LED: Running closer Than Spec

I’m getting the tops that are too green because they’re growing too fast. It all looks good.

It all looks good.

Unless the Crunchy Frog stretches some more in which case I will neeed to take serious action.


One thing ive noticed over the years of growing is when plants are started on a high output they grow to cope with it to a point, but say if your running at 60% then crank it up later on they usually cant cope compared to plants that were growing under a higher output from the get go.

Now thats all relative to a point because you can have too much light for say your temps, humidity, or air exchange where the plants cant regulate themselves.

im consistently in that 30-35w/sqft range but thats with straight white diodes not the red augmented stuff


Yup, I’ve cut main colas off to get them to stop. Hurts to do it but it does really slow them down. We only grow for personal stash anymore, so it’s not too big of deal to lose some biomass.

I’ve found that if growing seeds, they tend to prefer whatever intensity they sprout to. I have (had) a helluva time getting my plants to get going under my main lights after having started them under T5s. I finally got to starting them under the light they’ll be grown under and saved a bunch of time (few days…) and they were immensely happier.
As soon as they get about 8" tall I’l crank the light up a notch every day until they hate it, then dial back a notch a day until they settle in. It could be total horseshit but they seem to be way easier to control the height using the intensity of the light to your advantage.
Once I flower them, I do the same thing.

Good topic for gaining usable bits of LED growing info.


Hi there my friend

I’ve run into that problem a lot

I got rid of the tent and still run out of room

Some of my girls where touching the light and some grew over the light
I just supper crop and keep supper cropping until they stay below the light

It’s abit hot under any thing over 500 watts
But they made it through

I fine they finish quicker because of the stress lol

I increased air flow added extra fans

It’s the main reason I got rid of the tent

But I have been reading that any led over 500 watts should be at 38 inches high above the canopy during veg
And 24 inches in flower

But that’s nearly impossible in a 60 inch high tent lol

Best wishes

Just found this thread




Most ive done is tape one up when it broke ,

My current grow and the one before it, those plants must have been pretty healthy because I did not get any snaps , just nice bends, the one you see when you bend it and water comes out a tiny bit

I snap hard. They heal.


See: top right:


Had to zip tie my 2x mars hydro lights in the 5 foot tall 2x4 to the top mounting bar to get an extra 2.5 ish inches and still max them out at like 75% with colas pushing 10-12inches from the light :grimacing:


Vs zip ties


If you twist area as you bend this is less traumatic but if you want to slow down then snap / kink
Also bend snap day befor watering as less turgor then , less likely snap becoming a break needing tape
: )


So did you supercrop them?


Yeah. It’s really only that one plant that’s the problem.

Some of the other plants are small problems but manageable.

I snapped the shit out of the tall one.


Bending seems to leave the apical dominance alone more or less, snapping seems to apply pressure on redistribution of auxins, quickly changing the focus of the rest of the plant.

Im cool with being not right here, just imho.

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Then there’s the leaning approach where you turn the plant sideways. :grin:

There’s the sideways cindy thread out there that shows this done well indoors, and @MissinBissin is doing it with tubs outdoors with equal awesomeness.

One day I plan on doing a run with a sideways pot in enclosed medium just to see what happens :rofl:


@PsillyRabbit has an upside down one and @Not-Notjosh had a fabric bag with one sticking out the side

Who did that grow on old overgrow with one plant air layyered around in a rectangle like a strawberry patch?


I do all sorts of weird things. I have been told im silly.Light Training
@breadwinner bending only keeps the main leader in the lead for so long. I tried to push it to tghe limit withg my giant freakshow this summer and grow an arch. After 150- days or so i lost control of the main leader and let the rest plant take off.


I’ve done this before. It works. But it won’t work here.

Everything I’ve snapped has recovered and is now back where it was. I think the move is to tie them down now.

That or massive pruning but that’s a last resort.


I tied them down. They’ll recover but hopefully not as high. Everything seems ok now. I’m going to try bumping up the light a point when I get back to see what happens.

I also did a massive undercanopy defoliation.

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Thanks @Pigeonman, its been a very easy thing to apply. The 3 plants instantly shifted their own axis and kept growing straight Up !!

The open branching of this strain created No Shadow issues at all. Kept the X shape in mind when laying-it over.

ps Made sure to Not have one branch aiming Straight down… like the + symbol… we went “X” to make it easier on the plant. And Yes, its aimed due North
(zamaldelica photo-period)


So I’ve tied it down:

And done a massive under canopy defoliation:

I’ve now got a foot of hopefully productive tops.

We will see what the move is when I get back.