LEDSeedz Testing [USA Only] CLOSED

I wish i could participate but i am in Costa Rica, got the LGOGxSF tester going and no room anyway, but i wish everyone who participates the best of luck!



Jump on this…worth the space and watts


oh yeah, i’m in!! coco with gh nutes. i have a 5’10 usable ceiling height.
grow thread is here. Yarddog's Grow✌️
If i may suggest something?? i think it would be wise for the grower/tester to show pics of males before being destroyed. tester needs to show male parts, so it would be a confirmed male. in peoples excitement/haste, sometimes a female gets thrown out as a male when a few more days time would show the sex of the plant better
not trying to step on anyone’s toe’s but i was wondering about a few “males” that got thrown out during your last test grow


Right, you know me @LED_Seedz I am down. Just another note on the males have 5 Street Outlaw f2bx1 testers and thought a few were male but what looked l Iike balls is now a leaf and a branch growing out of the same spot the balls or female parts would be. They are driving me nuts lol even the one in flower now day 7 will see what we see when I get home. Peace and happy hunting all. OG


I’d be happy to do another test for you. It would depend on your timeline and weather you want to diversify your testers. When are you planning on starting?

Also in case anyone wants I can go out and take pics of the plants in my compost pile just to confirm I was justified in killing them :grin:


I missed this last time you did this LEDseedz…I want in on this run. Come check out Roux’s Hydroponics if you wanna see the systems I’ll be using. I do have height restrictions so thank you for the consideration for us that don’t have the vertical space to grow out that specific strain. I use evil General Hydroponics Nutrients too :smiling_imp: Running six reg seeds shouldn’t be an issue once I move the mothers out.

DWC / Ebb & Flow Hydroponic system progression

DWC system (MOTHER VEG) 150w LED
Seed > Veg > Sexed > Clone

Ebb & Flow (SOG FLOWER) 400w HPS (upgrading to 600w LED currently)
Clone > Flower > Harvest

Thanks for the opportunity!


I would love to be a tester, my cab is just finishing up so the timeline would be an amazing coincidence. I think 6 would be the maximum I could run in my cab though, so here are a few questions before consideration.

Are we allowed to train/top/grow like we normally would, Or would you rather see them grown au natural?
Is growing in limited pot sizes (I use 1 gallon) lowering my chances at being selected?
Out of 6 beans, could we cull/relocate any that show as males and still qualify as a tester?

If these are within testing specifications, I’d love to be considered. As mentioned, I’m just about to finish up a current grow and the timeline defined in your post would fit perfectly. I could start the seeds as soon as received.

Jelly’s Cab Adventures

Quick Specs

2’ x 3’ x 3’ growing area.

Growing Medium: Royal Gold Tupur (Hydroponic Coco)
Nutrients: GLN Megacrop
Water: Tap
Watering System: Automated via Blumat Drippers
Lighting: 320w array of Baudelaire’s SolStrips
Documenting skills: My thread speaks for itself I think.

If the height/micro grow situation doesn’t play nice with your desired testing, please pass on me to let someone with a more capable setup/resources play with your awesome genetical engineering madness!

Thank you for allowing us this opportunity and may all who are selected enjoy!


Pretty sure he is looking for real world testing. Like a seed purchaser looks for the dank, the seed maker is trying to make a product that can be grown under a wide range of conditions, yet still produce the product pictured and or described. At least that is my take on the scene. I top mine and have trained testers. If selected rock on all.
Looking forward to watching you all run these, Peace OG.


Would love to test some seeds I have a grow pictures but don’t know how to load the link to yeah.


My pictures are `Dtowngrowman68 pic’s in photo gallery


@Dtowngrowman68 To make a link,

All you have to do to make a link is either use the “hyperlink” icon, (looks like a little chain) and fill in the blanks, or if you’d like to do it manually

[Dtowngrowman68's Grow Pics](https://overgrow.com/t/dtowngrowman68-grow-pics/7917)

Basically, [Brackets with your Link Description](Followed by the URL in Parenthesis)

:slight_smile: Hope this helps.


Don’t be shy, and don’t forget the link to your grow here.

Thank you for the replies so far guys!


I will always be willing to test for you. Because I’m currently running one test for you, I don’t want to seem greedy. So if you have a spot that need filled by the time you send them out, I will make space to run them. Good luck to everybody that participates, I don’t doubt these will be grade A++ genetics like everything else I’ve seen.


I’ll test for you… gotta bit of a height restriction but need new stuff going soon


You’ll need this too lol


Thank you sir… typing and hit reply instead of upload…

Growing in soil using fox farm and megacrop watering as needed and composting soil for no-till later on… but yea link to my grow posted above by @DavesNotHere


The Bunker


CAP Ebb/ Flow using chipped coco under Commercial LED w / 1300ppm CO2 in a sealed grow space designed and set up by @LED_Seedz


LOL if that doesn’t get you chosen nothing will lol.



Him and I are lifetime friends, we will be buds til death fosure…I like giving him a hard time sometimes. :wink:


I can’t figure how to link you told me but you know I can’t figure it out sorry dude but it’s Dtowngrowman68 grow pics here on overgrow