Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Thank you for that I agree, only starting to try and grow these varieties now and I must say there aren’t many available strains on the open market that haven’t ready been well worked and made stable already but I also suppose there aren’t many people that will be willing or able to grow out enough seeds to find a good plant if they weren’t stabilised.


There are pretty few 70s Lines in Circulation . The modern 2020 Lines seem very different, not the Same. Trippy Legends may all be true. I experienced one of them. So i know they should be true.

Plant Expression-wise:
Im not shure if they need Stabilisation that much.
As long as you not on Equator its easyest : buy a CMH-Fullspectum-Light, give them 400 Intensity or more, to replicate Origin. (CMH Lights are close to Sunlight, 400 Intensity is close to Sunlight, Indoortemperatures are close to Equatorial). I am Outdoorlover, but that aint work
Have you ever been in a Zoo? In the tropical-IndoorArea they keep telling you how hard it is to grow those Plants, its different climate
I heard couple Times tropicals want many many Watts.

So, IF you want to EXPERIENCE the Legends:
1: You have even to find out wich regions 70s Landrace is your Favorite
2: You have to find such a Line
3: You may have to replicate Origin Climate (however you do that)
4: You have to make the Right breedingdecision, Selection, versus open poll, versus Cuttings, Closeoutcrossing, Acllimatisation… I mean you want to have them forever. Any approach influences.

I wished these Lines would be easy to get, so it wouldnt be such a big Pile of work, any Compromiss in the 4 Points would prevent you from the real magic Experience to a Degree, i guess


Thank you and agreed again,I’m in south Africa and we are very lucky to have a mostly subtropical climate through out the country, southern and eastern coastlines are very humid and tropical but once you get closer to the tip of south Africa we still have e really good weather but humidity drips alot due to the cold Antarctic currents that move up along our western coastline, I stay hear as I don’t like humidity but I like a good coastline and we have mountains to boot😅 I’m busy growing some destroyer seeds now and I’m quite sure one will be either magenta or purple, so I’ve been doing alot of reading and getting myself all excited😂 it’s those joys you have when starting something new in your life and being completely absorbed, they don’t last long as you become more experienced so I’m reveling in it at this point!


Arjan traveling to Jamaica was just a publicity stunt in my opinion. By the 90s Jamaica was already covered in hybrid weed from my understanding. He may have given them strains with names that they repeated, like “Ice” or “purple skunk”, but Jamaica was a stopping point on smuggling routes for decades. People refueled there on flights from South America. It also had the reputation for Rasta and weed and that brought with it a lot of drug tourism. People have been bringing seeds there a long time. By the 90s I doubt there was anything pure to find. The 80s brought a lot of things to Jamaica.

Now bringing seeds to remote parts of the Congo or something. That is a different story.


Preservation by selling people fem beans that can’t be reproduced with out a outside source for the male. The guy is truly santa clause isent he.


Now it’s a bit further back in the discussion, but for Acapulco Gold and it’s relative potency, I think it’s really important to remember what era it was from. Acapulco Gold is really the first “name strain” out there.

Acapulco Gold probably became popular in the 50s. It was a popular vacation spot and I am sure many people simply bought weed on vacation, or from people they met on vacation. Regardless of where it was grown it was probably obtained in Acapulco, where young gringos wouldn’t be out of place.

My Mom was a stoner back in the 60’s and she said that there were only two things available. Regular “grass” or the “gold”. There were no other strains or names in her time.

My personal opinion is that most “green” weed was picked crazily immature by today’s standards. Weed that had been left to mature had started losing nutrients, the leaves were yellowing, and the final product looked different, and had much more mature resins.

Long story short here, prior to the 70’s strain names barely existed. I think “Acapulco Gold” was just slang for anything from Southern Mexico, and the potency was probably only 5-10 percent thc. But compared to the only other thing available it was of a considerably higher strength.

Northern Mexico had its own strains, ones nobody searches for, but were readily listed and available on the High Times market quotations from the period. It would seem that the relative thc vs cbd reversed the closer you got to the border. You had to go to southern Mexico to get good stuff. The bud from closer to the border was “more rope than dope” as my dad described it. Lots of weed back then was more rope than dope, and I think that is why the legend of Acapulco Gold lingers on.

Photos from a Calendar in the 70s.


Well, if you know how to reverse a female, you can just make fem F2s. but again, will prob not grow true from seed. Which I can understand from a seed company view point, doesn’t mean they own the sexually reproduced seeds.

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They just make hybrids. He doesn’t take all of their old seed stock. He just takes some of theirs and trades some of his. No doubt the males are sourced by their own seed stock and they end up making hybrids for better or worse.

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Preservation by selling people fem beans that can’t be reproduced with out a outside source for the male. The guy is truly santa clause isent he.

I could cook ramen with my blood it’s boiling so hard.


when i saw it i thought part of the industry must look at preservationists as idiots


did you have any difficulty starting those seeds? I have a pack of those, at one point someone said they were old seed stock, and difficult to germ. curious whether that info was accurate.
I kind of assumed it wasn’t accurate.

I read (or heard in the potcast) that is bodhi’s acapulco gold that mms used.

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Your not the first person he has made feel that way. I’m sure shantibaba was thrilled when he could no longer call his own strain White widow.
Franko caught malaria and died due to there adventures in Africa. Not arjans fault but it should be noted that Franko cared deeply for the plant and should not be forgotten.
Arjan is a very wealthy and powerfull person and when huge numbers get involved there is always hurt feelings and drama.


They [quote=“Who, post:652, topic:13660, full:true”]
when i saw it i thought part of the industry must look at preservationists as idiots

They do, they completely do. When I first got into cannabis years ago, I was floored by how greedily people guarded genetics, at the expense of the plant and the community at large. It was a textbook example of tragedy of the commons and self-interest sabotaging best-interests.

Once I saw that horrible series, that sealed the deal for me. I abandoned any attempts to get involved with the community and instead spent the last few years trying to do the same type of thing from a preservationist perspective.


I love cannabis and believe in it’s abality to change alot of the world’s problems how ever as much as I want to be a larger part of the industry I am not in the right place and fear the illusion of inclusion.
Here is the problem
Cannabis is becoming more and more legal everyday, it’s a multi billion dollar market that has gone vastly untapped.
The only threat to the rich elites power structure is somebody with equal or greater amounts of money who oppose there way of thinking.
The only way to prevent this threat is to control who becomes rich and powerfull.
They see potential for a large group of people from the counter culture to gain wealth and become influencial and they will do everything in there power to stop that from occuring.
This is not personal against cannabis but rather how the world works and our beloved plant has now been whored out and made a part of it.


It’s very possible. Malay people settled in Madagascar 2000 years ago. South africa is next door… Portugal started exploring the coastline of Africa in the 1200’s to find an easier, quicker way than the silk road to trade with China, and se Asia is on the way. Lots of possibilities.


He’s the exact reason preservation needs to take place. He’s ending the line for a lot of stuff just by holding onto it to have the ultimate decision on their fate it seems.


How do you think they justify it? That’s what’s always made me the most curious, how some one who claims to love a plant can justify hoarding it to extinction. I’d love to understand their thought process more.


To me, it sounds like It’s all about the money. Trying to cornering the market and make sure he gets credit for everything.


very true. the reason its taken the powers that be this long to allow legalization on a state by state basis is they first had to figure out how to control the money. plain and simple. the capitalists didn’t have a clear view on how to control the revenue. they still don’t have whole picture yet, but they’ve gotten closer and now that it’s not really a political threat so much they’ve co-opted a whole counter culture. that is what is sad about it to me, a whole counter culture losing to capitalism. enough money and ideals and ethics fall by the wayside. they are trying real hard to figure out how to end the physical media of cash. once that’s gone, so will most remnants of counter culture soon follow as it will force the last of us living outside of the matrix to have no choice but to join in for survival…and that’s the plot for my next dystopian sci-fi book lol. just kidding about the book.