Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

what happens when govt controls everything. they regulate and tax it to death. they did the same to liquor and cigarettes. anything deemed recreational there is extremely expensive. i live on the border and black-market liquor and cigs.snuck into canada have been big business for 30+ years . now with the price of weed it will also be big business. every province is different but many don’t allow you too grow your own. thats horseshit! ill keep our capitalism. at least we are still somewhat free to make our own choices.


it needs to be legalized, they permitted it as a privledge,that they can take away. to many were just so grateful it took the pressure off of the anti’s , it needs to be legalized period, Dont know about Canada ,but in the states yes.


I hear ya, but government regulation is part of the capitalist framework, not socialism like so many misrepresentations. why is it ? because it’s the rich who control the flow of money in a capitalist society and the rich control government policy and hence the flow of revenue. capitalism hides in many guises. and free-market capitalism is just a label for f#$% who you want when you want : )


I really believe if the people woke up to realize there all in it together(gov big bus, power) and we quit fighting amongst are self’s over issues they take different sides on we the people would win, if we had solidarty instead of split down the middle, we could just say legalize it or we take a day off a month till you do, there loss of revenue would make them comply…but there really good at dividing us…jeez im sorry try not to be political


I bought kalamat red…too.


It looks really good. When will you grow them? Some people looked for that one for years and years. I found out about it recently and bam! There it was. We’re lucky to try it. That one has been closely guarded for years, almost to extinction. I’ll be looking for the laughing attack phenotype. The world could use some of that right now.


I have a pack of these I acquired in trade… no intention to run them immediately. If you want to run them soon could be arranged. Just some of the chosen ones in return (f2’s)


Getting to what defenses terpenes produce, a friend is in the f4. Of his Worldofseeds Columbian gold. He raised it out its doors in southern ok.
The plant has a natural defense against grasshoppers that my undergroundseeds columbian did not have
Not gonna run kalamata soon. I have other fish to fry…I am trying to

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Keep old landrace seeds for the next ten …years. hoping I can legally put it out in large preservation runs


That’s a really nice offer. I’d be happy to run them and make some seeds, but let’s wait and make sure you dont get to them first…I’m anxious to see what these are made of, but it could be awhile before I get to them. I’m thinking next summer.


Here’s @Swe-can Jamaicans drying out their pots for chop, no purple pheno yet but the smell of Jamaica is in there, earthy caramel, little peppery.


That’s really cool to see. Staying tuned!


Here some Vietblack (some Snowhigh , some LowGen.)

Hoabac x Vietblack , a dream



The Hoabac x Vietnamblack, wonderful bright glitter on it. Some glue from the Hoabac side, and that rainbow gloss is visible (hard to make out on pics) . I mean i dont grow at Equator, still they bring a certain gloss, a certain dreamy Vibe into my Live.

The Hoabac, expresses bit different this Time, redish, blueish hue, marron brown. No Rainbowgloss yet/this this Time. Wonderfull

The Vietblack, some of the LowGen exemplars have a Grape-Citron smell i didnt smell before. Grew very fast… I was a bit confused, one exemplare where i made Closeup-photo, i cant see any Hairs, but i guess they Hairs are purple?? Anyway i already stopped pollination, since if i am too late with it, they anyway would have a hard Time, hope some Seeds build
All Seedrunn.

That moment i would actually chop Hoabac, Hoa x Viet , even the fastest Vietblack-Pheno on one Pic, if i grew Bud. I actaully have no Plan or idea how to finish them here. Just so you can see how such Strains expresses in moderate Climate. Seeds are dooable, Bud has to be taken from now, till 1st November, after that no new Resin building…
This is just Seedrun. Still they give me a nice Vibe when beeing around them, again, Hoa x Viet is insane


does anyone know what the germ rates are like on the current real seed co lebanese landrace, being sold now?

I just did another round of preservation breeding of their original lebanese, which had this description when I bought it.

The germ rate was low on that stock. but the germ rate on my preservations has been good.

Now they are selling an in-house preservation, here is the current description.

I’m trying to decide if I should donate seeds from my 2020 outdoor lebanese preservation to the seed run co-op.

If the germ rates on the new lebanese stock from real seed co are good, I don’t think I will distribute my preservation seeds.

But if the germ rates are sill low on real seed co’s new lebanese stock, I think I should donate my preservation so that people can have viable stock to grow it easily and successfully and preserve the genetics.


Pulled the Triple Durban F2 plant and a big poison Maui x Dirty Margarita (dirty Girl x Strawberry Hawaiian) seed bearer and the second Durban pollinated with Blue Mountain x Lambs Breath x Columbian Gold.


Here is one of my outdoor lebanese. I really like the looks of this little purple tipped pheno. The plants are very diverse.

And here is a much taller pheno with looser buds on the drying rack.
It has strong landrace characteristics, you can see this one was starting to drop its ripe seeds.

These were grown outdoor organic with very little special care or attention. Just watered, sprayed with neem 3 times in veg, and bacillus thuringiensis once in preflower.


Durban #2 is going to be a interesting mash-up!


I just finished up some red lebenese auto flowers and they look very much like yours, had a few that were really chunky and a few that had more spear type colas with looser formation. They all smelled the same and smoke the same like old-school Mexican weed. I crossed a royal purple kush auto to them to see if I can add some more flavor and density. I’m really liking the red leb as a base though and the high is motivating.


So confused lol