Lost Civilizations: Before the known

Sites have been discovered across the globe dating before our understanding of current civilization.

From Stonehenge, to Pumapunku, to Gobekli Tepe… all show technology we understand now but HOW then?

Let’s talk about this stuff here!

GO! :alien:


In Honduras I smoked a joint on top of an unexcavated mound that used to be a temple or something.

The real kicker - they plopped a cell phone tower right on top of it.

Like this except not pretty


What a heartbreaker. That’s really sad to hear.


I poked around in the dirt and found a few small pieces of stone that had obviously been worked. But they were just tiny fragments. I don’t know geology. Obsidian or something.


I am an archaeologist who works with human evolution and specializes in the growth of stone tool technology.

Its really odd to hear questuons about how could these people have understood concept x? They were so simple and primitive. When in reality these people have all the same capacities as you and me. They just lived in different contexts of knowledge.

Humans are very smart and we build bodies of knowledge that are very comprehensive and expand our already amazing natural capabilities. We have natural abilities for math, architecture, engineering, music, communication, social networking, farming, breeding of plants and animals, conceptualizing abstract concepts and planning for the distant future.

We are so fucking amazing, the questions should be more like how much farther back do these things go than we can understand now due to whatever types of evidence remain


This bullshit “how could they?!” is the only thing I can’t stand about AAT.

Now, if only the Vril would stop the bulshit they started with the Victorians!


What did the Vril get up to?


DOWN. The live in the Hollow Earth.

I’m sure everything we blame the Victorian’s for can be claimed the fault of the Vril. Or at least that’s what I tell myself to keep going. :rofl:


off to google wtf a VRIL is?

oh… it’s those fucking nut-jobs. Never mind. Glad I had VPN and Private Browsing turned on before I went down that wack-o rabbit hole. :crazy_face: :roll_eyes: :astonished:


Along those same lines, it’s hard to believe that we only figured out how seeds and plants work in the last 15,000 years and developed a system of writing in the last 6,000.


A short number of people know that but i ll show the pyramids who exist in Amazonia.
That pyramids are restrict.
You cant go there , have a curse or something like that.
Nobody know what civilization live there.
images (4)

I In doubt if this pictures up here are from Amazonia because of what our friend say
but down now have the picture of something build in Amazonia Brazil


The history taught is a complete fairytale. The pyramids and the sphynx were under an ocean. No mummies found in the pyramids. The timeline of history taught by academia is so fucked up it’s laughable. The civilization responsible for building the pyramids was more advanced than we are.
The pharaonic Egyptians found the pyramids and pretended to be the gods, they copied the hieroglyphics and gave new meanings to the symbols. The pyramids were sealed and they had to blow a hole in the side with dynamite to get in. But they hammered and chiseled that shit with copper tools. The great pyramid is eight sided not four. Even harder to build.


I got a shiver of excitement reading that sentence! :star_struck:

I can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent since the late 80’s, hunched over in the woods knapping stone blades and tools. Making bows and atl-atls, baskets, pottery… I am a total amateur nerd/wank for that that stuff.

You are in a very cool line of work, there!


@jessethestoner do you know something about amazonia pyramids?



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Berzerk, yea I do know a bit, they were one of my early passions.


Nobody had listening about that civilization.
Is fucking secret


LOVE shit like this.

“The Mayans were extremely good builders, but they often built in places that made little practical sense — far from rivers, far from fertile areas,” he toldCBC News.

Gadoury’s theory is that the Mayans wanted the locations of their cities to correspond to the position of the stars, so he compared 22 Mayan constellations to the regions where ruins have already been found.

Sure enough, 117 known Mayan ruins matched up with his ancient star charts.

Then he noticed that a 23rd constellation didn’t have a matching city — and theorized that an undiscovered city corresponding with that constellation must have been out there…"


The reason why not much evidence of megalithic structures and ruins are found in North America above Mexico is because during the last ice age there was a 2 mile thick ice sheet covering North America that ground everything under it to dust.


Which quite frankly is: