Lightyear Gardens - Grow Log - Mayberry S1 + Cherry Wine F2 - TGA Cheese Quake F1 preservation


I’ve got a few projects going right now, and I need a spot to keep things organized.

I’ve had a few people ask me to detail my hydro setup and methods, so I’ll go over that here, as well. My entire motto for growing is K.I.S.S (keep it stupid simple). I aim to have as little hands on time as possible, and I’ve got some work to do still with my design, in order to make that happen, but so far it ain’t broke, so I’m not fixing it…so to speak :wink: Res change is today, so I’ll get that all done after lights on, and updated a little later after when I have time. For those not familiar with my setup and methods, things will become clearer later. I don’t do things like most people, even though it’s “just DWC”

First up is Mayberry S1 (death star x whitaker blues) X (death star x whitaker blues) by @Blue_Star_Seed_Co

Day 27 so far, still finishing

#1 is very fruity blueberry, and just absolutely massive. She’s feeding at around 80mL a week, divided into two separate feeds. 50mL Sunday and another 30mL with the res top-off on Wednesday. Yes, she drinks that much water. My 10 gallon reservoir would be completely dry by Friday if I didn’t top it off.

#2 is a lighter feeder, at around 50mL a week. 30mL Sunday, 20 mL with the Wednesday top off. She drinks around half as much water, as well. This one is FUNK CITY!!! She smells like a cross between old gym socks and bad breath, with a fruity backend. Her funk is far more pronounced when you cut a stem or leaf, though, than a rubbed leaf or pinched bud. She also has extremely sensitive roots. Over feeding or excessive turbulence in her reservoir water will kill her roots lightning fast!!! She’s a pleasure to have, but a frustrating pheno to work with, for sure. She may be a better candidate for soil setups for this reason.

I should note…these both do have some faint blueberry smells coming through. @Josh_Blue promised me they would, and he delivered!! I’ve got a long way to go before harvest, but so far so good!!

Next is Cherry Wine F2 (F2 by Heart and Soil)

Also day 27 so far

#1 Has a triple branch structure. My intension is to do some.ratios with Cherry Wine, since she has a super high THC/CBD content at around 10%:10% and the cherry cough drop terps are unreal. I’m starting on a pheno hunt, and these are the first two I popped. So #1 will stay and get a reveg for stress testing. I have a fat pack to go through, so no huge loss if she’s not a keeper.


Alright, res change time!!

For nutes, I use Botanicare PBP because it just works. There’s been a few people who asked me to document my res change because I use so little nutes, and they’re just in shock about it. So all I use is grow for grow, bloom for bloom. Every few weeks in bloom I add maybe ½ tablespoon of epsom for some extra skunk. That’s it!!

So first thing’s first: I always have enough tubs and buckets for everything before I start. I never leave my plants hanging dry while I change their tub out. For each plant I have 2 tubs. One in use this week, and one for next week. That way I can get the nute solution ready and transfer the plant over in one clean 5 second process.

Get ALL your water before you start. Less walking to the faucet, less effort. That includes a spare empty bucket for mixing. Bucket to bucket mixes your nutes so fast and efficiently!!!

She’s going into week 4, so we’re at peak nute strength here. 50mL for 10 gallons. Seriously. I promise. 50mL!!

Mix your nutes, add epsom if you wish, mix mix mix!! Pour back and forth bucket to bucket a few times, then check ph. Adjust as necessary to 5.8…my water requires ph down. Dyna-gro seems to hold my ph stable the longest.

It may seem like a lot of work moving these tubs, but there’s less than half full when it’s time to change them out. These gals drink so much I do res change sunday, and top up again on Wednesday. For my Weds top up I use fresh ph’d water, except peak flower, when I add 20-30mL more PBP bloom.

Like I said. NEVER let your plants hang dry, even for a minute. This is why I have twice as many tubs as I have plants. A clean tub goes in, and the old tub comes out. Then I scrub the dirty tubs down and put them away to use next week.

My tap water is 278ppm. My finished 10 gallons of nute solution is 502ppm. Let’s round that to an even 225ppm for nutes. That’s it.

Nano bubble air stones are one of my big secrets to massive root balls. It doesn’t matter how much air you put through the stone if it’s not dissolving into your water. Tiny bubbles dissolve better because there’s more surface area per gph pumped. Look up pawfly on Amazon. You’ll love them!! The white ones are nano.

All done. See you next week!! :green_heart:


reserved for later


one more reserve just in case


Very cool! Mayberry def seems like so strong and tasty smoke. Look forward to your updates🍻


That’s the 'Overgrow shuffle"… :roll_eyes:

Great looking grow! :+1:


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Finished my weekly res change, for anyone interested in my process👇


Great job on the grow so far. I usually notice the strong funky aromas around day 55 on the diesel /skunk phenos. While the blueberry ones develop more early and get extremely pungent and rich by ripening phase right at the end of harvest. If growing for flower, I like them at the end of the harvest window closer to 70 days on a lot of them, for ripe pungent profiles. Day 55 to 60 for white colored hash.


Cool, thanks!! She grew extremely thick for me. I spent around a half hour on each plant last week pruning to around half their mass. They definitely appreciated it. Defoliation in veg and early in flowering really helped with getting her to size.

I did notice my funky pheno has VERY sensitive roots. Too much turbulence breaks them easily, and she suffers some while repairing. Same for nutes. She’s a lighter feeder, and pushing her makes her roots burn slightly, she stalls, and leaf tips will show signs of burning.

The fruity pheno I have is a tank. She’ll take a beating and come back for more. She prefers a more moderate feed schedule, and the pump can run a little harder.

She’s a really great solid one!! I’m really disappointed I lost all my clones (my fault), but I do still have the rest of the pack to run again later.

I’m planning to run her 9 weeks, but no problem if she needs more. I usually chop at around 20-30% amber for a more mellow stone with longer legs. I’m not opposed to running 11 weeks if necessary.

Thanks for the advice!! I definitely appreciate it :green_heart:


Mayberry Day 32

I gave them a full res change mid week, rather than a top off, and they’re very happy with the change!! When I tested PPM she was down to tap water levels again. So she killed all the nutes. But at the beginning of the week she had some slight leaf tip burn. So it was just a pinch hot for her, even though she went through it. I think this is a good balance, though, with very minor fine tuning. She doesn’t like it too concentrated, but she does want constant feed. So be it. Whatever works, I guess lol

The funky pheno (#2) is losing its gym sock stench slightly, and developing a very nice earthy berry scent. I don’t know that I’d call it “blueberry” just yet, but it’s definitely a berry. The berry pheno (#1) is just gaining in her berry terps. The blueberry is real with her!! The terps are strong and sweet, and the colas are setting up for some real skyscraper construction to take place here. I can’t wait to watch her fill in!! That framework is impressive!

:green_heart: Much love everyone!


Mayberry Week 5

What can I say? It’s blueberry 🫐 :yum: Like a big ol’ jar of blueberry jam!

Lots of anthos in these…super dark purple stems and very nice blue/violet fade, even though temps are upper 80s


Cherry Wine f2 (CBD) by Heart and Soil
Day 43
Working my way through a pheno hunt pack for breeders


Best way to hunt those is by the field full

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Life goals :point_up::green_heart:


Cherry Wine field


Wow, that field must smell amazing!!! She’s one of the terpiest fruity plants I’ve ever had!! She has this amazing raunchy sweet funk that sticks to you all day. I know I have my work cut out for me when I’m only popping 2 at a time, but half the fun for me is growing out a new one from seed every time. I always get so wrapped up in cloning to preserve a pheno and run it again, this is a nice change. Plus, the CBD ones are kinda just fun for me. There’s absolutely no demand for it at all, so I have zero pressure, schedules, etc. This is all just for my own enjoyment for once. Just a pet project for some ratios down the line.

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Mayberry day 47


Cheese Quake F1
TGA - bred by Norstar (producer’s overstock)

I’ve got 6 to run with. Had some minor germ issues, so they’re in 2 sets of 3 two weeks apart. No biggie, shouldn’t be an issue. Hunting for a large variety of females and a single stud for open pollination. Once the second wave catch up I’ll run with it.

It looks like I might have 3 phenotypes here, a pair of each from each set…weird odds, but mother nature has a weird sense of humor.

Big feeders very early on, compared to what I’m used to. 3qt pots until 12/12, then up to 6qt.

Mix is groundswell/biochar/coco

Botanicare PBP nutes


Few more weeks till flower! Stay tuned :green_heart: