Lebathon - A year in Lebanon

Syrian x BB Leb Females - Pollination day

Things are getting interesting, so I don’t feel too bad about just inbreeding a bit this round. There’s pretty good variation between these. There’s two dwarf phenos. If you look at the last picture, you can see the top of the dwarf pheno, with her sister towering over here about 2 feet away. The larger of the two dwarves has double serrations, which you can see in the 3rd picture. The sisters of her mother were dwarves, and looked pretty similar. She’s growing much faster than them. They yielded pretty much nothing, but hybrid vigor has really helped out. The dwarves are interesting, and might be an interesting trait to mess around with.

On the other end of the spectrum, one of the plants is ridiculously tall and I had to flop it. It has very wide branching and long internodes. Probably my least favorite. Most of the other plants are somewhere in between – medium/tall height, looking much like black and blue lebanese.

So far, most seem to have the tart, fruity smell of the black/blue leb. We’ll see in a few days if the pollen took, and see how fast these babies flower.


Something didn’t seem right about those photos from royal. you may want to think twice about those seeds from royal. That shot of the flowering “lebanese” is a stock photo from shutterstock which has been published multiple times as a visual for articles on mmjreporter.com.

here’s the link to the stock photo on shutterstock.



I hope you will enjoy the lebanese green and lebanese pink selections.

Here is a real picture of the lebanese pink I had outdoors this season. There is a lot of variety in these selections, but this one really represents the best qualities of the lebanese pink. Very hardy, bud rot and mildew resistant. It had beautiful fluorescent magenta pistils in early flowering, and faded to a purple black as it ripened.


Beautiful job on those @zephyr


I agree. I can taste it from here. Lol


Good looking out.

:drooling_face: that leb looks really tasty. I am excited to try it. I am very fond of the rosin that came from my RSC cross, and was bummed it’s not sexually stable. I think I’ll find something even better in the ones you sent me.


following up on royal’s scam, both of the photos he misrepresented as lebanese were stock photos. He also had ads on strainly using the same stock photos. He deleted all of his listings on strainly after he was called out here.

Looks like the seeds from royal are definitely bogus.


That’s sucks for sure never understood why someone does things like this, but I don’t put too much effort into finding out either.


She’s frosting up nicely. Looks like black black lebanon to me! :+1:


I’m such a POS when it comes to updating. 11/12 popped after a week (8 already have true leaves) — I’m potting them up now. May scarify the tenth one and give it some more time; because why not :tipping_hand_man:


I thought I posted this but can’t find it. I got 4 for 4 Black Lebanese bx popped and above ground in solo cups. Mine don’t have true leaves yet. My grow is always slower than others but must be experience(I ain’t got much)


slow & steady wins the race :wink:

This aint a race anyways. I typically start plants off with coconut water, and those cytokinins/gibberellins make a difference — or at least my wallet would like to believe so :upside_down_face:


Just a little mid-week update here. The Syrian x BB Leb male has been dropping pollen the past few days. Today and probably the next few days will be the peak, and then it’ll be ready for a kill.

Pretty decent male with sexual stability. The structure reminds me of the medium height BB Leb, while the upper fan leaves have more of a Syrian look to them. Clusters are not especially big, but I’m not expecting any of these to impress in the yield department. Nice purple coloration on the pollen sacs. I hope it fills in a little more in the coming days.


Took a while to get caught up!! Fantastic job!

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Willing to see the offspring from that much decent dude oldtimer, do you already have an idea of the fortunate ladies that will receive his manhood? kiki|nullxnull


Is that pollen from autos?

All the females got a dose on a branch, and I’ll keep seeds from the girl I like best! The rest of the seeds get turned into hemp milk :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No sir – it’s still a photo, although the Syrian female is an extremely fast finisher at about 49 days.


Hummmmmmm. Man I want to Cary on with your stuff. @lefthandseeds pm? It’s late. I sent you a message a minute back. Not sure if I sent it. I know some of the plants I have going now are yours. The haze and the other one. I gave up on tags. The next run. Will be a bigger girl. I have pollen form a male BL I’m waiting till the end. I hit one female earlier but he hadn’t popped yet. I’m good on seeds. I would like you to keep me on your mind. I do like the 45 day run on flowering.


Out of hearts again :heart:, why am I always out?

:heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:
Looks great @lefthandseeds.
That’s a lot of pollen you got there. :wink: :wink: