Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

Does DE stand for diatomaceous earth?


yes. good stuff! use it like perlite in all my mixes. holds water and grows stronger plants but also helps with drainage by making air pockets like perliteā€¦


So when are we planning on starting the Mexican Jumping Bean run?


Hi thereā€¦
From the middle photograph itā€™s possible to see a structure that looks like part of a greenhouseā€¦did you start them off inside the dome and then deconstruct around them?
this is what I intend to start off with in the Amazon next year, practically on the equatorā€¦
would you be so kind as to recommend some strains I should try? It seems like a running joke but the fact is am actually waiting for some Durban Poison to arrive for the grow ā€¦
Another thingā€¦I donā€™t know how your country is but mine is very closed on this subject, almost everything bannedā€¦do you recommend any good and reliable seed banks that deliver to our part of the world?
Your grow looks awesome ā€¦sighā€¦one dayā€¦
thanks very much


looking at one on strainly if itā€™s what itā€™s supposed to be. Iā€™ll keep you posted

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Thanks for the reminder. I have those supposedly old Mexican seeds in an old black film canister and some old Panama Red from the same guy. I know the young guy that gave them to me to see what I could dowith them, grew one of the Mexi seeds in a tiny, one plant greenhouse, and when I saw it, it was lime green or brighter, and very sativa. He told me before he lost it to a freeze (he lives at around 7,500 ft elev. or higher) that it smelled like a skunk and he could smell it all around his place in the mountains. He doesnā€™t have preconceived notions about skunk because he wasnā€™t born when it was around. So, I perked up when he said that. He doesnā€™t follow the internet pot scene. Heā€™s building his mountain place and is an organic gardener and farmer with goats and chickens.

So, Iā€™m planning on some of those and may start working on gemination when I get finished with a small job next week. I need to see if I can ask @Yaxu to post is link to germinating very old seeds, again. He put it up in this thread twice, so maybe I can find it.

I got one of the panama red to sprout and grow a year or so ago. It was flowering until I had to leave for work and a roommate let it get infested with bugs and did nothing and never called me. So, I know both strains will germ with enough tender loving care. Iā€™m looking forward to it. I have other haze already barely starting so itā€™s more the merrier at this point. Itā€™ll be a long winter.


Found the full text from snow incase anyone is interested.

Here is quote from Snowcap he posted at Cannabiogen Club, in the California Love thread, part of a dialogue with Kaiki and Snow (Snowcap)

"Yes the Mexican cultivars are faster finishing then most equatorial strains but this Oaxaca will have to go into December to finish, its only about half way there. Many of the other Mexican cultivars Iā€™ve grown have been much faster to mature.

I was told by one of the growers when I went down to Mexico a few years ago that with the Oaxacas and Veracruz strains that a lot of the older farmers will top the plants at every full moon until it starts flowering. That way it branches out more and the really tall strains can be grown and be more manageable.

So far from my travels to Mexico, some of the most trippy, psychedelic smokes was the weed that came from Oaxaca and Veracruz,the Veracruz was very strong.

I hope that the Mexican cultivars of old will return again. So much was lost, many family generations of growing family cannabis lines. I believe a lot of the mythical cannabis lines like Haze were comprised of mainly Mexican lines. Like the Purple Haze phenos, well it could be Colombian purple phenos but from my research and talking to people in the know. Some of the Purple phenos in say Old Timers Haze I believe is actually genetics from Zihuatanejo Purple which seeds were brought to the areas around the Big Sur Mountains which is below Santa Cruz down the coast of California. Some of these seeds were preserved in a cannabis strain line called Delores Purple which was just an incross of the left over seed from the Zihuatanejo Purple. The people responsible for doing this were friends or part of the Brothers of Eternal Love (BEL). So later the Brothers of Eternal Love were growing Delores in Sinaloa to eventually be transported to the states for sale.

The BEL also grew alot of Maui Wowie in Mexico and even transported it to Hawaii to then transport it to the rest of the states for a higher price. This happened to a lot of the Hawaiian import. Hawaii has 2 seasons, a long season and a short season which is about 3 months. So plants will either need to grow for an extend amount of time to finish correctly or hybridized to finish within 3 months. A lot of the Hawaii strains were combinations of Mexican and from some of the new seed coming in from Nepal and Afghanistan from the BEL hash shipments. So strains like Puna Buddar which are more hash plant types were developed.

So what Iā€™m getting at is Hawaii couldnā€™t supply that much smoke for import because it could barely supply itself even before Operation Green Harvest in the 70ā€™s. So a lot of the famous Hawaiian cannabis strains that people remember so well was actually good old Mexican cannabis sold as Hawaiian.

Coincidentally the strain called Big Sur Holy Weed had Zacatecas Purple or Torreon Violet in its genetics. So the Delores Purple could have also been what people were calling now, Zacatecas Purple or Torreon Violet. Basically to change a name and have a fancy story to go with the strain to improve sales. Though growing older lines and landraces, purple genetic phenos are quite common. When a lot of these old strains came over to the United States in the 30ā€™s to the 1950ā€™s, people would drive to family gardens in multiple Mexican States. who had been growing a certain family cannabis line for many generations. Obviously family strains were prized for the high quality and people would make the drive to more distant mountain locations to bring back the quality smoke. Because back then quality was a priority, not look and smell which is prevalent today.

I even theorize that cannabis may have originated in the Americas or Africa due to archaeological evidence from Peruvian mummies, to petroglyphs on ancestral Mexican Pyramids to ceremonial centers which date back to a time before the Egyptian Pyramids were built or being built roughly at the same time. There is plant evidence in Belize which dates back to 13000 BC of cultivation of plants which are supposedly from certain valleys in India. Also certain plants have been found in another Indian valley which has been grown by the indigenous people which is definitely from the Americas. It is known that cannabis is not indigenous to India but could have come from Chinese Turkestan or even to areas of what comprises of Kazakhstan along the old silk road. The point is that human communication, travel and trade has been done in far antiquity. So just because the consensus of people in Europe didnā€™t believe that there was land beyond the Atlantic Ocean doesnā€™t mean that people have or had been traveling there and back.

This world and its people are far older than we give credit to our past civilizations which I believe cannabis was a part of. It would have been one of the first things gathered from the hunter and gather times. The high potency vitamins and omega fatty acids in cannabis seeds would have made us smarter nutritionally and would have allowed more complex thought processes. Another problem in cannabis is classifying it, many botanist tried to place cannabis in a certain family so it was placed in the nettle family because it is quite different then most plants. I believe it to be a plant older than are current period and could have come about during the time of dinosaurs. Many things about plants, the senses are the not quite thoroughly known. Many of the terpenes some which can be sensed and others as a defense mechanism are produced by plants and why and how this is done is not known to a large degree. Its quite possible that cannabis senses humans and has changed its genetic make up to adapt to our anatomy, to further its survival. Orā€¦ Aliens could have given it to us many years ago".


Mexican varieties.

  1. Acapulco Gold or Golden Guerrero - Guerrero, Mex.
  2. Highland Oaxaca Gold - Oaxaca
  3. Acapulco Red - Guerrero
  4. Green Guerrero - Guerrero
  5. MichoacƔn - Michoacan
  6. Red Oaxaca -Oaxaca,
  7. Red Hair - Michoacan, Oaxaca and Sinaloa
  8. Torreon Violet / Purple - Coahuila .
  9. Zacatecas Purple - Zacatecas ( purple buds)
  10. Purple-Zihuatanejo ā€“ Guerrero (completely purple)
  11. Zorrilla - Zacatecas (sativa very odorous)
  12. Verde LimĆ³n -, various regions (lemon aroma)
    13.- Big Sur Holy - (California x Zacatecas Purple)

sadly, youre correct. GreenHouse was a good example
Arjan made the rounds in the 90ā€™s early 2000ā€™s to landrace regions. Buying and trading local landraces and ā€œgiftingā€ his own gear.
I dunno if he actually meant to pollute the gene pool on purpose or not, thats what happened.
Aran would give his genetics to the farmers and within a few years its hybrids and mostly Dutch bred genetics growing there.
Ive heard places like Jamaica would be selling mostly Dutch or hybridized genetics.
Sadly, Arjan has prolly a better landrace selection than some of the places they once visited.


Maybe that was their plan, itā€™s a competitive market. I watched that film documenting Seed company and them finding a landrace that had the elevated thcV content (canā€™t remember which video), now look at what they produced and selling it for.


That sounds interesting. All of them do.


![Screenshot_20201016-064210_Samsung Internet|230x500]
g) I hate what Arjan has done. The ultimate act of selfishness. For preservation it says. My ass!! 500 Euros for 10 feminized says it all. Because Arjan cares.


Also have some Heirloom that the gifter described only as green and gold ā€¦have to locate the seedsā€¦a year ago I had never grown a seed. Now I have around 100 strains, keep it up guys!!


Weā€™re getting close arenā€™t we? Still shooting for a Christmas start for the thread, give or take a couple/ few weeks. Itā€™s ok to jump the gun, just take lots of pics from the start if you do so we can all learn how things look/ grow when the thread starts. Ill start the thread beginning of December so people see it before the growing part goes full throttle, in Hopeā€™s of more people joining in.


Your kidding me!??? Really!? Way to dive in!


Very few things disappointed and angered me more than the pure cynicism I saw when I watched that ā€˜seriesā€™ and the way they treated those seeds after. It was such a cool concept, too, yet they somehow managed to do it in the most disrespectful way possible for the plant. We always talk about saving cannabis from the greed of big tobacco and big pharma, but the greed thatā€™s run rampant in the cannabis industry for decades now is as aggressively caustic as big tobaccoā€™s, at least.


I have my thoughts on the guy Arjan. its like he pissed and shit both while wading thru the pool. So anyone behind him had it tough. He gene polluted everywhere he went.
i wouldnt buy squat from him or from most of A-Dam anymore.
Most quality mums and dads there are long gone now in police raids. Then they can only hope to re capture some qualities from F1 S1 seeds or call in favors.
Canna Cups back then were bought in Holland, not necessarily won by most deserving product.


Wait, is that al thing? Well Besides the seeds with the worms in it they make them jump lol.


If recall right this Map is based on Pollen Analysis (comparing many KNOWN samples of Pollen in Chromatograph):

Again its cool to build Theories how Landraces were made, i doo it myselve too. There are some Scientific approaches too. Scientist say Landraces are inbreed/crosspolinated with wild, but manamade regional inbreeds predominantly.
I dont say they know more than any Individual, but also not less, not?
Im waiting for someone to adequatly give me an Explonation.

So, i went over to try gather Firsthandknowledge. I already told, in SE Asia, they had seperate Pollinations on a lonely Hill. Another one reported , he came into a Thai Village little offtrack, and growing was omnipresent, everyone grew Armthick Buds, of absolute Gold. (Bouth reports from 1970, the other from atleast longer ago)


Do you think thereā€™s any truth to Durban poison being related to SE Asian strains? I always thought they were related to those mountainous Malawi types that eventually found their way down the coast line through Mozambique, humidity is quite extreme down that entire side of the continent past the equator due to the warm ocean current so it could have been a natural evolution as they came along with people migrating down.

With the purple Zacatecas, the one similarity most of these purple phenos have is taste and smell of old leather, either it being Tom hills, old timers haze and Ohaze all smoke reports I could find talk about the old leather smell on the purple phenos, so it could be a related genetic line through all of them or maybe it does go further back to the purple Zacatecas genetics and it being present in alot more lines than people realize.


Generally i focus less on where a particullar Landrace derivered . Many agree, that African came over Origin (India or such) , then over Afghanistan, down to Africa.
If so, the African Landrace has definitely changed apperance once at Destination. It obviously became Afr.

Im rather interested, if ā€œrecentā€ Outcrossing like @Upstate made a Theory, was crutial for creating the Gold-Lines. It could brought vigor, and what not with it. Durban has more speculated ā€œrecentā€ external Influences, but only speculated. I recall Indian/Thai speculation.
As for SEAsians however, there are not that much theories of ā€œrecentā€ Genetic introduction, and they belong under the Nr1 trippyness-List, together with South-american, Middle-african (congo).

Yes i would look out for strongest Smokereports out there. If some Report from unexpected Region appeals to you aswell, chase that Strain.

To make it more Difficult, these Landraces grown in US / EU often express not like in Origin, from bad to ok, rarer like original, so you have problems judging a Smokereport. Use your senses whats good and not, follow the senses. To make it easy: Lines from the 70s have some Potential for being Gold.