Live & Reloaded


For those who don’t know the brand :

I discovered this around 2005, i was coming directly from Atami (Bcuzz line). Still today the line of nutrients i’ve used the more, at every scale possible.

The two flagships of the brand are the Root Excelurator and the Top Shooter. And for the last one, I’ve found a kind of trick to express radically the yield in most of strains.

And that’s the problem, considering the interest of @KETAMINE_GRENADE i’ve started to make a kind of schedule that quickly became useless in considering different types of scenarios.

I can write a schedule for a 45 days Kush, but the timing and the dosages become totally shitty for a “Dutched Haze” like the Silver Haze, the Jack Herer or even the NL#5xHaze. If i write it for a skunk, it can’t be compatible with anything else. Etc …

So the best way is to share it as it’s used : without any schedule but the faculty of adaptation to the strain. And in fact, it’s only in this case that it become barely universal. Not with week’s numbers that mean nothing from one strain to another one.

On timings alone, it’s pretty universal and i’m writing it also for a couple of friends not using HG nutes but interested on how i can inflate the plants without destroying the quality with hard nutrients.

Let’s dance now ^^

To best use the potential of the Top Shooter, you have to prepare the plants to furnish it. Watch closely the plants and the day they start to really stretch, start the Roots Excelurator.

Root mass full throttle = TS used at maximum potential. Needless to say that if the medium is not entirely colonized with sturdy root in a dense configuration, any flo booster is just a waste of money.

Also the stretch is the most productive period for roots in the whole lifespan of this plant. Plants dig really hard during this frame of time, and it’s why i generally transplant in the definitive pot just before to switch to 12/12.

Rightly boosted during this time, the roots transform an uncontrolled stretch in a “good stretch” for the yield. It mean thick secondaries ready to fire. It limit also the height on most sativa-ish strains, very effiscient on the Jack Herer.

When the trunk stop to act like a spring, the roots stop to colonize and they start to densify. The production of hairy roots for cannabinoids start. The plant enter in a week of “holiday”, because tired to have reached its definitive shape.

Giving a little boost in micro permit to prepare the war that is coming and to don’t lose totally this week, it permit also to keep the root booster at Max without tiring more the plant. For more weight but also important for the final quality in term of potency.


The pivot point of the whole trick is here. And it’s not specially natural to consider at first glance, you cut everything but a finishing product.

This idea come with a pure africaan then later with the californian COB cut, the stretch of the stems supporting directly the flowers was very obvious during this period and i searched how to jugulate it.

Applying the Top shooter at this point permit to chock the plant and to prevent the stretch of the stems directly supporting the flowers : the one you trimming to individualize each bud, but also the central stem of the buds themselves.

This treatment permit to push harder the Top Shooter later, and to get more compact and fat buds. Even in aerated sativas.

Don’t worry for the trichomes, most of them are immatures at this stage and are “fake ones”, with atrophied bulbs or no bulbs at all. The good snow is coming later.


This is the soft way, for delicate palates (like mine), to cover the plant with trichomes before unleashing the hell with yield. Or the hard way.

Unleashing the hell in yield, in twos styles.

The hard way is unleashing the hell because you have the right hungry strain for that. You will not transform the genetic with nutrients, a greedy fast saturated plant is just not made to be a monster.

MAX+ mean off chart, over 100%. The advantage : drying process stress less and pretty fast, curing too. Disadvantage : the more extrem, the more “dry smoke” you get. At high dose, you can transform an expansive wet Kush in a dry and dense COB hit. Be warned, don’t max all strains.

1:400 is the ratio of concentration of humic and fulvic acid of AN. I’m using actually a cheap 1:1000 product with the same rate (at factory dosages ofc).


The end of the rush, before you do what you’re using to do : flushing, not flushing, half flushing, whatever.

After this program, don’t use zym for the final stage if you’re flushing but more a fulvic dilution. Rince the medium with that.

I personally prefer to create strategic carencies before and to flush depending on the round, i’m very-very picky on terpens quality and harvest my sinse before it become fully amber for max potency. It don’t hit much the yield VS full throttle, no more than 15% in general with all types of strains.

See you tomorow for the next update. Still boring, no buds. And no sex, the 5th node is just showing.