Lets play chess - Welcome to the Shack

Move: Bf1 : Ba6 Castle taken :sunglasses:
@Terpsnpurps I agree knight is versatile, the queen is usually the first sacrifice to draw out the knight.

Got visits to make, Have a great night. :slightly_smiling_face:


Lol maybe… I am not used to playing that way

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b7:a6 takes bishop

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Move d2 : d4

What? Pictures of chess pieces got boring. Have a great Day. :sunglasses:

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@Ris :sunglasses:

Well you were right, i ended up on chess.com and have gotten addicted.

Im up to play sometime if you’re interested. :thinking: :thinking: :call_me_hand:


That is cool 3d printed weed related chess pieces that’s a sellable idea! I’ve played chess all my life and never knew the board numbering or how to track your moves properly. Love it!


Hop on chess.com brother. hit me up Risix_Ris


Chess seems to be going thru a resurgence lately, which is great. I think there’s a few reasons for that. Chess.com is great, and has puzzles that really help you spot mates. Chess bots have all but solved chess, and people use them to find new ideas or check how well they played. And great chess content on youtube. I watch GothamChess who is a funny charismatic chess teacher turned streamer. He posts every day, and has a recurring segment called guess the elo(elo=player rating), where he watches random subscribers games and explains what is happening, and points out mistakes and he’s really good at explaining the reasons, and options from any position. Then he tries to guess their rating based on the game, then sees how close he got. I started with 800-1000 level bots, and am now getting frustrating close to beating a 2200 bot after a couple months of watching him.


Look what I found. I didn’t realize there were some chess players around(though I should have known). Chad5253 on chess.com. Im still a novice learning the game so be gentle if you play me. Also, did anyone else watch the FIDE Championships?

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lichess is free, chess.com wants to charge for lessons


Im only using the basic free chess.com account and I dont use them for lessons anyway. I’ve been using chessbrah and chess vibes elo rating climbs on youtube to learn how to play. Is it the best? Probably not. But its a nice resource to use when beginning i suppose.



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Since it’s October I thought I would post a bit about the Halloween Gambit for people looking for a fun aggressive game. I found this recently and have been learning all about it. Fun times. @Ris I’m coming for you. Prepare yourself! :smiling_imp:

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Continuing our Halloween theme let me introduce you to the Frankenstein-Dracula variation of the Vienna.

For a game look me up on chess.com. Chad5253

added you im still learning but im not a rookie euther just not much more then basics

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