[Update: gone :-)] Have: trichocereus babies, swap for pollen / seeds? USA

US lower 48 states only.
Acquired an excessive amount of baby cacti from a fellow grower 2-3 months ago. Looking to trade away 55 baby trichocereus, seed grown “Ross Guru x OP”.

I like autoflowers best, but do grow some photoperiods if they’re extraordinary, but mostly only to breed into autos. I’d love pollen, it’s a really fun way for me to make a larger number of interesting crosses faster, and if its a photoperiod, starting with pollen lets me skip an entire photoperiod grow. Seeds are cool too. :slight_smile:

I don’t any of the leaf variants yet. I’m fascinated with landraces. I like things on the extremes of indica and sativa, love anything pineapple scented & strong. Pretty open minded, those are just faves.

Mostly I just want my greenhouse space back. I tried to put the babies

in the cabinet with my big cacti, but I have to water them a lot and the big cacti got humidity spots. So they’re in the greenhouse and happy but taking up space that’s meant for cannabis.

These baby cacti are really small - 1/2" to an inch tall. They’re super cute too.
I can ship bare root with a heat pack, or locals could meet & get them from me in their pots in the Seattle area.

I’ll cover shipping these w/heat pack & you pay for what you send. If you’ve got a strong reputation here I’ll send first, and you can send your side after you get these.


You’ve got some lovely genetics, but I’d prefer pollen, or seeds with no strings. I have an absurd amount of seeds, I like to breed my plants, and I like to give away anything that sits ungrown for long. I’d like to wait until Sunday, then if I don’t get offered a closer match and you’re still interested we can work out deets.

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B’daaaw. Sorry for the tangential reply, but they’re so damned adorable. I grew some from seed years back, and by the time they made it this far, life got in the way. I miss the little guys, but don’t have a good set for cacti and succulents.
I hope they all find good, warm, dry homes and get full lives.
Godspeed, tiny cacti. Good luck to whoever gives 'em shelter.
Stay up


Awwwww…been after some torch for a while. Some lucky folks gonna score!!


Edit to update - mailing today, thanks OG :slight_smile:
PM chat in progress, these are probably off the table. :slight_smile:

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Is that trichocereus pachanoi?


Yes, it’s from the same seeds as this old listing (not mine), the Guru was the mommy, open pollination from the rest for daddies.
Turns out they’re pretty easy to grow and the babies like the same sort of conditions as cannabis in veg. :slight_smile: But all the cuteness in the world won’t keep that many of them in my tent when I want to grow weed! :wink::rofl:

How tall are your oldest ones?

Hey @Pawsfodocaws. Check this out. :wink:


Thanks bud! But I lost my cactus space! Sucks!


The tallest I sent were just over an inch. Itty bitty cuties! I’ve got some others, but nothing really tall since its too cold here for most of them in winter. Here’s my excessive collection, hiding from winter in the living room cabinet :laughing:


Lol, that sucks.
Well, Rain doesn’t have any Scarlet Grapes yet.
So I was gonna send him some beans and have him send you some cacti.
But it appears out of stock.


Do you mean obsessive collection? :rofl:

Btw. I’ll send you the Scarlet Grapes auto fems either way bud. :wink:


Mostly. I’ve got a few babies left in the greenhouse, and none of these in the cabinet are actually useful to me, whereas cannabis is, so honestly I’d trade just about anything but old hairy there. I love him too much. We named him Bill the Cat :rofl:
Shipping in winter is not ideal though.

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You rock! Open ticket for a return to you of any beans I make that interest you. :slight_smile:


That would have been awesome. I would have found places for them. Darn

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I’d totally still take them :wink:.


PM headed your way. :slight_smile:

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