Leaf curling help?

hmmm wwhat strain

Do you mean I’m overwatering when you say growing a bit wet?

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humidity at 70 is wet

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That’s what I’m saying, I feel like I should lower the lights closer to canopy now but with the curling I dont know

what you neeed is a dehumidifier
and get clower to 60-65 and slowly lower that to like give or take 45 in flower. you can get by with high humidity but chance of mold higher seen people flower at 60% rh but i highest i have is around 50%

I keep a dehumidifier running in my basement, I just need to mess with my environmental controls on my controller to get it a little lower now. I usually try to keep the basement 50-55%

my lung room is 45 because is easier to raiser harder to lower

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Not at this point no, your plants are clean without any necrosis or disorder correlated. O² is present.
It’s just the sap pressure at this stage of growth, you should try to delay a bit more your watering.

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The strain you did that with last time was tolerant to it I’m telling you right now you can veg a plant for a few weeks under a 20 watt Samsung AC Infinity ion beam bar and it’ll be perfectly healthy and vig.

Even if you got those 760s all the way up and they’re at like 25% it might be too much for them especially a modern strain like cookies or something with a gelato or something in it those things grow in the shade man it has any kind of lineage to any of the hype strains I’m guaranteeing you’re over lit

Ok noted thank you! I backed my humidity off a bit and I’m going to wait a little longer in between waterings now. You think I’ll be good to transplant them into my 20gal pots soon?

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As long as you got a solid root ball

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Good strategy, i think you will see a big difference within one week with these parameters. You can make it explosive in supporting them with a week (not more) of kelp/root booster at each watering. They are well feeded, your green is clean.

It’s hard to realize with the photos the ratio “medium/vegetal mass” (side view required) but at first glance they are far from this kind of need. The “scale” (said like for birds, “wing-to-wing”) don’t tell that it’s a priority. You risk to slower them a bunch to transplant them right now in 20 gal.

If you have planned to veg them at least 2 months under pushy photoperiod (24:0), you can transplant in this kind of volume just before the switch eventually when they are far more developed and covering the space. But generally it’s more for “full room labs”, not so for tents. Depend on your planning.

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I’ll get some more pictures tonight! They aren’t too tall yet though, maybe up 5-6 nodes max, probably about time to top soon too. I’ll be needing to do a quick veg this round unfortunately too.

I do usually add in aloe for the roots with every watering and have been giving some fermented hemp and comfrey also.

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Out of my league, i invoke @defharo for slow release and natural chelations lol ^^ All i can say is that their regime is obviously good by their shape, their health and their colors.

Give more datas on how aged they are (since the very first transplantation from seeds), i’m against topping but if they reached the 5th they are ready to be tortured and slowered. Making even more critical to let them colonize more their medium in veg before any further move.


I don’t notice any problems with those leaves, trust the plant.


They pretty much all sprouted up 6/19 in a coco plug for cloning and once they were above ground there I transplanted into a solo cup with roots organics, then they stayed in the solo cups till 7/7 when transplanted into the 1gal pots with FF Strawberry Fields, and then they go moved under the bigger lights in my 8x4 tent 7/11. I’m about to take my lunch break at my day gig and will be able to get some more pictures from the side when I’m home.

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My lights just came on a bit ago so they’re a little droopy but these were taken just now, they are all pictures of different plants too

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It change a lot the perspective. I don’t even saw that they weren’t already transplanted in the bags.

They have one month too in this photo (but zero day of veg and in 3.5 liters pots / 0.9 gal), i chose something close to the genetic used in term of shape-style at this stage to don’t blur the comparison.

If they are fems, their little late is not dramatic. Worried, but on the track.

Maybe the concern is linked with this exotic transplantation program/tech, at first glance.
Can you tell me more about it ? I see also sprayers. And why 3 transplantations in a row ?

Oh those 1gal pots are just sitting on top of my 20gal no till kinda pots until I transplant into them.

And I guess with the 4 fems I could have gone straight into the 20gals from the solo cups, but I have 3 reg seeds that I’m waiting for sexing to transplant into there

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Got it. You should put a “twos bars things” / “spacers” below the drains holes to let it breathe more until the transplantation. Or to glue some soda bottles caps on the bottom by example … something to break the continuous RH entering by both sides.

I understand now that they are the 20gal bags you was talking about. They really need a big boost to be ready for this and justify this big volume in term of yield. And more veg in these black pots.

Bags affect a lot the ambient RH too, specially if you have fans inside the tent. I don’t know the constraints that have put so much cascading leverages, but i’m sure there is simpler ways to dial them. Shoot, it’s very interesting for me.

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