Veg plants having some issues

Some of my veg plants recently have had some deficiencies and trying to figure out if it’s a calcium deficiency. I’m running my plants and Coco and pH is at 5.8. Temperature at 78 and humidity at 68%


more info my friend like type of light? how are you feeding and watering?

calcium is not your problem

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Leaf you can barely see on the right side(taco) shows heat/humidity issues. Maybe light is too close.

Led light, hand watering. I raised the light to see if that makes a difference

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im not writing a book dont care about brand but how many watts and how high above canopy was it before?
do you let you soil dry back enough between watering’s meaning is your soil constantly wet?
what fert you using?

im semi new to led lights my self i have two HLG 200w single diablo quantum boards i think their called, i was using them as supplemental light with hps on full power in my 5x9 for the past year had to keep them 36"+ above plants to not burn them, most recently i set them up in a 3x3 reason i used both was to have proper coverage above canopy, I had to turn both them all the way down in power while still three feet above canopy cause when they are full power and 30"+ high these lights are like the sun x10, i had to realize my eyes don’t judge led light PAR/intensity correctly, to me turned down seems dim but the plants think its tits…

once apon a time ago it took me a minute to figure out my light was too bright cause it first look like a nute deficiency like N or Fe cause the plants where just transplanted and watered too much.
anyway that’s my story and I’m sticking to it

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I am running it at 25% so 100w and was about 24” so I moved it up to 36” and see what happens. Letting the medium dry a little before watering. Thanks for the info it sounds like what’s going on with my plants. It’s a new light