Longtooth in Springtime

Out of likes too soon…:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Beautiful flowers and colors…
It’s nice to see your garden…:herb::v:t4::blush:


Deadhead OG from Cali Connection

Classic OG colas - big and thick. Tons of well formed buds throughout. Sticky as heck and not a sign of mold or botrytis. :crossed_fingers:

I should have thinned her out more, but really can’t complain.

She struggled a bit at the pop, but has been steady Eddie since then. -surprised at how healthy she’s been. Only a few sick leaves through her lifetime.

I’m hovering on this one like a mother hen. Just a little while longer.


Than man. I love your work too. Keep on growing - Overgrow the world.


Big respect to your work and skill. :raised_hands:t4::green_heart:
What ec are you feeding them? I can’t find a single burnt tip…:eyes::exploding_head:
Edit: I remember u commented on my thread regarding the blue gelato41. Bro…I’m everything like you when it comes to terps I feel…:blush::green_heart:

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You’re very kind. This has been a friendly grow. It doesn’t always turn out that way. I massacred Poison Daddy on the last round, but still managed some excellent smoke even if not photogenic.

As far as ferts, I’m pretty pedestrian. It’s not alchemy to be sure.

I’m using the Fox Farm trio and bloom boosters. (Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom w/ Open-Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha-Ching)

I straight water every other round, fertigating in between. It’s usually a 4-5 day interval with 7-gallon buckets and coco-loco.

PH to 6.5. Water until runoff. RH running between 30-60%. Temps between 63-78 degrees F.

I think the only thing I’ve changed recently is to simplify, avoiding most supplements and focusing on just the core 3 w/ the boosters.

I still use silica and will supplement with Wholly Mackeral in veg for quick nitrogen boost, but otherwise just don’t.

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Thank you for sharing that information.
I believe coco-loco is a composition of coco and soil? And idea what ratios of coco:soil? Would it contain ewc or anything like that? And do you cut it with perlite by yourself or is that premixed? :v:t4::herb:

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It is a mixture. Not sure of the ratios though.

The bag already has plenty of perlite and clumping is not really an issue. I’ve found that when I supplement with more, it just gives out quicker with no added benefit.

The nutrients in the bag will make it through veg for the most part w/o added fertilizer, but by the time one starts flowering, it gives out.

It’s better to treat it like soil than like straight coco coir.

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Nice bro. Thanks again for sharing the label.
I believe you must have done coco-perlite grows in the past?
How would you compare the smoke of the end product with your current medium and coco perlite? Noticeable difference?
Would you use molasses in the final stages?

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Have been using the coco loco with occasional switch offs to straight soil.

I have supplemented with additional perlite, but have come to the conclusion it’s unnecessary.

I’ve also used molasses and can’t say I noticed any difference whatsoever when I started/stopped.

Simple is better/.

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Almost done with this run.

Bubba Whip bringing up the rear @about 70-days.

Wonderful smell, guessing that’s the Pre-98-bubba shining through.

She’s dropping her arms these days and her amber is showing.

Her cake day is nigh….


Longtooth’s Class of Spring 2023.

  • Photo Period - Feminized variants
  • Fox Farms trio + bloom boosters
  • Blue Planet Nutrients - Gold Shield Silica
  • Medium is Fox Farms Coco Loco
  • Mars Hydro FC-6500 & FC-4800
  • 7-gallon standard-pots
  • PH~6.5
  • RH av 55-70%

Next Level from Exotic Genetix
Kush Co OG x Scotty 2 Hotty

Grow Notes - structure:

  • Responded well to FIM - multiple tops forming
  • Strong branching w/ no issues related to weight-stress
  • Turned dark w/ shades of purple forming by 3rd week of flowering
  • Well formed flowers - triangular- dank
  • Loud - pronounced odor
  • Very sticky
  • Finished in about 60-days


  • Dank
  • Skunky
  • Earthy - with cedar undertones

Head Space

  • Your mileage may vary
  • Quick onset - feel it behind eyes very quickly
  • Initially relaxed - but not overwhelming - energy levels remain constant at first
  • With progression becomes more difficult to fully form thought and communicate ideas without pausing to think.
  • Energy levels can diminish, but not significantly.
  • Would not refer to this as “couch-lock” but also wouldn’t plan dinner with the new client unless she enjoys getting stoned as much as you.

About average for me, maybe a little above average.

Final Notes
I really enjoyed growing this one. It was simply painless. She produced wonderful, sticky, pungently flavorful flowers that smoked quite nicely. I will return to this strain and have crossed it with (G13Haze x Colin OG).

Blueberry Cupcake from Humboldt Seed Company
Wedding Cake X Blueberry Muffin

Grow Notes - structure:

  • Responds to FIM, but does not produce large colas
  • Flowers are generally small but frosty nuggets
  • Great color - turned purple quickly w/ hints of blue - pretty!
  • Bushy growth pattern
  • Lots of small (sucker) branches
  • Week stems - collapse under weight


  • Incredible smell
  • Pronounced strong blueberry
  • Hints of vanilla
  • Slight hints of dankness
  • Very sticky - just touching the stem required hand washing w/ alcohol

Head Space

  • Your mileage may vary
  • Better than average for a blueberry variant - I think that’s the wedding cake influence
  • Bright buzz
  • Up - energetic


  • Lower than average
  • Small nuggets - popcorn

Final Notes
I grew this from seed. The incredible smell and stickiness prompted me to cut a clone from this one and would I would grow it again. It’s not something one grows for volume, but for the taste. The smell is overwhelming blueberry and the resin production seems significant. I wasn’t happy with the snaky sucker branching, but that is a factor of my growing style which favors big bushes, minimal training, and less aggressive pruning. I believe there are other approaches such as lollipoping or SOG that would work well here. Maybe next time?

Deadhead OG from Cali Connection
Chem 91 Skunk Va x SFV (San Fernando Valley) OG IB

Grow Notes - structure:

  • A really healthy plant from beginning to end
  • Almost no “sick” leaves
  • Excellent response to FIM w/ multiple colas forming
  • Big chunky triangular flowers
  • Large football shaped colas
  • Excellent branch structure, but may require structural support
  • No signs of mold on/inside chunky buds throughout
  • 70+ days to finish


  • Chemmy - she’s a Chem91 variant and it breeds true
  • Skunky but not extremely loud - fragrant but not overwhelming
  • Good resin production - sticky

Head Space

  • Your mileage may vary
  • Good, if not outstanding buzz
  • Stony but not overwhelming couch lock
  • Relatively quick onset

A good producer. I saw a harvest that for me was about 40% higher than average.

Final Notes:
I’d grow her again. Cali connection did solid work with these genetics. This was a healthy plant with a potent and heavy harvest. -An easy grow.

Bubba Whip from Twenty-20 Mendocino
Pre-98 Bubba X The Whip!

Grow Notes - structure:

  • Responded to FIM - but not great
  • Bushy - round form
  • Flowers were round nuggets
  • Very Sticky - great resin production
  • Stems were week at conclusion - dropping under flowering weight
  • Otherwise very healthy


  • Dank - but slightly sweet as well
  • Wonderful flavor - distinct
  • Sticky - flavorful - excellent
  • Maybe a little like a dank apple?

Head Space

  • Your mileage may vary
  • Quick onset .
  • Stony - feel it behind the eyes and through the whole body
  • Great as an evening smoke.
  • Most recent favorite from this class

About average - nothing to complain about, but not anything to write home about either.

Final Notes:
She was the last to germinate because she was the last started, but this was a surprise finisher. I’d grow her again for the quality of the finished result whichwas significant. I really enjoy smoking this


Very nice write up my man, thank you.