FBSC Oaxaca heirloom x Central Mexican Green Hashplant

Seeds were obviously made/sourced by Snowhigh, then graciously provided by @Guitarzan :pray:t4: (Thankyou brother)

I haven’t seen this listed in one of his menus since August 2021 — The listing reads:

OAXACA HEIRLOOM (OAXACA PINE MELON F8) x CENTRAL MEXICAN GREEN HASHPLANT: This is more of the 80’s era Mexican but the Oaxacan phenos will be more colorful, orange and pink and the Central Mexican Green Hashplant phenos are more stoney and narcotic. This is a 40/60 hybrid of sativa of the Oaxacan and the Mexican Hashplant. The male was the Mexican Hashplant so phenotypes tend to lean that way but you will also get the uplifting highs and delicate pine and melon flavors of the Oaxacan. 12-14 weeks flowering with some going further due to the Oaxacan heritage but this is a consistent heirloom variety.

Oh boy… here goes another one. Spoiler alert, now that I see I have at least one confirmed female (possibly 2), I feel as if I can start posting this one.

First thing first, I’m dubbing this “OaxMexiHP”, for short. The full name in the title is so people can find it via the search bar.

Germ rates were low — 5/11…. two I lost to (I’m assuming) rootrot because the tails sprouted but completely stalled; eventually rotted. The other four just never sprouted — and I did every trick in the book.

True leaves — March 1st :slightly_smiling_face:

No worries, I will for sure drag my feet to take as many clones as possible, up the plant count to max-out my sq footage, and hope for the best when it comes to sexual-stability. As of this morning, I’m pinching/twisting/topping to start the bushing out process. Here’s a pic of before I started —

Here’s the female I mentioned… the other has the shape but no pistils protruding yet, so Imll wait

The last pics I wanna show is the plant that’s def getting dubbed ”the mutant”. It’s a “ whorled phyllotaxy”, correct?

On top of that, the same one seems to have a touch of fasciation going on on it’s lower branch


Thanks @lambchopedd
Love your grows


Very cool my friend, I’m glad to see someone running these! That was one that got away from me just like the El Primo, which I need to ask my buddy about as he made more seeds with it last season. Stoked to see you working with this and I’m tuned in :call_me_hand::ok_hand:


Triploid means it has three sets of chromosomes; we can’t tell from pictures, but it’s unlikely. If it does, it might be infertile, so it would not be a good thing in this case. What you’ve got is called whorled phyllotaxy - apparently it doesn’t typically breed true, so it’s pretty much irrelevant for your seed run, just looks cool and might get a better yield than the others.

Otherwise, everything’s looking good, I’ll be in the corner :eyes: and not being creepy!


I always get the mutations mixed up :sweat_smile: Gracias hermano! How edit that in the write up



The one I had ‘turned on’ at node #4 and ‘turned off’ at node #7

…Just like Cracker Jack… “a surprise in every box” :sweat_smile:



Definitely down to watch this go down! Legendary is right. Your grows are always on point, cannot wait @lambchopedd


Got one myself, she is 1 out of 4 zKittelz Autos that will soon be harden and moved outdoors. So far every node had 3 leaves, even though the pic angle doesnt show it. I attempted to “fim” her last night, we will see what happens.


Got one as well, damn thing is taking forever to show sex, all others from this gen are sexed for a while now, this one is stubborn AF!

Took a clone or two as I have with all the others. If the trait remains throughout it would be awesome to be able to pass it on.


Nice! I grew out some JOTI Afghani’s and had one that was 3 branches and leaves on every node. Even topped it still did it. Sadly that whole pack hermed so I didn’t keep it.

These are looking great! Sorry to hear about the poor germination rates but you got some nice one’s anyways :+1:


I’m in board, as I always will be for your work @lambchopedd
I bless this grow with the headiest of Heady Bear vibes!


Good luck with this grow @lambchopedd!


@lambchopedd @ it again! Excellent!!! I see you went for a short flowering cultivar thistime!!!:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
Locked in and watching the grow show!!!



I know I aint part of the FBSC crew but I do love watching the grows…

I’ll watch this one closely :popcorn:



Very nice @lambchopedd I’m not missing out on this one happy growing The Doc


Tuning in for what im sure will be an excellent show!!!
thnx to you sir and @Guitarzan!


Annnnnnndddd we have a (male) purple bleeder :slightly_smiling_face:


Sierra Madre gets purple bleeders, too. I had a couple of them out of a pack. Pretty interesting to see that dark color out of Mexican plants vs the red sap from bodhi’s dragon’s blood Hawaiian sativa cross releases.


How were the effects on the Sierra Madre? I ran the other Guerrero x Michoacan he has but had issues during the grow, so the smoke is peppery and low potency. Have those Sierra Madre as well and was interested in running those this time but want to see if effects are worth it. :call_me_hand:


Embarrassingly enough, I never got to find out. I was too inexperienced when I was growing them, and ended up with garden issues halfway through flower and lost them. They seemed amazing though. They had a nice lanky Mexican structure and buds, and they smelled peppery/lemony from what I recall.