Large plant, small roots

So how do we get more light to a plant? What if we were to trick the plant per-say? Given that more light = more growth, it is obvious that more leaves = more growth. So how do we accomplish this? Well, you could trick the plant; grafting a large plant onto a small, or juvenile, root stock. Now the plant has a much larger capacity to use sunlight at a “young age”. Since sunlight uptake is exponential by growth, it’s clear how a larger plant could grow much faster.

This could be done twice ending in a 20 gallon to later be up-potted for flower.



Time for you to do an experiment bromigo…


What if you did the reverse, graft a small plant on established roots. Bigger roots, bigger plants.


:point_up_2: bingo.


Interesting idea, but I tend to agree with @breadwinner here. The plant needs the root system to process all that light.


So how many cycles can you get out of one rootball? :thinking: what if you started a plant specifically for its root vigor. say, in a veg tent in a 30 gallon for a year, then chop most of it down after grafting a plant with desired flower traits. Then give her the full force of the sun.

It might open up some of those fickle rooters that are stubborn in early veg

Maybe it could turn a low yeilder into a better producer


Most importantly it’d be fun

Edit could you use undustrial hemp stock for the roots? Would you want to? I dunno, thanks for indulging me on my lunch break

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I definitely think hemp stock would work. Typically you would think that grafting to a larger root stock would produce a larger plant. In this instance I’m really thinking ahead… My thinking is that a plant that would typically require a longer veg could in essence be tricked. If you were to do this procedure 2x ending in a 20 gal to be uppotted for veg, I am hypothesizing that the plant will in fact be larger and healthier than if it weren’t grafted.

This may have already been done. I remember talking about this years and years ago but am unsure how the results turned out. I tentatively want to say that they were positive and the grafted plants were in fact larger and healthier.


For trees, I believe they choose hardy, fast growing root stock sometime not even the exact same tree.
I have always wondered…could ya flower a plant, cut off the buds and graft some clones back on it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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To a point, see DLI for more info.
A plant can only use so many photons.
Too many and it will even go into protection mode.
