Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

"The effect is psychedelic, electric but not stimulating, you can do everything, but you are continuously in a trippy mode,subsequently it takes you to a relax phase, but always functional, never couchlock…
Aroma skunky, spicy, little bit of incense, hashish,burnt rubber… "
One plant was light, like hemp cbd.
According to my notes, the seeds were f3 (or p3), labeled Afghan, but on the same trip seeds were also taken in Herat, although these should be from Kabul.


That sounds like the right strain.


Sheberghan balk at about 8 weeks. Should be 8 to 10 im guessing seeds were from @Upstate .
Rock hard buds. Very sweet creamy smell. Super sticky


I so wish I could grow that where I live. Beautiful baseball bats. I hope she smokes good for you @Kasper0909


Humboldt Seed Company (HSC). Big difference from Humboldt Seed Organization. HSC is the real deal. I’ve popped a lot of their seeds and only one (if i remember right)wasn’t to my liking. and that’s because it felt a little “couch lockity” not my style.


The other Lolab Valley volunteer. The purple one was just harvested. That one I’m confident is pure. This plant I’m not so sure. It might be a hybrid with Sudan. Sudan×Lolab. If I’m right, I know the most likely momma Sudan, and she wasn’t anything special. These flowers form in a similar way, and smell is in the Sudan range, with a Lolab lemon backdrop. Resin is building, so maybe this will be better. Hoping to make hash with it. Couple cold wet days in a row coming up. Highs in the 40’s.


i went from changing all clothes the first year i grew, to just spray myselve with those Water-spray-bottles. Ive not yet found a Case where i saw contamination. I really use allot water till im almost as it rained on me (or walked trough extreemly dense morningwinter Fog). i also rub over it at the end so everything gets covered with moisture.
I dont recommend to do such experiments but it seems i was lucky till now. Its just faster when going to Spot 1, and then you can continue moving to Spot 2 after spraying


So my Peshawar Afghani outside

Oaxacan x red snake top buds

AHP I moved outside to finish

AHP clone with purple pistils

Oaxacan clone outisde


Hey @Upstate I’m new to the site and wondering where you’re getting your seeds from? I’m looking for Oaxacan :thinking:


Is there any way you can share with me where I can get these seeds?
I 100% want to grow this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


It’s bulking up now finally. Anyone reading this…I just want to give some credit where credit is due. It’s obvious @420noob REALLY wants to try Oaxaca and Peshawar. He’s been flowering the indoor plants 4 months, and Peshawar is barely flowering.
He has hopefully just discovered the cause. …a light leak. Way to persevere bro. Many would have given up…with the empty jars and all the extra time…May the Great Spirit smile upon your grow and bless you with extra resinous goodness for your extra efforts.
The lesson? Don’t let obstacles stand in the way of what you want to achieve. Do it.


The Oaxaca are from Cryptic Labs…aka Mystic Funk. I don’t know if he is going to put them in circulation again. From my conversation with him it sounds like he is moving on to something else. I did an open pollination a few years ago but have passed out my extras from that run. However, some other members gifted me back some seed of their runs.
Stick around…Oaxaca seeds seem to magically appear if you do. Welcome to OG!


Welcome to OG brother, @MNGrower you will be surprised at how many people will offer you amazing stuff on here stick around and I’m sure you will find what you’re looking for


Problems or opportunities, good job @420noob! Always some fly in the ointment and super awesome to figure it out!


Took 2 Oaxacan clones waiting so oh ya I’m hooked. I smoked a small true sativa joint.:exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head::drooling_face:. Wow buzz lasts long time and no ceiling :crossed_fingers:. I don’t give up on projects or flowers easily. I kept many disasters just to see what happens I push my mistakes and use them as learning instead of trash. Unless it can spread of course.


Wait til you smoke a big one😉. I always reach my desired high before a bowl is finished. Believe it or not, I haven’t smoked it in a J. I better remedy that situation! Today is the day!


@Willydread here’s the Peshawar. Striking similarity.

Mine and then yours


Maybe rub a little charas before you process the rest into hash. Whatever you do, I’m looking forward to a smoke report. I’ve heard Kashmir is quite potent. That Ethiopian will probably add a bit of an “up” effect.
Gorgeous plant, by the way.


The Sudan was stoney smoke. Definitely some cbd in there and the Lolab could also have cbd in it…so should be medicinal stuff. I’m sure I’ll have at least some finger hash to try in lieu of rubbing charas…but close enough for me this time. Someday rubbing charas would be

The Turkish keepers @GregOG. Beat up by the weather, but they made it thru this wet summer. It will take some doing, but I’m planning on acclimating this one to NY and to isolate the thc phenos.
The Lolab/SudanxLolab volunteer last night


She just got hit by five inches of rain over the weekend…as did the Turkish