Carper finds his way back to OG

Everyone is welcome to watch me learn the art of growing all over again after multiple years of packing it all in

Here we can all have a say in whats good or bad its all welcome for discussion

This journey will be a roller coaster and from what i can remember to all new products which will guide me to the pursuit of perfection :ok_hand:

Lets kick this off


Good luck! I’m still in my very first run ever, so I mostly just have general supportive noises to offer. I hope everything goes smoothly!


Here is a list of what i have got but its not my end goal but its a start none the less

Old Mapito mixed 50/50 canna coco pro +
600 hps - Philips greenpower
Adjusta wing
Budbox pro tent

The flood tables are made with two gordon trays, the
pump 20mm pipes flow into a small resivor
I can adapt for a drain to waste or a
Edd & flow or if i which to a drip feed system

This is how it all got started…

3 x Hypro amnesia 98 seeds
The other one i bloody forgot what it was :grin: but its a slow arse indica to veg
All the seeds are regulars so i was hell lucky to get females

They are all vegged under a MH phillips 400w till i could take clones just incase for backup
The amnesia clones took 5 days - tap water start Ec 0.9
Then i normally use hesi hardwater bloom ec1.4 /ph5.6


Thankyou for stopping by
Your more then welcome to ask anything here none the less, its all for a learning lesson

Grtz carper


Woo flood tables! There’s not a ton of us on here, but our numbers are growing!

dozens of us gif


I had to try my luck on germing two seeds ! Love potion reeferman and they only germed after all these years
Indica slow arse growth again , so i have snapped them over to promot the lower sets to move faster 20241006_200121|233x500


Feed to waste
Canna coco A&B
Mammouth p
Hesi root stim
My tap start ec0.9 and i will aim for ec2.0 and stick with that
But i have one Amnesia whos tips are very slightly burnt
So i have noted this down for the future!

I dont measure the ec run off or ph as this can tell lies and lead you into all sorts of trouble
I let the plant tell me…i.e if i cook the fukers then i know yo back off and if they show signs off deficiency them ill give them more food
Simple as that


As always, very nice set up!!
That is a very clever use of the Gordon tray, IMHO.
Best wishes for your gardens!


Lovin the show : )


Thanks guys for popping in, Get comfy because its going to get interesting

HLG have emailed me, they are putting the Tomahawk 650 on hold but can ship out a 750 Diablo if i want straight away
Hmm this is going to be a learning curve🤣

Just in time for the flowers to go nuclear or im going to incinerate them

11days 12/12 and boy im running out of room quick, thinking of making plans to strip off the large blocking fan leaves possibly next week ish at a guess
The Amnesia are definitely a fast plant which i like

Bloody only gone and snapped the branch nearly off, trying to shoe horn my fat arse under the canopy to get the undergrowth off
Cable tie it should work :joy:

Im running out of room quick, the Amnesia have kicked into gear
Better get bending them up like a Pretzel
The Unknown Indica is busy stacking its flowers up for good colas

This is for all you growers how love a bit of kinky root porn
24 hours and the roots have exploded upwards chasing the moisture
Love Potion are slow growers but there rooting strength is welcoming20241007_195248|375x500

To top it all off we finally have what we all love to see, not a ballbag in sight :joy: no he she them

On my potions
Just need to find a space for them to flower but i do hate slow indica growth in veg anyways

That’s me done for the night

See you’ll soon

Grtz carper


Hi Carper, Mapito mixed with coco is that something new?


To be honest with you 2002 , i aint got a bloody qlue mate :slightly_smiling_face:
I cannot see how it would cause to much of a problem, definitely better then perlite by a mile
In every way
Moisture, wicking abilities, breaks down into the substrate and roots go crazy for the rockwall !
which means more root volume %

Grtz carper


My mapito came with chunks of coco in it , more rock wool than coco chunks

So probably a good move to use coco nutes as mainly coco in your mix idk

Are you ph ing for rock wool or coco ? I’m assuming coco as using coco nutes ?

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Yeah i fish, Cultilene Mapito should have Coco chunks and husk in, thats the proper stuff

This is what i use also and your 100% correct in using the Coco nutes on this run with so much percentage of coco
I only did it because i never had my trusted Hesi nutes at hand or i would of gone straight edd n flood in my 56ltr totes
But im presently suprised by the ease of growing and a comfortable margin of error, this will be on my behalf because ive forgotten shit loads

Cheers for popping by
Grtz carper


I use chempak and elixir nutes in my mapito grows ( cheap and great ratios )

I’m uk : )

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Well :joy:
i fish,
Let me just say im winging it and taking a gamble
Ph 5.6 all the way in veg to two weeks in 12/12 with not one issue what so ever but im starting to climb it up to ph5.8 in flower so ill have full control
I personally cannot see one problem with the ph 5.6 as we all know Mapito is in this range
So its got the buffering from the coco and chasing the moisture from the mapito whi h is ph stable…once flushed properly like my mate esko the viking showed us all

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Never used any other nutes except Hesi Metrop
First time with Canna and Coco
So i thought fuk it, im going to mess up so i might as well do it properly :joy::joy:

Ill have a look at these nutes, you been using them long ?

Always a pleasure to meet a fellow uk grower

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Chempak 3 and 8 mix for veg 50/50 or 33/66
Chempak 2 for stretch
Chempak 8 for flower plus pk to up p and k as I progress in flower upping ec

Elixir 6/12/36 ish for ripening last couple of weeks

Using them for years : )

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Very nice ill get looking about on google

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