Limiting access to seed-runs, auctions & fundraisers

Seed runs: that’s entirely up to the persons directly involved with the seed runs.

The bulk have already been limited by the organizers. And, it’s easy enough to make your own personal rule if you’re doing your own seed run. The person doing the run (and if there are organizers) are capable of making that determination and are the ones that take on the burden of their decisions.

Auctions: entirely up to the admin and the auction sponsor (the person supplying the goods) to determine who can participate.

Why anyone believes a community vote is required to decide who should be allowed to bid in an auction boggles my mind. Beyond recognition, those sponsoring an auction don’t receive special privileges just because they’ve made a donation. The person supplying the goods, owns the goods. Ownership is transferred to the winning bid. The community doesn’t own it. I’m certain, the sponsor and the admin are entirely capable of determining who would be deserving to participate. New users or not.

Give-aways: same deal as the auctions. Take the Fluence fixture give-away earlier in the year as an example. It was specifically limited to TL1 or greater with the odds handicapped towards the more senior users. A community vote wasn’t necessary to determine who would be deserving. If that were limited to TL3 by dictate, well, the person donating the good could easily decide to back out entirely.

Bad actors are weeded out accordingly over time. Much of it experiential.

There’s a fine line between being inclusive and exclusive. OG’s base intent is heavily slanted towards being inclusive. No one user can determine whether a new user is going to be a contributing community member or not until there is actionable history.

Private or community group driven efforts (e.g. the organized seed runs) are capable of determine their own rules as long as they aren’t purposefully being exclusionary towards classes of individuals (such as race, gender, etc)).

If there is a burden on the moderation and the community as a whole, we can make those decisions once the issue become apparent.