How on earth will you be able to sleep? LOL
Insomnia is my secret weapon muahahaha
I have my paper towel and zip lock bag and my germination heat pad at the ready.
Same here. Without the heat pad. Have never used one and never saw an actual need for one. I place my beans in a wet paper towel and into a Ziploc. Then it goes, unopened, on top of the fridge for two to three days.
I’m warming my heat pad up too. First thing in the morning they go in!
lol Everyone knows my favorite method to germinate them beans! Oh wait, lol I ain’t gotta worry bout it, since I’m not in it…
Look forward to judging some awesome growing!
As hot as the water will get from my tap, into a mason jar for 24 hours and then those that don’t have a tail get put in the paper towel. It’s funny the beans jumped into the jar this morning and they are still jumping these are some good ones thank you @Maddawg. The countdown is on. Tick tock tick tock.
Good luck everyone
Mine will be done their swim about then and ready to jump in to their new home.
You weren’t suppose to start your germination process until tomorrow…… at least that’s how I understood it.
I’ve never used the paper towel method until recently. It works for me, so until it breaks I ain’t fixing it.
For me, that is at Midnight:01.
3.5 hrs from now.
The beans are patiently waiting for their bath water.
Exactly……… Not this morning!
Same here, but I don’t know if I can stay up that late.
No I think he was referring to tomorrow morning when he wakes up
I set my old man alarm LOL
I’ve been making it to 11:00 this week. I’ve been off though. Sleeping in until 6:00 lol
my circadian rhythms have been screwed for so long, lol I doubt I’ll ever get back to some form of normalcy!
For instance, I just got back up at 7 from laying down 1.5 hrs lol
Im still drinking coffee lol