Lightyear Gardens - Grow Log - Mayberry S1 + Cherry Wine F2 - TGA Cheese Quake F1 preservation


Alright, res change time!!

For nutes, I use Botanicare PBP because it just works. There’s been a few people who asked me to document my res change because I use so little nutes, and they’re just in shock about it. So all I use is grow for grow, bloom for bloom. Every few weeks in bloom I add maybe ½ tablespoon of epsom for some extra skunk. That’s it!!

So first thing’s first: I always have enough tubs and buckets for everything before I start. I never leave my plants hanging dry while I change their tub out. For each plant I have 2 tubs. One in use this week, and one for next week. That way I can get the nute solution ready and transfer the plant over in one clean 5 second process.

Get ALL your water before you start. Less walking to the faucet, less effort. That includes a spare empty bucket for mixing. Bucket to bucket mixes your nutes so fast and efficiently!!!

She’s going into week 4, so we’re at peak nute strength here. 50mL for 10 gallons. Seriously. I promise. 50mL!!

Mix your nutes, add epsom if you wish, mix mix mix!! Pour back and forth bucket to bucket a few times, then check ph. Adjust as necessary to 5.8…my water requires ph down. Dyna-gro seems to hold my ph stable the longest.

It may seem like a lot of work moving these tubs, but there’s less than half full when it’s time to change them out. These gals drink so much I do res change sunday, and top up again on Wednesday. For my Weds top up I use fresh ph’d water, except peak flower, when I add 20-30mL more PBP bloom.

Like I said. NEVER let your plants hang dry, even for a minute. This is why I have twice as many tubs as I have plants. A clean tub goes in, and the old tub comes out. Then I scrub the dirty tubs down and put them away to use next week.

My tap water is 278ppm. My finished 10 gallons of nute solution is 502ppm. Let’s round that to an even 225ppm for nutes. That’s it.

Nano bubble air stones are one of my big secrets to massive root balls. It doesn’t matter how much air you put through the stone if it’s not dissolving into your water. Tiny bubbles dissolve better because there’s more surface area per gph pumped. Look up pawfly on Amazon. You’ll love them!! The white ones are nano.

All done. See you next week!! :green_heart: