Vegging plants for super extended periods

I’ve never grown outdoors before. I am contemplating putting a handful of plants into veg inside this month and just letting them go until planting season next year. That would be a 6 month veg inside and then another 5 or so outside for an 11 month veg. I suppose my question is; Will the plant continue to branch out forever as long as it has head room or will it eventually hit a genetic ceiling?


Not 100% certain, I’ve never had any go that long myself; but as I understand it, you can veg a photoperiod for as long as you want before putting it into flower, assuming it’s adequately fed and not shocked into rodelization. You can even put it back into veg after you’re done flowering it, though that’s very stressful for the plant and might kill it. I believe I’ve heard other outdoor growers mention putting plants inside for the winter and then having them ready to go when the outdoor season starts, as well, so it may even be somewhat common practice.


Some people keep mother plants for years. Not me, but some do.


Hmm do male reveg after pollenation ?


Natural growing cannabis…left un harvested - what happens to the buds ? Do they die after flowering? Or crack off /damage and turn to reveg if climate allows?


They rot. I just had a garbage bag full of trash.

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I guess same with any fruit bearing plant or flower in the wilderness.

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They can, yes. Some breeders think that selecting males which herm during reveg will increase their ratio of females; DJ Short springs to mind, I think?


No that plant will mature before then. Something like that will be low quality


Interesting. So plants should be kept around their natural veg times maximum, give or take a month?

Edit. That’s worded clumsily as shit.

Plants shouldn’t exceed their natural veg time of about 5 months in order to produce the highest quality possible for a particular plant?

Not so sure about that… Plenty of people have kept mothers for years. There’s root pruning and a different nutrient schedule involved, but the clones cut are decent quality. I could certainly see you planting a long running sativa now, keeping it inside till frost has passed and having a monster outside, as long as you did some pruning and fed proper in the winter while inside. When I grew outside in the past (and even this spring) I get the ladies to at least a foot tall to stand a chance, but thats not starting them too early in the spring. Keeping it in veg stage thru the winter would likely produce a very branchy plant come spring…

I mean, if you FIM the shit outta it, its gonna be larfy bud. but if ya train it proper?


What’s the connection here? I thought FIMming was supposed to be similar to topping, and make it lose apical dominance so you can get multiple bigger colas. Is it just doing too much of it that’s bad, or in general?

I had a mom going for 2 years. Just regular pruning for clones worked good for me.
Veg light cycle was 18 hours on fluorescent lights and less nutes at times .
I got plenty of good quality clones off of her until a super hot summer did her in.
I miss her still. Lol


Topping generally produces two new tops. Fimming can produce multiple tops, 4, 5 even more. Good for creating a lot of clones quickly, but the potential for an afro of branches from the FIM spot will spread energy out quickly. I just look at that kind of like how you trim much of the lower third of the plant. Imagine fimming every few nodes to keep up with growth over winter and keep the plant manageable. Would be a major bush of lots of weaker branches in comparison to one topped strategically several times…


Gotcha. So topping works fine to do multiple times since you can keep it manageable and spread out the branches to catch all the light, but FIMming is best done once and then soon after taken to flowering, good to know. I haven’t done it more than once anyway, but never know what I might decide to experiment with next in order to kill more plants in new and interesting ways. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol. That’s about right man.

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Have you any idea what it takes to properly grow/push a plant a for 6 months the 1st 2 or 3 no problem but then the compound interest starts. Lol you would need 12-16ft ceilings and a couple de lamps. Talking about 50-100sq ft canopy . Not worth the effort . Impossible to move . You could chop 2 crops in that time.

I’ve personally grown multiple lb 14ft tall monster plants by starting seeds in mid /lateJanuary under t8’s cloning the shit outta them starting in April up till mayish put out like 3ft multi topped stumps into a makeshift greenhouse with a 10gallon pots stuffed with roots .
Transplant into half garbage pails let them rip till solstice. June 11th Plant in graves dug out of the cornfield half promix half local soil and then carried watered weekly if it didn’t rain .

These were sticking out like green thumbs in October towering over the ginormas brown dried corn . What are you going to do with the 3 extra months ?

Imo if you stunt a plant by not enough light to grow well or rootbound too many times for too long . It will never become a giant .

Like u cant take a 2year old bonzai mom and expect a giant tree although u can get them cruising again.

Make sure you take pics and have lots of friends that like trimming.


My plants from this past outdoor season were vegging since nov. I wish i could have up potted as they grew but space was limited.

Root trimming periodically worked well and allowed me to heavily train the plants while keeping them small.

I’m thinking of using air-pots this winter as they self root trim and thus hopefully will explode with growth when replanted outdoors come May 2022.


Way different keeping a plant alive and growing it