Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Im not shure, but i guess todays Landraces are different then old ones. I only like old Landraces todate . All my Best of Landraces-Lines are old. from 70s, probably 80s. But i can only speak for SE Asia.
It could be more important that we Westeners preserve the old Lines well.
Just open pollination can make them weak, smallscale Selection can loose the half landrace.

I envision a given old Line to be kept in a western Comunty, each person holding a Fraction, the whole community making it a vigorous unbottlenecked race.


I’ve been thinking the same thing Romanoweed. Half a dozen of us could have different lines of the same landrace, and every three to five Generations, we all SWAP them out and mix Em Up to keep the genetics from getting bottlenecked. This would allow for a much greater numbers of seeds to be run at the same time than just one person doing it.


It’d be pretty neat to try something from Botswana. The guy said it would be a bushman’s landrace. Apparently, the farmers all congregate in a village (appropriately named weed, translated) each year at harvest time. He’s going to go there at that time of year and get some seeds. Have you heard of a Botswana landrace? Or any others that are rare from that neck of the woods? I could ask him to look.


We have the technology to do what you say. A friend is growing WOS Col. gold in the wichitas I sent him ace Panama and undergrounds Santa Martha seeds. His on f5 with the WOS variety. He sent me f4 seeds grown in southern Oklahoma


I grew.out my pineapple Thai from 707. Not sure it qualifies as heirloom but here you go… Shabud did a great job on this one. Its a citrus smelling saliva leaner with nice fluffy buds and a 70 day flowering time.
I.cut a bud off having seen that the pistols were pink and white and the trichomes were getting cloudy.
I smoke some skunk or other hybrid almost every night. Usually Island sweet skunk or bubba. My tolerance is fairly high. I decided to smoke this on a Friday in case it kept me awake and I dint want that if going to work the next day. Other strains can sometimes leave me sleepy in the mornings
So I cut off a bud and put it in my dehydrator for 2 hours at 145 degrees. I put the dried bud in my bong and torched three hits. Immediate feeling if cerebral displacement. A slight change of elevation as it were.
I walked the dog and was slightly amused at the way he bounced around the yard and was surprised by my neighbors antics in their meadow. Apparently they decided to go muddying at 10pm
I didn’t become freaked although they were wandering around their property with flashlights for another 2 hours.
After going beck inside I put in some grateful dead and laid down having taken my other medIicines
The music sounded great and when you the interrupted the Aoxomoxoa album with a Jefferson airplane song I was over the moon
My body began relaxing and pains increased then began letting go entire body much like Romulan cross weed does.
I woke up with dry mouth about and got a drink. Then work up at 450 refreshed. Went back to sleep briefly and got up at six feeling great. There was no high over or sleepy feelings


With a 70 day flower time, it’s been many, many generations since that plant seen Southeast Asia. Thai is just a marketing term at that point


@Towntripper Yes, we have the Technology to do that possibly. On my 6years hunt for the legendary vietnamblack i tried to find out how the Legends were created. The approved firsthand knowledge i recieved is: Basically noncomercial Landracegrows in SEAsia were like the Equivalent of Wineyards today. Everyone grew it, it was in every Garden here and there, and carefully kept. Armthick Buds, vigorous Beasts were the common View… Also from another Person i heard they did infact have separate Pollination Spots often on lonely Hills! So, they had a breedingprogram!
So, there was Breeding, but i dont know if they also kept seeds from the Gardens (if they pollinated at home) , So shure is;: they bread, and growing was extensive, continuing till the Horizon.

Yes, we have the Techniques, we can grow them, simple as that, we just have to do it. And we can exchange the same Strain like @upstate mentioned here. The vigor of a small mini selection WILL improove if we share santa marta selections ! For shure. The Scince says we need 2000 Plants to preserve vigor, multiple Minds , multiple Growspots, multiple Seedbatches will all help preserving a Line basically without big hassle. (i mean breedingwise no hassle, multiple Tastes will cover a full Spectrum of Traits)


Further. I heard how that famous Strawberry Cannabis-Strain was made (rarely known in US). Im not shure if the real Strawberry is still alive, It came from Switzerland, and i heard it was simply Cannabisplants kept from Wives mostly for the Nice Look over many Centuries. It was legall back then, partly it was also smoked by Farmers at evening to relax. It was shared like you imagine this idyllic old Times from Neighbours to neighbours, selected rather by Eye. A Gardenplant simple as that.

Well and the Status of Legend was pretty high, everyone liked it totally for that insane strawberry Taste. Then it couldnt be found while probhibition started. I never heard there was a Strawberry-Line from somewhere else that came that close to tasting like Strawberries, alltho i cant say for shure.
All i wanna say, a pretty vague Selection, done simply by Eye, but widespread over Switzerland created a Legend untouched by many others Lines. Probably it was Swiss Climate, still, these Housewives meandering around Gardens did something complex and deeply respected by mostly European Cannabislovers. It doesent need Experts to do that acording these Stories from SE Asia, and Switzerland to create and hold Legends. It simply needs Community (or massive massive operations)


Botswana is actualy a pretty hevay cannabis growing area but I’m not sure of any specific names used for cannabis there. Dagga is used but it also refers to a plant with orange flowers that makes you hallucinate.


i would think it is and that is another breeder i have been interested in especially the thai and catpiss, ok almost all shabuds strains. Sounds like a happy carefree type of high which is good considering some thai can produce paranoia from what i had heard.


Pineapple t did not put me to sleep but “let” me sleep…possible it has some cbd.


I hear yah here, seems to me when we choose to grow outdoors we are accepting that chance, maybe its diff now but when i was outdoors and the peeps i know mostly all came from certain areas,and those certain areas had been growing for generations,and there neighbors then grow as well. And i can appreciate this from both angles the guy who puts real love and real time into his work, and the open pollination fans on the other end. But have to side with you on this, to me if its outdoors your admitting your taking your chances. and i do not mean anything negative about growing outdoors, but I had only one apple tree at my last place, it always had apples


@Who That doesent mean that growing in Thailand long ago brought up the most insane Weed i ever knew. If they managed to do it, thats what i am concentrated in. Further, how we could manage to keep that fire up is a different Question, our Outdoorselections might get pollinated, but vigor and Fire might also get lost if we now say, its not possible

If Biologists aknowledge the Power of Landraces, and yes i saw even Dokus where they basically praised them, normal Dokus, not Hippyvideos, about breeders at their Work.
The only thing that Landraces sometimes leak (not even as a given Pattern) are nonexuisite Traits, like Yeald, Performability,Practicability (evtl. necessary acllimatisation for Outdoor), and such
I like the excuisite Traits. And fast selection for Performability, Practicability might lessen the Fire. And is in some Lines not even that needed i guess
So, i aim for what them Landraces already are, and just possibly aim for acclimatisation, but overall concentrate on continuing the Legacy. And possibly this needs extended communal Grows, possibly the inbreeding depro is not a problem, who knows… i tend to trust Scientists.
They can be grown indoors, or in Greenhouses probably, atleast here i did not found a OG x Viet in my seedbatch yet


@Who The Solution: People who cant tell Difference betwen a Thai and an OG Stray pollen yet, should not be included in a collective Preservation.
But even an expert could probably not spot Differece between very close rel. Lines like Thai and Vietnamese one might say… Well this in a small Proportion wouldnt hurt at all, its actually like already was at Origin.


You could probably expect any lines found within 1000 miles / 1500km of each other to share recent ancestors. That’s easily within walking distance, and humans have always carried seeds and animals back and forth as they travel.

Then if the micro-climate is similar enough the selective pressure should come down to the farmers goals and intentions, when choosing which plants live and die.

That’s what piqued my interest with the Vientiane Laos ‘Mango Thai’. It’s not supposedly semi-wild. The farmers are growing it specifically for export to Thailand, so they’re making all the same choices in their parent selection as we would make.


I found this from my conversation with the guy who will be looking for the Botswana landrace.


Man, you (and lots of others) amaze me with all of your landrace knowledge and involvement. It’s really interesting to me. Thanks for sharing. peace


Gotta second this sentiment @Upstate has amazed me more than once on his Ps n Qs.


Thanks guys. That means alot to me.


I’ve said it before and will say it a-g-a-i-n…@Upstate’s description/narrative of plants mentioned IS THE B-E-S-T I have EVER read, EVEN from some of the most revered Strain Hunters/Breeders. In our midst, we have a “Resident Sage”, knowledgeable, somewhat humble and, super eager to assist a fellow grower. @ReikoX, @AllOra, @Heritagefarms, @lefthandseeds and @Worcestershire_Farms are ALL on ANOTHER LEVEL!!! I, long ago, put them in US-based Hall of Fame. You can’t go wrong with ANY of the knowledge imparted by either, believe me. ALL, do enjoy a favorable weekend, stay safe and, be well.