Landraces and heirloom (Part 1)

No more than three pictures in a row or I choke on my drool🤣


Little Huixtepec Mexico babies


Is Huixtepec a Oaxacan variety?


Oaxaca/Guerrero border area. Whether Oaxacan or Guerreran is tbd.


Don’t sweat it if you hear a helicopter, I’m just coming for a visit. :laughing: daaaaamn.


Keeping an eye on this grow. Is this going to be for indoor or starting a light dep for outdoors?

Yes the 74’ from ASC old stock pales


Not sure of the timing yet.

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wow @slain you have a wonderful day cause those buds, very nice

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African varieties from Nairobi, Kenya and
More on


  • Kwale /indica/
  • Mount Kenya /sativa/
  • Migori /indica/
  • Bunyore /sativa/
  • Meru /indica/
  • Nyamira /sativa/


  • Shashamane /sativa/
  • Addis /indica/
  • Oromo /sativa/
  1. Kilimanjaro /sativa, Tanzania/.
    It comes from northern Tanzania near the famous area. Since it’s highly illegal in East Africa, all ganja farmers here do guerilla cultivation. The common method is having a few plants growing inside large corn fields to ward off suspicion.
    Taste: It has a strong earthy taste and smells somewhat sour.
    Effect on body: After smoking a few hits, I feel a strong buzz that’s centered around my face. My torso also feels lighter and so does the mind. You can use it during the afternoon to boost mental concentration.
    How I do get the seeds: I have a friend who sells pounds. He gets them straight from a specific grower who’s been doing it for over 10 years.

  2. Shashamane /sativa, Ethiopia/.
    Taste: Lemon with spicy hints. When you cure it for two weeks, you’ll get a pleasant mango taste in the smoke.
    Effect on body: Kicks in after a few hits due to its high potency. One gets a strong buzz going on in the head. It also has a body high effect that lasts for over an hour. It’s a strong sativa that’s ideal for dealing with after workout pains.

  3. Swaziland Gold /hybrid, indica dominant, Swaziland/. I had a friend here in Nairobi who was bringing in Swaziland Gold frequently. The bud is a hybrid leaning more towards the indica side.
    Taste: A pleasant fruity combination.
    Effect on mind: A very potent strain that kicks in fast. Time seems to completely slow down and puts the mind in a tranquil state. It also has a couch lock effect and brings about intense munchies.

  4. Migori /sativa, Western Kenya/. This is a mild sativa that’s grown in Kenya for several decades. Western Kenya have a vibrant bull fighting culture. Before the matches, farmers usually mix pounds of this strain together with napier grass and feed it to the bulls. Doing this makes the bulls fight aggressively. I have a friend who knows growers in Migori. Just like most of East Africa, the farmers plant it guerrilla style.
    Taste: Sour taste with an earthy after taste.
    Effect on mind: Brings about calmness and rejuvenates the mind making it suitable for afternoons or evenings after getting home from work. You might feel a sensation in your chest.

  5. Moshi /sativa, Tanzania/. I obtained this strain from a Tanzanian friend of mine. He gets it directly from growers and moves it across the border frequently. The buds are dense and large compared to the other strains.
    Taste: Has a strong taste that almost smells like cypress trees.
    Effect on mind: It creates an airy feeling inside the head while stimulating the mind. You’ll feel the entire body getting refreshed just like stepping out of a cold shower.


  1. Bale /sativa, located in South Western of Ethiopia/.
  • Dense small buds that are dark green with reddish hairs
  • Smells like tea masala
  • Smoke has a distinct masala taste
  • It instantly refreshes the mind but also brings about a good vibe for just relaxing
  • No heaviness around the eyes
  • Moderate munchies
  1. Shilabo /sativa, located in South Western of Ethiopia/.
  • Long buds that are light green with orange hairs
  • Noticeable trichomes which are rare
  • Almost sets in like a head rush. One feels the entire body getting refreshed
  • Warm buzz around the face and forehead
  • Mild to moderate munchies

Western Kenya:

  1. Isibania
  • Dark green buds
  • Smells like freshly harvested buds and tea masala
  • Might make your heart beat increase
  • Gives about a jumpy feeling
  • Ideal for afternoon use when one is sleepy after lunch
  1. Kisumu
  • Small nugs
  • No visible trichomes
  • No hairs
  • Sets in slowly but potent
  • Has strong munchies
  • Brings about a noticeable sensation around the eyes and face
  1. Nakuru
  • Moderate green in color
  • Heavy earthy taste
  • Highness also builds up gradually
  1. Eldoret
  • Long buds that are dark green
  • Sweet taste
  • Sensation in face and arms

Northern Kenya:

  1. Isiolo
  • Small tight buds
  • Brings a spark throughout the entire body
  • Heavy ‘African’ taste
  • Sensation on the top of forehead
  1. Laare
  • Small to medium sized buds
  • Light green
  • Highness builds up gradually to strong sativa effects


  1. Birere /Located in Western Uganda near Lake Victoria/.
  • Medium size buds that vary from medium to dark green
  • Low presence of trichomes
  • Brings about a strong buzz on the scalp
  • Brings about a jumpy feeling
  • Might make the heart beat faster

Hey brother, Are you giving me info on where to get those strains ,or do you have some to trade? I did run across the east african site just a couple days ago… Thanks for the info…

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Just wanted to let someone know. He, African man, is online most of the time, recently talked with him. If someone needs something, hit an email at


Thanks again for the info… :grinning:


Beautiful photos! Thanks for share.
I’m ordering from Cocogenes like a month ago but the guy do not answer, you already got stuff from him,so its safe to buy from Cocogenes?


I would say yes. This was a couple years back. Very generous with seed count and even sent a few gifts from their region. They sent a hat; some small hand painted wooden boxes and a wooden spoon.

I was very impressed with the aruku valley landrace, the smoke was unforgettable and I can’t wait to explore the outcrosses I was able to come up with: however when I run into kill that is this ‘untouched’ it makes me scratch my head… how do breeders think they stand to improve plants which can be found in their ‘wild state’ at this quality… many of today’s hybrids almost seem pale in comparison…I was blown away by its strong unique high.


Amigo, you discovered something that many of us already know…high potency marijuana is not today’s thing.
I don’t know why most of the growers insist on wanting to hybridize everything.
thanks for the info, i will definitely do my best to get some strains from Cocogenes.


What outcrosses have you made with the arakku valley ? Might be something I’d like to try if possible

I’ve got only a ‘branch’ of f1’s from a ‘jbad -3way’ which i received from Redscare seeds. When I take this to f2 selections I’ll def do a seed run, but haven’t got enough seeds to share at this moment. I would trade a pack of the original aruku valley seeds if you’ve got something for trade.


Three of the ACC-74’MTF have made it to solo cups and I took the best of each strain and up potted to the 3 gallon final.


I have several of them myself. But I appreciate the offer.

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