Large Marijuana Leaf Wall Art for trade (exploring offers)

My wife hates it. Make me an offer. Seeds or equipment. Not sure how I’ll ship it but I’ll figure that part out. Looking for a light maybe or something rare. This thing is huge lol.

Edit: Haven’t thought about shipping yet. Ambitious undertaking lol


Sorry bud, I have to agree with your wife. Not for me. lol


I too will pass, even though I smoke/grow I don’t want to advertise that I do…


I got this thing at a haunted house bonfire thingy. There was a little gift shop there that sold Halloween stuff and snacks. There was literally no reason for this to be in that gift shop for sale. It was on an old farm and they prolly grew but publicly there shouldn’t have been a reason. They had this for sale in the gift shop randomly. I purchased it because i felt like the universe sent me there to get it at that moment. Like fate. When I walked out of the gift shop literally like 500 ppl gave me a standing ovation as I held this over my head. My daughter was so embarrassed but if definitely was one of my proudest moments as a weed enthusiast.


Dmed @BlazeUno423


Haha EPIC! If you don’t find what you are looking for DM me, we’ll work something out, I’d absolutely love this! :flushed:


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