Funkyfunk grows stickystincky

Well, that’s the idea, let see how it goes, I’m really rusty. :laughing:

I’ve been mostly squatting others’ threads since I joined. And there are so many more I’m struggling to follow and participate.

I’ve been truly and heartly appreciating the kind (of) spirit of this place. Been a rescue somehow in one of the toughest moment. Reminded me why I love to grow and share the passion of this plant, and how many great people it bounds. :green_heart:

So inspired by others here, I’m opening a thread to share what I’m doing.

No idea yet how much I’ll update it, we’ll see.

One day I told:

“Let there be light”

As yet another stoner, it took months before there actually was light. :laughing:

But there is:

I’ll do several other posts to explain where I am (setup, genetics) and how I went there.

Meanwhile, welcome in my little OG corner!


I am very happy to see this. :grin: May the Universe bless you and your garden. :rainbow:


brotha iḿ in but out of likes so take these :heart: :heart: :heart:


Yeah I am in for sure :star_struck:


Thanks mates, happy to put another foot in the community!


Hi Funky,
I am in and watch your thread.
Let it grow man :sweat_smile:


Welcome @OPJ. Hope that’s what will happen. So far so good :smiley: Jars are empty, to say I’m motivated. Quite fed up with morrocan hash, I want good flowers :laughing:


The cab

That was a whole adventure by itself, but pretty happy with it. It’s (almost) done! For now… :smiley:

My main constraints were being stealth: no odor or visual hint there’s something going on. So a tent is not an option. It had to be cheap too, I’m low income. DIY is the way when you don’t have much money.

So I got to build a 2x4 cab. That’s the only place where you can really cut down the costs anyway.

I ended up with kind of a basement panda filmed box if you will. Cheapest building wood for the skeleton (too lazy to steal it), wraped tight and without leaks with panda film.

Biggest challenge was the venting. No way to have funky extensions on the sides or the top for stealth sake!

So I went with intakes underneath it, flowing through the bottom, with a kind of lung room to avoid light leaks. Here’s a drawing of it. Starting from the bottom, every line is another layer on top:

There’s panda film glued underneath the layer 2 plank and all around the base, to seal everything but the intake holes. Something like that:

Once assembled it’s pretty tight and sealed.

Then I disguised that in a kind of DIY bedroom cabinet with a few planks from the trash. Works great so far. :laughing:

Exhaust is a 205cfm modern inline duct fan. It vents into a chimney that was just waiting for it in the corner.

Light was the most troublesome to get. Big vendors are ripping EU customers. Got a “deal” on a Viparspectra P1000 (still 0,9 €/watts…) but it was broken. Still leaking light when off, a feature to protect the lamp according to viparspectra… I had them send me another one still, we’ll see.

I wanted to add another light to this one, but meanwhile the prices went crazy up. So I went chinese, and found 240W at 0,6 €/watts. With UV/IR, supposed to be samsung LM301H, and at least a good meanwell driver. Could probably just use this one in the end… At least I have some flexibility now.

Works pretty well so far.

For the medium, I’m using soil. I’m mixing my own using coco bricks, worm shit and perlite. Takes a bit less room to stock it in my small place.
I have minerals and dry nutes, I’d like to go water only with the dry ones, but it’ll be a learning curve if ever possible, we’ll see.

Next I’ll need to introduce the staple :smiley:

See you around OG!


Like ya style, think I’ll hang out in the far, right Corner, if you accept Guests. Always willing to learn new techniques. Continued success, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Welcome @misterbee I’m thrilled to see you around. There’s room for everyone, and your corner already has its hive next to it :smiley:

Some of the beans I got from you are already planned in the coming seaons. Can’t thank you enough for the vibe you spread. Keep up the good bzzzz!


Oh yeah, diggin the vibe bro!
Reminding me that I still need to throw something up! Lol


Hey @blowdout2269 nice to have you around, hope that’ll motivate you to throw your thing :slight_smile:


Outta likes but I really like it! Tidy job on the 2x4 @funkyfunk DIY FTW!! :sunglasses:


Hey thanks @HealingHerb pretty happy with it. Welcome over here!


Cheers bud outta likes :green_heart::heart:


Overgrow the hell of it :love_you_gesture:


Had access to a greenhouse last year, and I’ve been babysitting since then cuttings of some of the plants I ran in there.

I didn’t really anticipate the cab would be ready now honestly :laughing:

Had two diiferent clones behind a window root bound in < 1L pots since very too long. I’ve kept them slow growth, too busy finishing the cab. They were meant to replace their long-awaiting-for-it mothers. The hell! There’s light so let’s up pot that and put it into flower. Perfect test subjects!

Let me introduce a first one:

On the left we have

Jamnesia (Amnesia hy-pro x Jamaica Blue Mountain)

Little cross made by @viudiv using his (undocumented) amnesia hypro selected female and a JBM male fom @JGL.

Mâle JBM
JBM male from JGL

A little history

Jamaica blue mountain is an unknow cultivar from this area handed to rahan in the 80’s, reproduced and shared by him through the vibe collective. Since then it’s been preserved and spread in the french/spanish scene, used by charlie garcia and JGL in crosses (nepaljam, caribe, doublejam and a few others) and in private crosses like this one. More in the thread on ICM or cannabisonline. Jamnesia is a bit documented on cannabisonline too

The plant

This cross gave this vigorous and sturdy plant. Good stretch yet still tight internodes that gives colas of sativa stacking calixes. A bit leafy maybe. Robust and does not require much nutes, It can be finicky like an amnesia about that, watering too. Very good roots, easy to clone. Decent yielder with good laterals that takes well LST or SCROG. Long flowering, ended half november at 47°N. Susceptible to mold.

Scents are mostly amnesia spicy/hazy during growth and get loudly kinda “fruity fresh” at the harvest. Not minty, not citrus, just fresh. Translate well in the smoke, with some amnesia taste coming behind and on exhale. A joint fills the room of the classic amnesia smell.

Effect is high ceiling, so can be quite potent. Extremely clear, no fuzz or confusion. Motivating and joyful as some JBM phenos are described. All in the head, not so much come down nor tireness or you have to really abuse it. You may end up on the couch if you do so, but only because your body can’t follow your head anymore, it’s just too tired to have tried to do so. :laughing: Coke-in-a-weed somehow. Your body will feel waves of warm energy and your head goes fast, but not rushy, can help to focus actually. No anxiety or paranoia. Very good daytime weed, you’re sure to have a good day and stuffs still done, or have a good laugh at the party.

JBM and amnesia mixed up really well, kind of a combo mix of SSH and JBM for a more sativa experience. Love its positive energy! Want to regrow it indoor see how it performs. I’m already sure it’ll overgrow me as it did last year :laughing:

A few shots:

See I’m a little bit of a strain nerd myself. I’ll let you sit on all that before talking about the second plant :laughing:


Hey @Fuel , no surprise seeing you around, take a seat. Slowly joining the OG EU force and already sure to be overgrown in the tent :laughing:


I will harass you ^^ I’ve a good sturdy GHE ebb&flow table if you want, 1sqm. For maximum density ^^


ahah I’m sure! Well that’s noted thanks. For now I’ll go on with the panda film mania and use what’s left to do that. Though something sturdier sure would be better, but that’s a big thing to send lol