Lighting question

Hey all!
Still a newbie, but learning new stuff all the time…
I have about 6 or so plants in a 4 x 2 tent vegging under a t5. Finally figured out how to feed them (currently schultz 10-15-10) and they seem healthy and happy.
Getting ready to flip them to 12/12 and wanted to move a couple smaller ones to my 2x2 tent to continue vegging.
Problem is, I have a viparspectra 330 “blurple” light in that tent. Raised it all the way up and getting about the same lumens as I was with my t5…but after a few days my plants are getting droopy and leaves start yellowing like a nute deficiency. Only thing I have changed is the light and a smaller tent…so I am a little stumped!
Can anyone shed some light on this??
(see what I did there?)


That blurple is way different than a T5. It might just take a bit for them to get used to it. I had seedling do that when I moved them from T5 to LED.
I only use T5 for clones and seedling. I move them to led way up for veg slowly moving down. When I move them to the 4.5X4.5 they get the killer (high quality) led.

:green_heart: :seedling:


May want to check that your plants are getting the same DLI (daily light integral) as they were under the T5. Have you checked the reccomended hanging height for your Viparspectra? you said it’s all the way up maybe too high? what about ventilation in the smaller tent? have you noticed if your other plants in the bigger tent are starting to droop/yellow to rule out deficiency? lots of variables. Photone makes an app to check your par level and calibrate your specific light with the manufacturers par chart on your phone it has been reliable for me. try it out. good luck hope you get it figured out.


I am using the same nutrients for all my plants. Checked the light intensity with a handheld light meter to ensure it was the same reading as my t5’s. I will try that app and see what I get! :+1:


What size pots are you in? I’m trying to picture what a 4x2 tent with 6 plants looks like space wise, but it’s past my bedtime and my brain is glitching :joy:.

Maybe they’re root bound? If the light & environment are the same something must be off with the plant

Also thought the viparspec light probably runs hotter than the t5. What’s the temperature?

Due to lack of radiant heat with the led in veg , this is hindering / slowing uptake maybe , keep the LED for when you flip to 12/12 , but up till then in veg if using led raise temps or use t5 or Cmh etc to add radiant heat

Like the difference between sitting beside an open fire and sitting beside a blow heater
An open fire heats air and you to the bone internally as radiant heat is absorbed , whereas a blow heater only warms air around you , not actually you , different type of heat : )


How long since they went under new light? Could be adjusting to recieving different spectrums that the t5 didn’t provide.
Distance between led and canopy(plant tops)?

Long story short can you post pic of one of the plants. ? Worst one be best to see what’s going on in the plant. Leaf color variations tips etc. And are they drying quicker or stalling take-up?

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