Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

There are some who claim it is an Aussie landrace. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t one from that continent. Bastard cannabis is not a heavy producer, and not very potent. But in a hybrid…who knows?


this sounds so familiar - I asked about a strain and the 2nd email the prices were converted to Euros and quad pricing from their listing…no thanks is all i could say…


3 yrs ago i had 6 malawi from seeds of africa in my greenhouse and a strawberry sour diesel. well the straw sour d. wound up being a male and 2 of my malawi were full of seed. i kept what i could and this year started 20 of these for a friend 14 were female. these things are friggen huge! 15fters right now. he’s got them outside in 25 gal fab. pots. only get 6hrs direct sun. completely organic grow. 1 leaf of his biggest plant was 16in l x 12in. w! these are even bigger than the pure malawi were. his colas are going to be the biggest I’ve ever witnessed in person. ill see if i can get some pics to post next time I’m over there. sure not a pure landrace but about 95% sativa. and this is in cold ass n. Maine. yes they were started indoors in april.


That’s awesome :v:


Not quite sure but i would think since the strain seems to be somewhat heirloom/ acclimated to Australia I would think it would work well in outcrosses either for more incognito style plants as with the freakshow or for introducing heat and humidity tolerance to strains because it looks like the nuggs produced by the ABC are dense and depending on where it was bred/acclimated australia can be both hot and humid. The Both plants look interesting and seem to be a way to reintroduce novel aspects/canabinoids/terps and probable good qualities if used as an outcross for a strain to be linebred or outcross for an already inbred strain. But i would think the incognito aspects of abc may be linked to its low potency. Csi also dropped alot of abc crosses that i was interested to see how they turned out.


Man, another Mainer!!! I’m up here in The County, Mars Hill, to be exact. Where are you? Do enjoy a safe weekend, stay safe and, be well.


I actually think a plant with ABC somewhere in its ancestry would do well outdoors in socals hot/humid ash covered environment right now. That or sativa landrace. I would be more so intrested in seeing an abc x african landrace or abc x mideast/ stan landrace grown in socal doing this type of weather. They should do well


Hey it’s you! Welcome to the madness!


I’m up in frenchville . sea monkeys from portland. thanks for the welcome. i stop and eat often at the rusty crab.


lol! i just posted a response as you posted yours. yeah i get around. :wink:


he just chopped 2 of these that he stuck in his grow tent done scrog under leds. colas the size of my forearm! his biggest one green was 1.6 oz. he’s gonna have pounds from those 2 plants! he cut some a couple weeks back and smoked some of it tonight and he said its killer. and hes a heavy burner too. wait till’ that stuffs cured! super dense buds coming from over 90% sativa. i know what I’m growing next summer!


Rusty is a personal friend, once worked for/with him at Natural Potatoes (name has changed). Dude was a damn good Chef. Doing well with his operation. You have a good week, stay safe and, be well.


you to. yeah he sure cooks up one mean burger! fished with him a few times.


Hi, the only authentic lambsbread I saw and grew was from the vibes collective. You can see the jahgreenlabel thread on icmag.

Rahan its original breeder the only thing he wanted was that it never be sold in pure form. You can find his lambsbread in hybrids of undergroun seeds collective in double jam and colombia gold x jamaican lambsbread. Some time ago it was sold in pure form to help a user of icmag (dansbuds) who suffered from cancer.

fotografia de jahgreenlabel

lambsbread 20 week

A little history


Thanks! Super cool! Have you tried any of the Lambsbread crosses? Looks like it flowers forever! You have tried many, many landraces. What is your favorite?


Is that the same plant 20 weeks later?


this is why everyone needs to get landraces now. This was a picture I got, and I quote I got from an African farmer. I acquired the landrace, but as you can imagine, it will be ruined by next year. All the local farmers want skunk


Its been on my mind that its very hard to find landraces, for some time. dozens of breeders use landrace names then you look and its some poly and alot of the time does not even have a parent of the strain there naming it.


In the grand scheme it sucks, but tell that to the local people who know they have the option to better their own lives. We see landrace as a stabile “wild” gene pool that can be used as a base. To find something special and then cultivate and “domesticate”. But then turn around to tell the locals with the wild stuff to not try to do the same for their own benefit. No one likes being told what they can and can’t do. especially for the sake of people they will never meet, or based on what someone on the other side of the planet is saying is best for them. It’s a tough issue since the pollen spreads far and wide so easily. We need those land races for future breeding stock, but how you tell the locals they should keep their wild ditchweed and not try the improved upon versions for themselves. If they had the ability to selectively breed just their local landrace into a desirable strain, that would be great. But it’s just so much easier to get some hybrid that was already worked and just plant a few of those.

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Web results
Species information: Cannabis sativa - Flora of Botswana