mentioned that a Strain will often perform better in our Climate if outcrossed … Sounds like a typical Breeders thinkingpath

So: counting 1 and 2 Together, i could imagine that some of his Landraces (Black African, Senegalese … and so forth, could be outcrossed, and then backcrossed 8 times ???

All in all he seemed to speak of this Outcross-for-performability technique like something he is proud of… wich is just very conflicting with him telling “other people outcross their Landraces and seel them as pure” .

Anyaway, this are just my thought, no claim…

And it could be that note about King Solomon came from him given how ultracontroversial he speaks about literally every big guy in the buisness.

Yup. Dutched. I think you are dead on right. I’ve seen photos of his black african and imo it looks hybridized with modern genetics

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