Lights raised high in commercial grows, I got to know why?

Not a big deal but what is with the lights being so high up and away from the plants?

Is this Just veg thing? slow veg? Do they do this for flowers as well?

My thinking is veg does not really need the light intensity or as much as I may have

thought? Have you noticed this and wondered?


Oh yes its counter intuitive… but, I would assume higher power lights to assure an even light intensity across the huge canopy. Probably cost efficient overkilling it as opposed to monitoring/adjusting small light signatures like most of us do. I wouldn’t imagine those are 1000w or less. I dunno though, just assuming.


Yes, I really don’t know the lights they are using. Those lights do look nice in the pic. some crazy high watt cmh I have never seen before? If they are 1000 HPS the spacing seems off…yet… Ive seen giant moms off nothing more than a 4 foot florescent grow bulb.

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That also looks like a greenhouse. So they’re relying mostly on sunlight, with the bulbs as supplemental?


Ah I’m glad your eyes are open…vegging greenhouse with supplemental makes sense…I’d like to request a tour of the flower room for shits and giggles as THAT setup looks nothing like the veg room in my basement LOL


well, still kinda almost every example of commercial weed grow on the net has the light way up there. i mean were inches away always basically. po Eastern-Region-Cannabis-PL-Lights-500x310


I see these huge tall plants on Cannacribs and at commercial grows shit even Mr. Canuck has tall plants. My plants are only ever bushy. I’m gonna grow a tall plant if it kills me.

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Commercial systems can raise /lower lights at touch of button.
Most do keep lights 50 inches from tops.


Go to Dagga.Love and check out Norcal Boneyard seeds.Breeders name is Tony and he has a Haze 4 Dayz that can get 17 ft tall


oh, that’s dope!

In a greenhouse setting like your first pic, the lights are way up high because they’re supplemental, and during the day you’d want the smallest shadow produced by those lights. Further from the plants = smaller shadows cast.

Incomplete answer but this is part of it.


I got a few Kumaoni, landrace I never let it go to term, the 2 I grew , too fast in the way, Might have needed strange light hours or not, I just know I felt like I had a bean stock used to mountains, if i had a long season I would have brought it out. I guess Sativa may be your answer.


Yeah I don’t think any of those setups have moveable lights at all. Hard to tell distance in those flower rooms, but yeah they still look like 4 plus feet of distance @Astrodude said 50" so yeah how many watts per math makes these lights…bigger than mine? Sure puts a “Craft” cannabis production licence in a different light (pardon the pun).


This is Tony’s gear that haze is as tall as they get Tony is the shit.He is on IG @filliafeel Tony is an amputee and he broke his good leg any help for him would help cover some of his medical his seeds are reasonably priced that haze is 50.00


That haze is a tree.


It has to do with the light overlap. Those DE lights put out a lot of light. When you have so many of them overlapping like that in a pattern , you can get away with hanging them higher.




These gantrys raise and lower height.

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Outdoor grow lights are hung at 93 million miles from the canopy :sunglasses:


Smelling aside , I could drive by that first pic plant and think tree not plant.