Lights, hps vs led, who's using them

I used to run hps and just recently switched to LEDs. The yield quality definitely increased and the light bill got lower. Though it is quite more money to invest on a light, it sure is worth it on the long run for your plants.


Sooooo… I need some help.
I have 150w TS1000 and 150w hps bulb.
I had my plants with all the leaves yellowing when I checked the ph of water was above 8.
So I started with the ph down and some cal mag just to keep it going.

The plants unde HPS are fully recovered and healthy, the ones Under the LED not recovered and rust spots keep showing up, you can check on TC Fall run 2022 .

True is that this is happening to the cloned criticals that growth in hps before, could it be the light change?
The white widdow is there absolutely fine…

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Up your Cal mag for the plants under the LEDs, for some reason LEDS make the plant need more. That’s what is probably causing the rust spots :+1:


I put together and ran HPS/MH combos for years. Love that combination!!
I did NOT love their electrical usage.
I did NOT love the crazy amount of heat they give off.
I did NOT enjoy running 18K BTU’s worth of air conditioning from late spring to fall time, to keep my bud from getting airy.
All of that, over time, went away as I bought LED’s, and shit canned, those that advertised their LED’s run cooler, cheaper, better wave lengths, and long lasting.
Now, after a few years of paying my LED dues, I got the best LED on Earth, (yes, of course that statement is nonsense) for me and my areas.
I’m getting more buds, less cost, no AC for a couple of years now.
I’ve grown to look at HPS/MH as dinosaurs. Sure they worked, but as time moves forward, we have no need for them anymore.
I mean no disrespect for those that love them, as I built from parts, so many of them in my early days. Not missed in my world.


^^^^^^^ Yeah, what he said !