I truly believe that we are not alone. And not just when smoking my favorite plant.

Usually I sit in front of my fireplace, so that the smoke and odor can go right up the chimney. I listen to classic rock and just chill. My thoughts have been returning more and more to the history of our planet.

Being an engineer, I truly admire science and scientists. I’m also impressed with how much they are able to infer from our planetary/cosmic history. Yet, it’s still all based on our current set of knowledge. There’s so many things which can’t be known that the possibilities are endless.

For instance, I had the thought recently that it’s entirely possible that Earth wasn’t always the 3rd rock from the sun. What if originally the sun was a tad bit smaller such that there was another planet between the sun and Mercury (not necessary for this theory, but interesting). If the sun were smaller, our planet would have been much colder than it is now, and Venus could have been at the perfect conditions for life. In fact, it could have been home to an advanced civilization which died out once the Sun went through it’s changes and grew bigger, possibly engulfing the planet between Mercury and the Sun. With conditions on Venus as they are, any evidence of past life would be completely wiped out or unattainable at this point. Who’s to say that this doesn’t occur again in the future, making Mars the goldilocks planet and making Earth very similar to Venus-conditions? Maybe that civilization on Venus, knowing it’s end time was near, helped to populate the Earth with the beginnings of life?

Another thought I’ve had relates to the quote above. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years. Specifically, 248 to 65 million years ago. So for 183 million years, dinosaurs populated and roamed the Earth. Yet all we have from those millions of years of life, are a handful of fossils. Human civilization has been around for, what, 4,000 years? Yes, we’ve advanced greatly in that time, but if we were wiped out tomorrow, what would be left of us after 1 million years? Not much. So who knows how many advanced civilizations have come and gone in the 65 million years since the dinosaurs were around. If they only last a few thousand years each, then I wouldn’t expect much to be left around to find if after 183 million years of life we only have a few dinosaur fossils.

Sorry for the rambling. I’ll be back at the fireplace this evening, thinking again about all this. Stay high. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts or experiences with any of the “supernatural” or alien-type things. I’m always interested in reading more on the topic.


20 years ago I took an astronomy class and learned about planets in other solar systems. With the available technology they could only detect what are called hot Jupiters because they were huge and close to stars so they could measure the blip in the light as the planet passed in front of the star.

Now they can see many many many more.

It’s typical anthropocentrism to believe we are alone and the best.

Aliens exist. Maybe not in the Star Trek sense but there is life on other planets.

Maybe even in this solar system. Europa is a good candidate.

/end nerd rant


The word Life is an extremely broad term. As life can be found on the bottom of the ocean in water that is 600°F it seems quite possible that there could be some form of life on Venus already. Or, living on interstellar dust – the remnants of a planet that once held life but has long since been destroyed. Yet travel beyond the solar system seems implausible with our current scientific understanding… limits of human lifetimes, energy utilization, need for water, the distances involved… etc etc etc. Humans only recently began transmitting radio messages, which take time to travel, and so the earth has only recently become a beckoning beacon to any external observers, although there are theories of the Pharoahs having created the pyramids as transmitters which actually seems plausible. Yes Robots could be sent and might interact similarly to the Angel described as having spoken to Mohammed where there were long periods of silence and inactivity between a question and its answer so the possibilities are definitely there. I may not have a definitive answer but I do always enjoy considering the possibilities.


I personally believe that it is incredibly arrogant to think we’re either alone in the universe or even the most advanced lifeform.


I’m not even sure we are an advanced species. More like a work in progress…


The Webb Space Telescope is going to shed light on galaxies and other unique cosmic things in the universe.




I have always believed in such , in fact I truly believe there are many things hiding in the shadows or I’m sure the deep recesses of the solar system. We sometimes have the deepest discussions about these things. I knew when the government and the navy acknowledged the fact recently that we are finally getting close to seeing the truth. Can’t say I’ve had a true alien/ufo sighting but perhaps one day will…. Until then I TOO BELIEVE


I believe in space bud. I have seen things. There was a couple of times. Once when I was younger and there was a few other people around. Once in the Atlantic I was out on the ocean. You could see something flying across the sky. But it used the stars as camouflage. The other guys that were with me could see it you could see an outline of some type of shape that was moving across the sky. It look like stars but its shape never changed. And it moved to where it was blocking the stars behind it. It’s hard to explain. I believe in people flying spaceships or some kind of creatures. Even the Bible talks about a flaming chariot. With wheels of fire.


“You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said, “yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours–otherwise not.” As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind. I copied it


Humans are fine tuned specifically for life on this planet.
If there is life here, there is also life on other worlds. But who know the type of life that exist in those places since the development of the planet isn’t exactly like ours.
There are no space men traveling billions of miles through wormholes. Gravity doesn’t work like that and it wouldn’t take long for a being to succumb to not being effected by gravity.
Believe it or not, neither fossil or chemical fuel is able to get a ship beyond the effects of gravity. It’s gravity that those those thruster are reacting with. Without the effects of gravity, those thrusters are useless.
In other words, it a one way trip most likely ending in death for the passengers. That’s why they use machines and monkeys as pilots.
Those telescopes and probes are flung into space and used as long as they continue communication or until they hit something or something hits it and destroy it.
The sad part is that no one has figured out a way to get off this rock. Those things that you think are alien ships, are objects that were launched into space many years ago. When these objects return, they have been gone for so long, that they are barely recognizable even by the people who sent them. They are prized because they have been collecting data, hope for the duration of the trip. They have found nothing new after all of those years. It’s was written millions of years ago and in many forms, :infinity:. We call it infinity, but simply put, it’s what’s comes around, goes around.
Maybe Newton put it best in his 3rd law… for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.
Or as the Chinese put it so long ago image


I’m glad I started this thread. I love what I’m hearing, and so true on the endless possibilities!

Sometimes I think that maybe the earth is just some other species petri dish, and we’re what they’re growing. Think about it, if time is relative, and another species/organism lives on a planet where time occurs more slowly than on our planet, then why couldn’t they inoculate our young earth with bacteria and such and then just sit back and watch what happens?


Awesome. That’s so cool to have a firsthand experience.

I must say I’m on the fence regarding whether the earth has been visited before. I’d like to believe, as it would be damn cool.


Also, this story really blew my mind.


The other thing I really like to do while smoking, that definitely gets the thoughts moving in the right direction, is to listen to Alan Watts’ lectures. Absolutely brilliant stuff.


There are certainly other forms of intelligence out there. The law of averages virtually assures that. The problem is overcoming the speed of light necessary for us to get visitors to visit, and vica versa. I will trust Mr. Einstein on that until proven otherwise.


It’s likely intelligent life exists. It’s less likely that they’ve survived long enough to somehow contact us.

We can’t even get together to make the earth survivable for us. Much less contact other races in space.


Good stuff.


I belive they exist but obviously we are very primal to be reached by them, we all don’t want to be friends with a chimp.

The 1st step is to evolve, as soon as we overcome primal agressive instincts, sooner we will be able to travel thru universe, but we are in a phase of evolution where humans are still in war with humans for their own objectives, not for the common gold.

And in order to assure our continuity we really need to go all in the same direction, sun isn’t going to burn forever.

So it is clear and clear that we need to evolve in order to achive space traveling and sucessful colonization of other planets, obviously that is the gold of more advanced cultures, happily the universe is big enough so we don’t have to cross.


They’re heeeere…

I’m not sure how congress in any way legitimizes or contributes any wealth of information to the subject, but at least they are talking it out.

Former Canadian minister Paul Hellyer spent the last fifteen years talking about UFOs. Would be way more fun to see one or more current politicians start spouting off constantly about UFOs and aliens.

Of course being politicians I would find it difficult to believe any of their claims, but it would be good entertainment.


Illegal campaign financing by aliens.