Let's talk aliens

Well we did cryptids.

There are no alien species visiting earth.
A friend who is in with mufon told me
Most of the community has shelved
That notion though it persists among
The ignorant (uninformed).

They say now it’s dimensional beings
Even spirits…


Even at the speed of light the nearest galaxy
Is 20 million light years away.
And you can’t do the speed of light but if you could
It take millions of years to make the trip.
It gets worse the Farther one looks.

Our nearest star is 4 light years away
The time it take to get here at 10 percent the speed of light makes it a LONG trip.

Then we add in the maneuvers they perform that
Break the laws of physics and we’ll we have
…dimensional beings, even spirt beings they

Many seem to think they are demonic forces
And Harry Reed was quoted as saying
They took down our entire ability
To launch or to perform a retaliatory
Attack of the Nuclear type a few years back.

Very Interesting (in my crappy German accent)


As per our understanding of physics.


i’m not saying it isn’t demonic and spiritual activity, in fact i am pretty sure it is and i’ve been thrust into the middle of it, but don’t discount alien visitors just because we can’t reach them, since it is very much inside the realm of most (can’t recall exactly how many there are, and could be wrong about this bit of conjecture - like any of it is right or wrong anyway) of our theories for wormholes to exist and allow shortcuts to the travel time, not to mention that long travel times could be possible with life support systems that allow for hibernation.

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You’re assuming that we’re, Homo sapiens, as intelligent as they come. If that’s the case, we’re fucked. Not that we’re not intelligent but the human brain is constantly evolving. Constantly and has never stopped. We only have a few years of known history in the scheme of things and most of that is probably some sort of propaganda or another. Old Mother Earth will destroy us before we know what the true story is.


Well for me, it couldn’t be clearer. Far from being an academic A.I. bot, I think @Bert is actually an alien with quantum travel capabilities. That Sesame Street avatar isn’t fooling anyone.





@Toker1 - thanks for starting this thread. I love this stuff!


I agree with @Foreigner. If they are here they have surpassed simple Newtonian physics.


The book, Dmt : The Spirit Molecule, has some very interesting sections on Aliens encounters. The book also suggests its not the visit from a far away planet but an overlay of dimensions. DMT being the key for our perception to view this alternate planes and to view and knowingly interact with those that inhabit these other overlapping realms.


As far as the nuclear weapons… there was an instance that a ufo was spotted in the us… and it took every single nuclear missile silo offline in seconds… and it takes codes longer than most books you read to do that… it isn’t possible even if they authorized it… there are aliens… they do come here… and they’ve always been here… likely before we were here…

I can’t believe that the ufo footage from the f18 hornets were bs…

As well as similar proof of the ancient pyramids having hieroglyphics explaining alien visitation…

Why can’t we build a pyramid like them? Because we never built them in the 1st place alone


I always wanted to try that stuff. The god molecule.

Supposedly ppl are trying to map the DMT universe.


There are actually numerous reports of them shutting down nuke silos.

In 1947 the only nuclear stockpile in the world was very near Roswell New Mexico.


As this discussion progresses we mustn’t forget


This whole point is based off a 100 year run of technology and development. What if a civilization is 1000 years developed ? What if they have been around for 7Million years. Would they not develop Van Neiman like autonomous probes and potentially have already explored the Entire universe.We launched probes in the 1970s that have subsequently left our solar system.


Id like to bring up a theory that the visitations and sightings could be humans from another time/dimension, and this would remove the vast distances needed to be traveled from a “close by” life-supporting celestial body a few lightyear away.

I enjoy watching aincent aliens. Theres a reason they have 20 seasons of content. Theres alot of interlocking evidence that is found all over the world that is too similar to be coincidence.

:alien: :alien: :alien: :alien: :alien:


We should also consider the Drake Equation.


Enter your own probabilistic assumptions into this calculator:

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Astronomers are seriously considering Dyson spheres to explan observations

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If our current dimensional reality obeys our physical laws. How is it that in a tiny fraction of time after the Big Bang and Before the Planck barrier energies were so high that matter did Not obey physical laws as currently known. How does this fit our theory that our physical laws are immutable and solid. Is it proof of other dimensions and realms of infinite possibilities. I think it is. Physicists say the matter expanding during the early stages of creation were not smooth, but “clumpy” this is what galaxies were aggregated from. What does that mean “clumpy” not smooth. Did some of this material have “memory” of another time?


Aincent astronaut theorists contend: a resounding; Yes.

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My way of knowing is science driven. That means I am critical of science.

They can’t explain the moment of the big bang. Currently it’s like “give me one miracle and I’ll explain the rest.”

Same thing with dark matter and dark energy. They can explain 10% of matter. The other 90% they say is unobservable.

My point is that we are in our infancy regarding understanding the universe.