LED: Running closer Than Spec

I think I’m happy with 800-900. No need to push it to the limit. Very good will work for me.

Especially under these circumstances I just don’t think it’s possible.


What light you using?
Just curious, think I’ll need to replace mine soon.

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Migro Aray 4

I’ve been playing with this quite a bit. I like that you can run the lights higher at a higher power and they act as a space heater — seems a lot of good variables.

Interesting on the feeding near the end — I’ve read people like to flush then? I could see though how the plant is using a lot of energy.

Has anyone run UVB at the end of their run?

Side note, when I see plants hitting lights it always makes me nervous, lol. Safety queen here.

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This light puts off so little heat it’s really a non-factor.

I don’t flush. I feed all the way to the end.

I’ve snapped some branches to keep the canopy even.


Out of curiosity, whats better? A good bend away from the lights ( I have already done + scrog )

Or just opening the tent and letting them come out?

Refer to this thread im kinda packing in my 2x2 xD

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I don’t bend I snap. Really I think it’s the move. If they stretch higher I’ll just snap them again.


snap it is :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely snap a few tonight. I really am choked for space and have learned my final lesson xD

Two autoflowers might work…

But with a scrog in my 2x2x3, I only need one plant too really fill it out XD


If you snap them too hard tape is your friend.


I think i’ve been finding alot of hollow stem variants lately because the recent girls I grew bent over real easy with zero snap, It was great :stuck_out_tongue:


I have the same problem as you with the TK S1, they stretch so much !
I didn’t trim them lightly I brought the big clippers and snatched like 70% off the plant prior to flowering
Boy was I in for trouble…
They tripled in size within a week (600w hps in a 90x90 tent)
They are easy 5 ft tall and stacking
The light is all the way on top (2m)
I rather not chop away at flowering it seems to kinda stress them out, but they also pull from it rather nicely as flowering progress if you must.

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I’ve done some heavy trimming in flower, of some choice colas, because I had no option.

It worked out fine but I likely sacrificed some yield.


I stopped flushing years back. Did a test and both plants (flushed and not flushed) smoked the same after all said and done.

Now instead in the “flush week” leading up to crop I use General Hydroponics FloraKleen and the plant is forced to eat up those trapped salts and really pushes the fade.

Yep. 4hours in the middle of my 12hrs lights on during weeks 5+ of flower.


Stats are important for this discussion i think :

  • 200x LM281B diodes + 30x UV/IR
  • ~60w/ft2 density

Still struggled to be as fast than with others lights on these units, in the context exposed : full throttle.

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I’m running about 18w per sq/ft and growth is where it should be.


This. But I supplement with silica throughout my grows so I never get a snap my plants fibres are too strong. But as Dr. Snap said:

On a side note; I’ve never tried this without supplementing silica but I’ve crushed stems with my fingers to the point of pliability where I could tie the branch into a knot.


I will accept the moniker Dr Snap


My current light (Mars Hydro FC-6500) runs at 37.5 watts per square foot when in a 4x4… so I’ve yet to go above 80% with that fixture :sweat_smile:

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It sounds low but it’s quite efficient and I’m starting to get all the tops I’m looking for in the way that I’d expect.

I’m just going to let it ride.


Oh I totally know you know your shit growmie! Numbers are less appointment than results. :+1:

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