Live & Reloaded


It’s finally the time to open a new season on OG, and to share weird stuff from the core. I will centralize here a lot of different things. Take it more like an interactive blog and feel free to post everything you want.

This time i will make the effort to better present my strangeness, making it easier to jump from different subjects/sections, and to make it faster for me to scroll on the grow log portion. I’m also sharing this with some “outsiders” friends, and there is a bet in progress on my latest madness.

The genpool

It’s a total reboot from scratch. It’s not the first time and it will be not the last time. It’s how i’m functioning.

But this time i’m pretty much focused on the nostalgia, and i will rush on the classics that had a big impact on my profile of stoner. Basically, names that are everywhere in the pedigrees but not necessary shown and really known.

It imply different sequences, the first and the most stressful being to deal directly with the releases. Getting fresh seeds is already an exploit today, but also to have the right partners to expand the lines. The goal is to quickly constitute a decent stock to have fun with it.

Beside this new dynamic, I’ve a few bags that was impossible to trade. Too old, forgotten in a corner, zero chance to germinate … but in discovering a new voodo, sometimes a couple of zombies can flower in parallel of the classics. Why not after all, the temptation to create a “zombie blend” to celebrate this surprise is big.

Classics and Zombies.

The setup

Nothing really new on tech, i’m still a genetic error that have switched from HPS to neon a long time ago. 750w to 1Kw per 120/4X4 tent is my sweet spot, and i’m also genuinely appreciating the weed flowered under this stuff. It’s not a joke, at this level of energy consumption you have to really love it.

On nutrients i’m jumping from one brand to another, depend on the wind. To give an example, i like equally Advanced Nutrients, House & Garden, Canna … it’s not religious for me. Actually i’m on the Aptus line.

Initially i’m a coco coir lover, as hell. But the supply here is erratic both in online orders timing and in quality/prices. I’m still searching a reliable solution, someday maybe it will come back in the pot.

But the real new deal is to have the veg tent and all the stuff unmounted in the garage. That’s the new flavor, and partially linked with my will to revisit my own nostalgia. No more motherplants, clones and seedlings to maintain daily. The challenge is to replace totally the veg space by the seeds i’m producing in an unique 4x4 tent. Yup. And that’s the stimulating bet also lol, some are thinking that within the end of the year i will mount the second tent in hurry.

My point is the benefits of a minimalist approach in term of focus on the plants, in using a genpool i already know by heart. Everything in the space is set to minimize the maintenance and the time spent to don’t watch the plants growing.

I’m pushing the concept to think about a modular blumat distribution able to feed a bunch of plants (top feed). I love this system since a while, but even more the idea to grow drain-less and with minimal intervention.

Hell, i forget. I grow PH free both in soil and coco since (you don’t want to read that). And the plants are my EC meter since the same amount. It’s just how a specific person has blown my mind and it became a lasting habit. Like my love for blunts lol

Everything else

Don’t try anything you see here at home. It’s an illusion. I’m not even existing and all the pics are coming from random sources of the web.



This picture is so ridiculous, it has to be the very first grow log entry.

First transplant in 2 liters pots for the 10 Big Bud Sensi and it’s a bit unexpected actually. They were sown 3 days ago just showing pivot roots in small 250ml seedlings pots and placed under a 2X18W T8 neon on 24/0. If the clones and motherplants of the Big Bud and Critical Mass are rushy as hell, it’s not the case of seedlings. They are usually way more lazzy than that.

Today in checking the plastic greenhouses, they were all touching the cover with the root already searching food outside the bottom of the pot. I don’t like to transplant so early, no root mass. But no choice. So they get a little week earlier the lights full throttle on their face, ~10x more soil and 1 liter of food. They are preying now … ok.

The shape is just like it’s supposed to be, fine/thin, delicate and sharp first leafs even the light green. But not rushy like that in both sense lol I say good night and they was at the surface of soil barely finishing to get rid of the shell and the tomorrow they want to escape from the greenhouse.

The zombie method applied to these seeds can be a factor. But i’ve also harassed everyone to have the fresher batch i can. At the end of the first week, i will be fixed.


Not sure what you are trying to do here Do you need help?

:green_heart: :seedling:



To better understand what’s going on, take a look in this topic :

So the seeds was sown 13 days ago. In general i’m reacting within a week but this case is a bit off road and it was worth to push the limits to see any side effects of the “zombie’s tea” procedure.

By the way anything that germinate with this little stock is totally unexpected, I’ve others little stones to revive like that and to explore this new protocol to the bone.

I’m much less stressed than with the fresh and expensive Big Bud actually. Why the fuck i’ve tested it also with these seeds. It was stronger than me obviously.

The BB seedlings are producing an insane amount of anthocyanins with rock stable 20°C/68°F, never saw that before even in the earliest outdoor I’ve sown. They are under constant watch, it started with a sudden boost in development overnight yesterday. The vigor is uncommon (for the strain) but not the shapes. Update/pics coming next Sunday, fingers crossed.

But back to the F9 JH, I’ve four finalists who are not well.

In general i’m waiting less, but the process still the same.

On right oxygenated water diluted and on left Startbooster diluted. I don’t really dose, the amounts are ridiculous like 0.5 to 0.10 milliliter.

I’m liking startbooster for the formula but you can replace it with a fews other products that work as well in these conditions :

  • superthrive : it work very well, even for clones in bad shape. Useless to say that you have to use only a couple of drops of one already diluted solution.
  • barely all usual concentrated root boosters : like one drop or twos
  • kelp : it’s hard to harm anything with that
  • cloning hormons and gels : sound weird but it work well if the main root have kept some rigidity and integrity

Keep in mind it’s nothing more than operating a risky transplant. While in coco or in soil, when nothing happens in a week it can be a problem that you can fix fast. As stupid that a chunk of compressed coco coir not expanded or an overinflated chunk of peat chunk just below the clone/seedling and that is transforming in a swamp. Anyway, it finish often at term like that :

It’s called “damping off” and when you see it from above the pot, it’s generaly already to late ^^ This one is interesting to show specially for that, you can even see a little fiber.

This one have maybe more chances, the cut is clear and proper.

This one is totally fucked with a thick difformation at the basis of the leaf sets.

And we have maybe a winner, the “root hair” is already starting to grow, one pair of leafs able to take the light. A bit longer and it was attacked.

I’ve put each one in the diluted oxygenated water then in the Startbooster solution, then in a fresh soil.
Why i’ve sown the others : because it happens sometimes that i can save damped seedlings like that, even if it look compromised as fck. And because i’ve time to kill also, to wait after the BB turn me mad.

Male or female, i cross the JH with one of the BB if it survive. It desserve it. I think i will do a blend this way with all rocks i’m reviving if i get specimens. I’ve just to ignore this little voice that want to launch every single seed in the house right now and to totally fck my timings later.


Got it! you want your first post to describe and the second for something else to be added later?

:green_heart: :seedling:

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pulling up a chair :wink:


That’s a pretty cool logo you’ve got and quite the clean set up. Best of luck on your grow.

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Generally to wash the stress, i’m launching seeds and i overload my veg’ space to the point to totally screw the planning set at the start of the season. I like to do plannings, it’s like a compass to have in mind if anything go wrong, or if anything take too long. But also a good stress to stay on the track, compare rounds efficiency etc …

But this time my god, I’ve totally underestimated the side effect of the minimalist approach. Even if I don’t have any space and time, i’m generally building a all-in-one temporary cabinet with at least three spaces. This actual time of adaptation help me to realize more some aspects i wasn’t even considering for others growers; it will help me i think to put some water in my wine on some subjects also.

The Spanish journey

To make it fast, i bought one pack of Jack Herer to a retailer A and one pack of Big Bud and one pack of Ed Rosenthal Super Bud to a retailer B. Not shops from nowhere, pretty known. Bad luck, their big promotions was in fact hiding problem of stock.

None of these seeds was in good shape, so worth the price. Too old, and most of them was eaten by mold since a while. Blank operation.

After one month of useless battle, I’ve just decided to give up and to take my lesson on regs. They are no longer “fluid products” for retailers, because the lack of customers, and they are aging in pretty bad condition.

The sherry on the cake is that both asked me to do exactly what i wasn’t supposed to do to can count on the Sensi Seed “after sales service”. I’ve learned it afterward in contacting Sensi.

So i’ve ordered directly, and I got decent seeds. Simply. Don’t dream, no gift or extras. Just a tap on the shoulder to try again.

The problematic of the packaging

Actually it’s in surfing in OG that something come in my mind, three letters : WTF.

Most of packaging i’m seeing are pretty op, and a lot more compliant with a decent storage that the expensive Sensi Seeds. And the seed’s pucks printed by members … damn, close to perfection lol One day someone will have the idea to include an o-ring on the side to make it hermetic, and maybe better.

First point : the card. I personally like it in term of design, it’s something i will like to pin on my grow desktop. But that i’m hating as a customer potentially interested to throw three digits in ten seeds, now more than ever.

To be fair, i known the machine used. It’s pretty simple, fast and effiscient. You have twos long bands for each face, calibrated to throw a number of seeds from a big bowl and the machine is joining the twos faces in a few seconds.

But the card was obviously designed with the feets by a team external to the industry. And it lasted way too much damn.

First, the window. Multiple errors with it. And even Dutch Passion is falling in the trap now. “People have to see the seeds” and the look is better in the stand of conventions/cups. “Show the product” school. With the firepower of Sensi Seeds, it exist so many way to do it right. Ask our OGers.

The main problem is the sound of “maracas”, maybe the most loud of the industry. Even Soma have barely understood the deal with his weird “rolling tray packaging”, a format for pills is used and far more discreet.

But it’s also for the seeds. They are brushed but it’s not specially a good thing for longevity. And the remaining produce dust and chunks of the coat that stay in the “bubble window”. Which increase the problems of the other side.

Here you have a “quality seal”, it have a nice look (for my taste) but nothing is right in the strategy. Strictly nothing.

  • First : the cardboard is thick and you have to push it with the seeds just under.
  • Second : when opened, you have to remove the operculum from inside and to chuck the card to get the seeds.

Seriously ?

But that’s not the worst :

When opened you realize that the mention “seal” is just psychological. Your seeds have to be the freshest batch of the year, because they are not protected at all.

Now think about the reality of the fridge of retailers, and remember that everything is cut in a cardboard except the “commercial window”. You have literally a RH sponge aging in a fridge constantly opened and closed, no matter if they are in a plastic container or not.

In the imagination of most of customers, a seed’s fridge is like that :

But what i saw in the backstage of a few retailers and even wholesalers back in the days was more close to that :

I don’t even push ^^ The seeds have to be prepared for the war.

When you have entire shelves of nonfunctional packaging bought by 50K units, i can clearly understand that it’s not a breeze. But wrapping the cards in a true sealed vacuum pack can solve that without any rocket science, and not even the use of any designers.

Now the box but it’s more a question of … i don’t known of image.

On the left, the Sensi box, on the right a cheap Chinese box bought for less than a buck per unit (with foam) . The sensation of gap in quality only work for the finition of the cutting, of the sticker wrapping the box. Not even the sticker ^^

That too, the logic is beyond my understanding. Cutting a sticker that barely fit with the design, just to … i don’t know actually.

For the white stamp with the barcod in the other side, i’m all in. It look like “taxes stamp” of cigarette packaging, it’s fun. Just put twos, i don’t know lol. Better : wrap it with a vaccum pack, so the box is not acting like a sponge also in fridges.

It was my light rant on it, and i think it’s legit after have invested barely 250€ to get 10 Big Bud at the end of my journey, total dry cost reduced to the cost per seed.



Still ridiculous but serious things are beginning. A more lot than expected in fact. Stress is starting to be lowered, i didn’t think it was so difficult to adapt psychologically. A lot of inner fights, but the most prevalent one is to see so much unused space each time i’m opening the tent.

Most the notes will be for the “myself of the near future”, you can zap from here if you don’t care about very specific comments extracted from a very specific context.

1st Conclusion : the side effects of the “zombie tea” on fresh seeds

Considering some further details, the rhythm of the seedlings is pretty on the highs of the average with this strain. Not drastic, but the added torque is obvious considering what was the Big Bud a little bit more than ~20 years ago, and the Critical Mass ~13 years ago. Specially on roots. The BB is initially a strain that love to dig the ground like a haze, but this time she’s building also solid inverted cones of roots.

Also the drastic and sudden boost in development. It happens generally overnight without any warning signs. The difference is enough stupid to be related, with the increase of the vegetal mass involved in photosynthesis. Even for a punky skunk#1 it’s pretty weird.

All in all, it was stressful to discover it and also stressful to lost my marks. But very stimulating, i want to dig more the interaction between H202/black tea/humic acid for fresh seedlings and to bring the trick to something more understood and that can be more controlled per type of genotype.

In the middle of the week, i was barely in panic attack. Overnight again, the seedlings was showing an incredible rate of anthyocyanins that was covering the whole surface not directly involved with photosynthesis. Temps are perfectly stables at 1°c margin night/day @20-21°c / 68-70°F. It was entirely linked with a sudden boost in development of the first leaf set and the apparition of the second leaf set.
The whole back of the plant was purple, with tints that was more pronounced for some specimens.

It disappeared as quickly than it appeared, within 24 hours and without any feeding involved in between. The soil is pretty rich, barely at the limit that can handle a seedling sown so early without burning a bit and i’m forced to feed them top of that to follow the plants. The vigor (considering the strain) is also another factor that is putting aside a strange K deficiency.

At first i thought about an edema due to the duo of density of light + very pushy root development (+ eventually the 2100K stupid idea, next conclusion). Still the hypothesis, even if it doesn’t look like that at all. The plant was literally coated with purple color on one side, and dense light green on the other side. Bi-tone funk, Rolls Royce style.

Today, some specimens keep traces of this crazy Wednesday. But it doesn’t affect at all their grow or doesn’t show any difference with another specimen less or more affected. No pattern.

Remaining trace, this first was barely violine on all the lower surface.

Some shots of second leaf set colorized. Not a desperate call in the woods and i will not poor cal mag in the soil ^^

Same for the rhubarb style lol, don’t worry. Wait for it ^^

2nd Conclusion : On lights, the stupid idea of the century

From the start of the previous season, it’s how look seedlings with a single 6400K 250W CFL for an entire 4x4 tent, same (non modded) reflector and kept barely at head height :

There is various lines shown, Jack Herer included which is not specially a fat low-rider-indica. I find these bulbs pretty op and efficient for the price/cost. So, it was normal to don’t plan it for this round off course ^^

The stupid idea is starting back in another lab’, in another life where i was using a 250HPS over a EBB&Flow table to produce clones like crazy. And specifically from a Critical Mass “Bilbo” mostly asked for everything at this time. It’s why i can’t no longer stand his specific taste, even hybridized.

The answer of the critical mass to this regime was crazy, massive production of big clones of 8 inches each week. So, i’ve pushed the minimalist to try to veg with 3 bulbs of 2100K. Also because i’ve realized that I’ve never tested it. Flowering with 6400K CFL done (for hash tests), but not the reverse.

And it’s a fucking bad idea ^^ Now, i’m screwed because the seedlings are too much evolved but the three 6400K bulbs are allready ordered. I can’t push the minimalism at this point.

I already know at the shape of the seedling right now that i will cry all the tears of my body when i will switch the timer and that, during a little more of a month. Initially the BB/CM is a very stretchy plant that can be frightening until the first dense ping balls of flowers are set. And i’ve catalyzed that as fck with the 2100K. I will pay for my curiosity, and i’ve to prepare right now how to turn that at my advantage.
Because the next week will decide what kind of end of flowering i will have ^^

Aside that, i’ve initially planned a month of 18/6 and to transplant the females on 10 liters / 2.6 gal pot before the switch and also the time to known who’s who. Only three weeks to figure out a kung fu trick for this 2100K madness. I think my only chance is to force them to produce root mass like crazy from now to the end of the stretch, the timing will be essential. But without any exotic technic.

Extra bonus : i can’t prune / cut / modify the shape in any way. My fcked brain have to totally record the natural expression and triggers of each specimen to drive later the line. They are all sacred P1, rejected or not. Welcome in my stupid world.

But more on recreative feelings now :

I fall totally in love for this one. Just superb, barely a sex appeal for me. Next week she will turn my head i’m sure. Yeah, i call her a she ^^ 50% chances i’m wrong, but i don’t care. I will love this one no matter what. I cross my fingers that she/he will be usefull for the lineage, and not just a love affair.

I need to launch another batch of zombies, at least to have something to cross with this plant if any.
There is nothing to understand. Sharing it pure.

I think also, the same pure way that i’ve spotted three males. The #2, the #4 and the #8.
The #8 is a punk, he can’t start to turn on itself like a sunflower. It’s not even linked with the light, you turn it, it go on other side. You place a plant tag to ease it, it dodge it like neo in matrix. No sense. I love it (him), fabulous early root mass.

A private joke now for a good spanish friend to show him how look like all this science behind parabolic rays, sonar, radars and the whole harassement output :

:laughing: De todos modos, en esta etapa de la publicación, estoy seguro de que eres el único que lee mis cosas en este momento. Sí, soy un bastardo guardándolo para el final.

Juro que las ubicaciones tienen un margen de menos de 1 mm. Incluso el ángulo de cada bombilla, menos de 3° de margen radiante. Tomó apenas 14 horas y docenas de intentos y fallas para hacerlo solo. Conclusiones en mayo.

Have fun & grow dank no matter what !



We all know that. And even if the variants are numerous, the principle remain the same. Most of people i know use it like me : in leaving it in a warm corner and constantly monitor it to check the humidity and the state of the medium and the seeds.

Sometimes i forget it and the paper get dry, sometimes it’s the reverse, sometimes i’m far away, and sometimes i don’t find anymore “warm spot” because each network switch, router, DSL box and fridge have seeds placed above. Specifically with cold weather.

Something like xx years ago, this seed sprouter became the natural evolution for me. It’s cheap, around 10€, and very easy to use. The majority of these models have multiples layers so you can launch a good numbers of seeds of three strains at a time, per seed sprouter. No more medium also, condensation do all the job.

In a perfect world you have to change the water one time a day, but i’ve already forgot it one week and it can handle it with the reserve of water. The seeds will survive.

But one more time, the heat was necessary and each time i’m using an heating mat for something other than working a dry sift hash, i get problems. So, the invasion of the house still a problem and a bit more risky with the volume of water.

One winter, we organize a “mini-cup” between three growers after a hot debate online and i see this in the house of the host. Kind of neo-hippie with zero gluten and all these stuff. He made us a fabulous salad with sprout that are inside and I instantly fall in love with the machine.

In the picture it’s my third, i order them the most cheap i can because there is not much difference and i need to mod them a bit to perfectly fit my need. Sometimes i’m happy and i get a “mini” model and sometimes like this spring i get the XL model. It’s pretty random.

This thing do everything for me : heating the seeds at three different rates (cold, medium,hot), it keep the seeds heavenly moist and not with stagnant water but with mechanically oxygenated water. For around 15/18 bucks directly from the source.

You don’t have to mod it to use it, it work without. But with a couple of simple tricks, it become more efficient for my use and easier to put anywhere.

First thing to understand is the system. Not rocket science. There is a pump that push the water in the column and finish in a gyratory sprinkler. With the pressure of the water, the water jets coming from the holes make spin the thing.

But i just want to germinate seeds, no to make salad with it. So i reduce drastically the column to finish just above the second tray. There is twos to three trays superimposed. Best setup tested is twos trays, with seeds in the first below. The second tray permit to distribute water not directly on seeds, and they stay where you have placed them this way. It make some shadow also. Each tray is split in four quarters by separators.

The system don’t run all the time, it’s intermittent. The pump and the water heater are running by cycles. Reducing the general height keep the temps more stable and more long.

Put a flashlight inside, behind the column and make a mark that is just above the sprinkler. The closer the better. After that take measurement and make points all around to place a duct tape. I cut it with a dremel and a disc. Don’t get crazy on RPM and don’t insist, it’s a cheap plastic. Make twos times the whole turn at least to make a clean cut. Manually with a metal saw i broke it, so i prefer to take my time.

After that, i use a “heater” (in picture) to warm well the plastic and to make it flush inside the lid. Do it outdoor or with a RVK just above. Emanations are pretty hardcore.

Then i wrap it with duct tape to minimize the light inside.

If ever you want to know how it’s made inside …
On right : the water heater
On center : the pump
On left : the controller/timer/AC adapter

For EU user which like me are totally against the idea to use a cheap chinese 110 volt socket with a cheap chinese adapter :

A bit shitty to solder the phase cable but worth the peace of mind to get rid of the socket and the adapter. No ground. A scavenged cable on a dead fan do the job.

And done, ready to fire. If you’re obsessional, you can unclip the sprinkler with a screwdriver and pass a file to reduce the factory’s cuts and chunks. A little dab of dremel for the holes for the finitions and to have a nice fine rain. Don’t get mad on diameter and keep the original ones. The pump is just enough powerful to spin the sprinkler, even with a reduced column.

Later, i will try to adapt the “zombie tea” to this machine. Replacing the last step by this sprouter. Can’t use humic acid and kelp in this machine, the pump die fast and the sprinkler will be clogged fast.

And also i don’t think afterward that the last step of the process is necessary : letting sit the seeds in the paper moistened with kelp/humic.

To be continued …



Well, it was an ambivalent week. The plants and me are equally happy and unhappy. And I’ve totally changed my mind on the bulbs, i will switch to 6400K the hour i get them. Postal service say tomorrow, but i don’t really believe it.

The zombie jack F9 joined the party, sole survivor on a little dozen of seedlings. Damping off stopped/fixed and it restart the grow. Big respect for this plant, i just hope it’s a male.

Look like mutated as fck but not. The first leaf set is trashed and deformed, so the second leaf set pop from the apical and have pushed everything aside to get back at photosynthesis.

On development, they are 1 week early on the official sensi seed grow log (under 600w HPS). For me they are a 1 week late, except inside the pot.

Next week, i will try to push them a bit on the vegetal mass side and to reach the limits of the nutrient’s base (all-in-one). Not sure yet, but i think that they can take 1ml/L within the next update. That’s the goal at least. I’m starting the dry cycles, the roots are ready to handle it and to “breathe” a bit more.

I’ve now two weeks to produce the more vegetal mass i can, big stress. I don’t like it but maybe i will need to help a bit the process with foliar feeding. It depend on the timing of the delivery of bulbs.

From here you can zap, it’s all about my stupid idea on lights and experimental considerations on it.

The most stupid idea of the century : Definitely, 2100K CFL bulbs have zero versatility

Just a little reminder, a quick excel graphic from lifted datas, on left it’s relative intensity to give a proportional scale :


I’ve not included the specificity of densified neons on IR and UVb, the point is more to give an idea of the twos bulbs side by side.

The plants are insulting me each single day now, but i don’t regret to have flushed this test from my mind.

  • I’ve flowered with 6400K cfl, with MH and CMH. No problem, it’s just “very too much leafy” to “a bit leafy”.
  • I’ve “vegged” motherplants with HPS : no problem and i like that for intense turn over of clones (SOG) : it make big clones in great quantities and they’re rooting faster, the mothers are restarting faster to make news shoots and they are faster to colonize big C30 when you transplant them while you’re renewing them.

My extrapolation on roots development with CFL 2100K was in fact below the effective level of the side effects. It permitted this week to push the Rootbastic totally of charts, around 66% more than the maximum dose (0.50ml/L instead 0.30ml/L). On very young seedlings, and without killing them ^^ They have colonized 2 liters of medium in one week and in building a nice inverted pyramid as the roots core.

It’s not impressive seen like that, but considering the timeline, the volume and that it’s made only with the little first leaf set … i’m pretty satisfied. I’m barely at the stats of coco coir with 6400K above.

I will never use it again to veg. But the effect on root’s development is far stronger than with HPS. Maybe someday i will try to put a 2100K bulb just above freshly cutted clones to verify if I can extend that on this specific use and to finally extract something useful from this stupid idea. But to maintain motherplants, it’s a no-no 100%.

Now the goal is to obtain something like that within twos weeks ^^ :

I think that the BB can make it. They don’t hesitate to spend all their energy to dig fast and strongly.
Fingers crossed.

And now my irrational love affair ^^

Barely three nodes like the pack, but … I stay in love with this one. In limiting the base nutes and forcing them to produce roots like hell, the elongating phenomenon produced by the highly segregative spectrum is pretty much contained. More than expected, maybe the bulbs placement and the density they deliver together this way. Buds will tell.

2 weeks without launching any seeds; i got the medal from the Anonymous Compulsive Germinators Association. Just a little victory, i’ve to stay strong.


i’d love to see how that big bud turns out.


Damn ! Those are some awesome roots :raised_hands:

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Definitively a good opening this week !

Nice find @anonymous4289 , and as a petrol-head i like the song and the lyrics in bonus ^^

It was annonciating the bonus level i guess

6400K landed just in time. Mounted on the fly. It’s time to unleash the hell during twos weeks :smiling_imp:

Thx @HappyTrees23s “Noodles in the pot, happiness in the plot” ^^



This week was a stress-fully nightmare, and i think it’s obvious. They are looking like sh1t.
For Sensi Seeds i’m just in time, for me I have twos weeks late in development. Damn near one month and they still seedlings. You can’t imagine the level of shame i’m feeling.

To heal my ego during this week, i was one more time barely at the point to launch easy strains (Cali Indi or Sensi Star) and to totally screw my timing of the next weeks. I’ve even produced a kind of obsessional paranoia for fungus gnats larvaes, nutes viability, density of the new parabolic setup, soil balance … everything was acting like a fcking ghost haunting my mind. Holly fck, i was not prepared for that.

Despite the appearances, the situation is now under control (since yesterday only), and i can relax a bit and apply a dose of reasonable LIFTA for the next week. They are on the railroad now.

The good points :

  • the expression of phenotypes are very characterized, immature chemotypes set too : scents are allready clear and loud, and variations accurate.
  • the root production is over the normal stats of the strain, by far. I was forced to apply a pretty hard hydric stress to stop them to wrap the soil carrot, and to densify the core. I’ve pushed too far, but i don’t regret. I’m not planning to use vegetal mass booster with them, so i compensate the most i can to have the full expression of yield of each female.
  • the BB have the tendance to herm in the final stage of flowering time, with all this suffering and wounds … if i’ve a non binary specimen (lol), i think i will see it fast after one month of 12/12.

I knew since a while that the BB is a diva but I’ve underestimated the side effects of a spectrum restricted to twos bands ^^ She’s very not a permissive strain. But i still love this underrated strain.

From now you can pass, just details of I’ve already said.

My love affair is doing everything to mesmerize me. I guess it’s a trap.

Too musky to be in the range i’m seeking, and i think now that it’s a strange male. At least it’s the new side of my doubts.

It was the first specimen to get back on the track, way earlier than others by far. Root mass is just insane and she eat and drink like crazy for its shape.

More beautiful and balanced than ever, but not in the range (for now) i need to start the IBL. I guess she have a slot for the Jack Herer zombie if they haven’t the same sex. Can be a fabulous duo.

This specimen is the only one to have a decent resistance and reactivity to intensive care. It push me to think that i will need sh1t ton of seeds to improve the vigor of this line without too much compromise on the yield/taste that characterize the BB.

The Zombie Jack is back for the show.

After nine generations and a bunch of seedlings under the belt, i already recognize what i’m seeing. And i prey all gods of ganja that it’s a male. It’s a very great starting block to make a “zombie blend” poly-hybrid. Unexpected blessing, at the point that i will delay the 12/12 switch of the whole tent just for “him” (fingers crossed).

Intensive care of this week : the usual little trick of the week ^^

I pass on juggling with nutes, it’s too specialized on the strain. But I’ve one trick when i’m in the sh1t to the neck and that i have to boost the plant ASAP for yesterday, in keeping them alive :

Shake the sprayer as hell before each single use, try to fill it only half to optimize the shake.

Spray generously both faces. And stop watering/feeding the soil totally during the whole treatment.
The frequency is up to you, really. If you want pass your day to spray the plants between twos drying state, enjoy. If you’re not in the “my soil have to be humus” club, let dry it far while you’re spraying the plants all day. It will boost the hydrogen exchange when the situation is back on the track, chess move.

Using GHE Micro at this dose (ONLY) is important. I’m using the hardwater version because i finish the bottle and that my tap water is pretty high grade (without RO), use the right one in accordance with your situation.

The H&G Magic Green work pretty well also, but it’s more to boost the photosynthesis in a short duration. The effects are vanishing within 48 hours when you stop it.

The GHE-tricks is maybe less visually impressive but you help the plant in depth to get back in the track.

A little root porn of the most wounded and trashed specimen of the gang, for the posterity :

I’ve stopped the “plushy wrapping” with drying cycle, the core is very firm in all the length now. I’m proud of that at least ^^

The “wrap” is supposed to be at the “rat tail” stage after a week, but the vigor was not at the rendez vous for that. Next week i hope. It’s very important for me, specifically for a yielder, to reach this point before the last transplant. From 2 liters → 10 liters (X5).

Can’t wait next week, i will have something decent to show. Finally :sweat_smile:


I think Red light helps plants more likely to turn out male. And less nitrogen.
That’s is if you believe what some say and they decide their sex within 4 weeks from seed.

Not sure what I believe, havnt looked into cannabis biology much. I do know that last year I was using Blue lights to form more Females for my outdoor garden, and only 5 of the 80+ I had started turned out male.

Also less humidity and higher temps for males.
Opposite for female development…as far as I’ve read online. A few studies tested it out too, and did say they believe it works.
But again. I don’t know the science of seeds or anything about cannabis sex development.

If it were me I would try it tho.


I am learning a ton from your posts here tho
Thank you :raised_hands:


Thx buddy ;o)

Most of what i will say is on the documents that are presented in this thread. But the reading is pretty arid, let me take a straight shortcut.

The “practical state of science” today on this subject is at one point that can’t be hardly debated.
And it’s imho well synthesized by one specific professional offer declined today in a large number of services available :

It’s just one example on thousands. And this is not a scam but a reality.
Serious company like Canna offer this service here in EU, too. They don’t play with their reputation.

From this point, i’m sure you have understood the drastic conclusion. But what you read on it is not specially wrong either. But everybody here don’t want to preserve a genetic that can change sex with epigenetic factors ^^ Yeah, the subject is shitty and i’m glad to throw it right here, losted in the flow of OG :laughing:


Okay. I think I understand lol

1 Like


They are back in the track, finally. And i’m still mad at myself for the 2100K experimentation, even for the load of datas i got and the drastic phenotype’s answers. Ambivalent. But the plants and me are happy, that’s the most important after all.

The cure of Humic acid have created the necessary buffer in soil to maintain a good carbon rate to follow the boost, and the Fulvic acid have made the fat food more digestible. I’ve used a 50%/50% ratio during two weeks and it saved my ass. One more time.

For Sensi Seeds, i’m synchro but for me … dang. One month of grow seriously ? WTF Fuel, you have to wash this ultimate humiliation with a stellar flowering stage !

I’ve stupid hopes, but i don’t expect to have sex declarations until next Sunday. I think that i’m on the way to 7 weeks vegetative stage. It make me sick, it will kill my grammer/day ratio if i don’t produce massive buds. Damned. I’m so humiliated lol Can wait the round of California Indica to wash my honor.

From now you can pass, just details and notes.

Recycling the bad in good : Roots and hormons.

Unfortunately, the good results cannot be written in the marble here. And they are directly linked with the segregated spectrum of light they got. I can finally be 100% sure on it now, considering this well known lady.

The strain is helping, building roots is her thing. But the root mass density and the core is out of charts, going crazy on it between update 8 and 15 is paying back over my expectations. I can squeeze the clods in my hands like sponges. It’s not impressive with coco coir but doing that with the root in this soil amaze me. It’s not even sieved like i usually do, but a cheap supermarket rich soil straight from the bag. The transplant will be a pleasure to follow. Can’t wait the harvest to watch inside what i’m feeling with hands.

But the extreme side is unexpected : the weight. It totally fucked the sensation of my hands to drive the dry cycles, the weight is just insane. To keep them happy, i’ve to keep the pots heavy like the hell and to reduce the dry cycles to an “overwatered” weight. Very disturbing, and i can’t wait to see if it will transfer to buds of course ^^

It push me to develop more a previous theory : forcing clones in veg under 2100K in 1 liter pot, going crazy on root booster and SOG them. I’ve validate it with the buds of this round, only pushed with PK and nothing else.

On the hormonal development, it already stink when i open the tent and they are not yet at the 5th node. Considering that for me they have twos weeks late, it’s interesting. The musk is strong and deep in the nose, but the chemotype’s variations are already active and it’s not something that happens until the pre-flowers stage usually. The 2100K have triggered and answer, and i think that’s why the phenotypes are already so characterized. The torture don’t explain fully the expressions.

About Sensi Seeds : I’m shared

I get back the Big Bud i’ve well known, there is no doubt for now on it. Even in the extremes, i know this car and i can go full throttle without kissing the death.

But … the old motherplants used appear to have been a bit too much kept and considered like a “storage” and not as a genetic material. I’m a bit disappointed.

That’s my love affair, the BB#1. Definitively on the NLish side of the force, and not compliant with the goal of the reproduction of the F2. I will drive this line totally with a selection based on the Salmon Creek Big Bud structure, so mostly sativa-ish, stretchy, the fattest i can and over 60 days of flowering time. Buying the BB to don’t make it a powerfully “yielder” is a bit stupid imho. But the gods of ganja took another decision :

She/he is variegated :expressionless:
And not the only one, barely half of the specimens are triggered.

This is Siamese from the double ovary seed, a variegation was expected and from the seeds germinated the plant was segregated from the program. But damn Sensi, get back in the track with your MP. On a ten bag of regs to have so much variegation before the sex declaration is a bit stressfull and reduce drastically the faces of the dices rolled. Renew and care about your fckng motherplant damned hell, your seeds are expensive : offer the standard of quality correlated with this fact.

Can be tricky to see on a photo, but it’s not a variegation. It’s just the first time since two decade that i see a “neon light burn”. It’s the most obvious on this specimen, but they all have it at different degree.

lo rompimos todo hombre con la patente canadiense, esto realmente funciona jajaja

Some news from the Zombified JH

Let’s say this one was naturally FIMed, so long to develop but nothing surprising. OId lady only pushed for potency at any price, vigor included. I’m in the sh1t in term of synchro, i’m supposed to couple it with a Big Bud to start the Zombie line. I’ve not to push it far in veg, but if it’s a female i want enough seeds to have fun with it. Half-stress.

Another private joke/dedicace for the king of BBQ : done in 5 minutes top chrono ^^

I’m blaming them for the variegation, but the ratio is pretty neat for a F1 of this kind → 3:4:3

Subgroup A : NLish as fck

Subgroup B : Hybrids

Subgroup C : the SCBB style ^^

That’s all for this week, keep the vibes high !