Live & Reloaded


This week was the last with full throttle nutrients, for most of them. Considering the wide panel of phenos, i’m not able to set a global feeding chart for all at this stage. It’s when i like stabilized lines, and when they shine.

For now i launch the finishing process by single case, by the general look of trichomes.

The BB13 was prepared today to go trough starvation, her trichomes are close to be heavenly distributed in three classes. What i call the “camo signal” in my slang. She will continue to make some grammers next week i guess.

The BB11 have something more to say, i still like her stature.

But the BB18 still my favorite of the twos.

Over all her variegations and all, i have sympathy for the BB19. Resistant and vigorous. She just start to understand that it’s time to produce buds, i guess I’ve two weeks more in front of me with this one.

The giant BB14 need also two more weeks, i’m supposed to feed her with a specific regime but i’ve already two watering can to prepare each time and i don’t like to store mixed solution in general. The most promising terps in the rejected phenos, and i think in term of potency also.

The BB12 just look like shit and non sense now. But have very sugared scents.

The BB16 is a strict replica of the BB13, in less hurry to mature. She will be the second plant to be starved, i guess during the coming week.

Now, a little word on an old technic : the "flushing" concept

I’m absolutely not concerned by the debate around “why or why not using this tech”. My plants are not Apple apps, i don’t finish them all the same way.

But it’s a good opportunity to debunk the first mis-understanding of the tech in explaining the true process, not the one badly translated or guessed from far … renaming it with a stupid word : “flushing”.

First, the term invented itself is the best way to totally fail it lol In the most dramatic counter productive way possible. Here we talk about it and the different variations of this tech more as a “rinsing” process.

The principle is not rocket science, it’s just a Drain-To-Waste procedure. But the manner to do it is critical for the output. For EU growers it’s so common that we have the habit to present it like a one shot thing.

“Boom, i rinse this one and let her starve”. I guess it look like you put your plant under a cascada and wait that the drain is transparent.

It’s absolutely what to don’t do ^^ You soil is a mass that have tension in term of moisture, if you drown it suddenly and during a long time you will create different layers of tension, create currents inside the pots that will not reach the drain, chasing all O² from the medium … and a long list of worries. “Flushing” is a very bad translation of this tech, the worse possible lol

The process is long and a pain in the ass, i started to rinse this plant at 7pm and finished at 10pm. It took 3 hours for only 1 gal of total medium to rinse properly. And the plant only reward you if you do it properly, or she punish you ^^ So yes, it’s worth the pain but only if you know what you do.

Now a more concrete view of the drain “yield”.

This is the very first pass

This is the middle of the process, and yes it’s darker and why you have to process it very slowly. If you kill the homogeneous tension and chase all O², you will just collect the water you’re pouring mostly. Pointless.

This is when the process give its first results, the color start slowly to vanish.

This is the end of the process, as you can see the water is not clear. But the plant is rinsed heavenly at this step, and can get plain water (or a “secret finishing sauce” of any kind) in good conditions.

The secret is simple : it’s just a long and boring process. And absolutely not a “flush”, it’s specifically what you try to dodge the most you can during all the process.

First rule : to do it after a dry cycle. It’s longer to start, but more efficient to get the most you can from each drain collect.

Second rule : zero possibility for the drain holes to be locked by pressure or swimming in the old juice. And eventually sucking it back when the plant react to the watering and create a tension around its root core. Raise the pot enough.

Third rule : Be patient as fuck, specially if you use a soil with a good texture. Let it spread the water you pour, slowly and let the gravity do the job. If you’re not good or in ease to judge what you have poured with your watering can, just use a kitchen glass of around 300 ml / 12 fl oz.

Pour very slowly the water and you wait that none drops fall in the drain collector by the draining holes of the pot. Repeat and repeat and repeat … the more the process is a pain in the ass to do and long, the better the effects : to reveal strongly the “body” of the weed, and cleaning the smoke from any nutes taste (if you don’t have pushed over the red zone off course, one time it’s locked it’s for good).

Yes, it can be done with every mode of grow : hydro, soil, coco, supersoils …
And yes, you can overfert a plant in “organic 100% vegan food blessed by buddha himself”. And it taste as bad than any other bad management of nutrients needs ^^

That’s all for now, i’m pretty much locked with these plants now. I need to shut down the tent at least two or three days for a complete and detailed washing, reflector and bulbs included. I don’t want to launch the next round on the fly, 6 months of use is enough dirty to be disinfected for me ^^ California Indica and AK47 for the next, in a more dense configuration. Can’t wait.

Stay green