LED bulbs growing

Hi, i growed couple years ago…used CFL lights. Everything i found here…i mean how to grow, cycles etc. But now i found the Ready to grow Tent with a LED bulbs.The question is…for the 600 USD, is that good prize?

One set included:

  1. grow tent 1pc
  2. Apollo 12 Led grow light 1pc with lens, 430WATT
  3. 4‘’ inline fan 1pc
  4. 4’’ Charcoal Filter 1pc
  5. Ducting 10 meter
  6. PH test pen 1pc
  7. PPM test pen 1pc
  8. hygrometer&thermometer 1pc
  9. 24 hours mechnical timing socket 1pc
  10. advanced nutrients bloom 500ML

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It looks good regarding the fact that it could be price of LED panel alone. I would go for the 120 degree angle. If you put LEDs with 60 degree angle close to tops you get the light to rectangle area no much bigger than LED panel itself and the side plants will suffer. Question is if you can trust reported values of LED panel.

I have not used that LED panel, but I have used a galaxy hydro 300w.(equivalent) results were better than cfl but not even close to hps and I had the led as close as I could without light burn

If I were you I would take my time and piece it together myself.
Good chance the quality isn’t there ib that set up. Buy once cry once.

Btw. I run a 4x2x5 tent and bumped it up to 400w hps and now use that 300w galaxy hydro led as supplemental lighting. Hps I get more growth in shorter time frame.


I agree. I would piece it together to ur own liking. Leave room for changes. Every grow you learn something new. But yea im going to try a 12w led lite for a small Space Bucket grow, rather then the 4 cfl set up.

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Yea replying to my own post. If u try less in a space bucket make sure you keep them a safe distance from your lady’s.

I ment LEDs. Sorry. Damn Auto spell

Was wondering about heat output of leds. But the explanation above about hps being way better tells me all i need to know


Does it say hps is better? Sure maybe cuz most are comparing to mars hydro or vipar spectraXD build a good cob led and you can touch it. Try touching an hps i dare yaXD then post pics of the burn;)



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I was not sure but I had good luck with led.e.d it’s just you need more watts and higher distance because of the light of the leds is not a point source too close and they might. Be over 1 color led only lol