They will grow weed fine but like all Chinese manufacturers the advertisement is deliberately misleading. These actually draw 240w at the wall and will NEVER be able to replace a 600w hps.
We have a few threads here in OG for diy light builds that will hands down grow much better plants.
I’ve been fielding a lot of questions about SolStrips so the folks at Overgrow have allowed me to host this discussion thread to help answer them.
Let this thread be the place where questions and announcements about SolStrip products are posted and answered. Hopefully that will keep the amount of commercial discussion in other areas of the site to a minimum. So please keep posting to and starting new project and grow threads with your SolStrip arrays, and let the community of LED growers here p…
Well figured id start a thread just to share for anyone thinking and looking for a viable alternative to SIL “Screw In Light” Led arrays to rigid DIY options such as QuantumBoards, Solstrips, Meiji Lighting products, or any pre built options out there like marshydro, and the likes.
I’ll leave this thread open to discussion and post ups of other cheap strips and product lines as well because tech is always changing, and getting better and cheaper everyday.
So to get this started let me introduc…
I’d avoid any Chinese grow light like the plague.