Live & Reloaded


To better understand what’s going on, take a look in this topic :

So the seeds was sown 13 days ago. In general i’m reacting within a week but this case is a bit off road and it was worth to push the limits to see any side effects of the “zombie’s tea” procedure.

By the way anything that germinate with this little stock is totally unexpected, I’ve others little stones to revive like that and to explore this new protocol to the bone.

I’m much less stressed than with the fresh and expensive Big Bud actually. Why the fuck i’ve tested it also with these seeds. It was stronger than me obviously.

The BB seedlings are producing an insane amount of anthocyanins with rock stable 20°C/68°F, never saw that before even in the earliest outdoor I’ve sown. They are under constant watch, it started with a sudden boost in development overnight yesterday. The vigor is uncommon (for the strain) but not the shapes. Update/pics coming next Sunday, fingers crossed.

But back to the F9 JH, I’ve four finalists who are not well.

In general i’m waiting less, but the process still the same.

On right oxygenated water diluted and on left Startbooster diluted. I don’t really dose, the amounts are ridiculous like 0.5 to 0.10 milliliter.

I’m liking startbooster for the formula but you can replace it with a fews other products that work as well in these conditions :

  • superthrive : it work very well, even for clones in bad shape. Useless to say that you have to use only a couple of drops of one already diluted solution.
  • barely all usual concentrated root boosters : like one drop or twos
  • kelp : it’s hard to harm anything with that
  • cloning hormons and gels : sound weird but it work well if the main root have kept some rigidity and integrity

Keep in mind it’s nothing more than operating a risky transplant. While in coco or in soil, when nothing happens in a week it can be a problem that you can fix fast. As stupid that a chunk of compressed coco coir not expanded or an overinflated chunk of peat chunk just below the clone/seedling and that is transforming in a swamp. Anyway, it finish often at term like that :

It’s called “damping off” and when you see it from above the pot, it’s generaly already to late ^^ This one is interesting to show specially for that, you can even see a little fiber.

This one have maybe more chances, the cut is clear and proper.

This one is totally fucked with a thick difformation at the basis of the leaf sets.

And we have maybe a winner, the “root hair” is already starting to grow, one pair of leafs able to take the light. A bit longer and it was attacked.

I’ve put each one in the diluted oxygenated water then in the Startbooster solution, then in a fresh soil.
Why i’ve sown the others : because it happens sometimes that i can save damped seedlings like that, even if it look compromised as fck. And because i’ve time to kill also, to wait after the BB turn me mad.

Male or female, i cross the JH with one of the BB if it survive. It desserve it. I think i will do a blend this way with all rocks i’m reviving if i get specimens. I’ve just to ignore this little voice that want to launch every single seed in the house right now and to totally fck my timings later.