Long term flower storage/preservation and humidity?

Please let me first say Hello to the OG community.

My question has to do with vacuum sealing dried and cured bud in mason jars, before placing them into a deep freezer for storage.
Should the buds be dried to below 20% and as dry as possible before vacuum sealing it, or can it safely be done with the flowers only dried to the 58-62% (“ideal” ready to smoke) range?

Now, you may already be quite clear on this point and can offer good evidence for your point, GREAT!, but if you may be wondering what the big deal is about 60% humidity, watch a u-tube video on how water boils until it freezes when put under a vacuum. Will 60% moist buds be damaged in any way by some sort of double freezing, once from being vacuum seals and again in the deep freezer?

Are ther other factors I should be considering? Does it make any differance??? :thinking:
Thanks for your thoughs.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Vacuum Sealer suggestions + long term storage