Leaf curling help?

What’s up OG! Relatively new grower here with some questions about leaf curl or tacoing. My plants look healthy for the most part except some leaves are curling inward and closing up like a taco. My temp has only gotten up to 82°F and stays around 78-80 usually. I haven’t seen any other signs of pests or anything so I’m not sure what’s causing this. Would love some insight if anyone has any knowledge to share


Whats your humidity like?


Too much or too close light maybe?


My vote is light intensity too high (if using LED)


I’m with @Jango on the humidity, i bet it’s low enough to cause an out of tolerance VPD

Doesn’t look horrible, I’ve grown plants seed to chop exhibiting this exact thing so I wouldn’t do anything drastic to compensate :man_shrugging:


I see that tacoing only happens in the top, so maybe it is heat stress, plant exposing less leaf surface to keep humidity, I would pull up the light a bit to see if that helps … beer3|nullxnull


78-82° isn’t stressful though, even to the bitchiest plant :man_shrugging:

Low humidity though. . … that can cause some “expressions”

*edit: leaf temp though, just because the room is 78-82 the leaf surface could be high :man_shrugging:


You’re growing a bit wet but i don’t see anything worrying considering the leaves at this step. If it become extreme (really “rolled” around the central vein), check if your negative pressure isn’t too high for the intake.


Humidity usually stays around 70-72%

I’ve got to agree with light intensity. What light are you running?

Yea I did just move them into this tent from a smaller tent getting a lot less light, it shouldn’t be too much now, I’ll go double check my ppfd after dinner, but my lights as dimmed as it’ll go and up pretty high away from the canopy now. I’m wondering if they just are getting used to the new lights?


I have seen plants respond like this to wind stress.


I’m running two different 760watt LEDs, I’d sprouted seeds under these and been ok before though.

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Yeah. I saw where you said you just moved them into this tent. It may just be adjusting.

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honestly it could be many things it could be as simple as genetics im running a ocean fruit right now one of them has grown with taco leaf’s from day one. I am following vpd and no other plants of the same strain are taco-ing. its growing fine its the runt of the batch but it smells the most and what looks to have the most frost so far. I tried messing with my light, vpd, temps tried flushing nutes. nothing would stop it from being a taco. it stayed taco-ing and its on start of week 4 and still taco-ing

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Is ocean fruit square one/robinhood? One of the worse tacoing ones is wedding cake x banana butter cups

yea square one idk wtf is going on with it it looks fine besides taco i gave up on trying to fix it and just letter her do her thing at this point smells damn good tho like blueberrys and juciy fruit gum with a dash of gas hope the gas comes in more tho

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Yea my PPFD is only sitting like 420-430ish, if you trust Photone with a diffuser, I’ll keep an eye on em to see how they adjust cause they’ve only been under these lights since Thursday I think.

And yea that’s interesting its mine from square one that seems most curled up.

420 thats fine but on the lower end i veg at like 600-650.
i pop seeds at 500ppfd on photone app