Newbie Leakyear's 4x4

I’m new to OG - so far the community has been awesome! I thought I would start a journal to help me keep track of things. I’m still very new to growing (been growing for almost two years I think) so open to any advice!

My setup:
-gorilla 4x4 tent
-equinox 480w LED
-15 gallon pots with Blackswallow living soil (third run)
-KBS dry amendments with a couple other things thrown in there

My tent currently (week 4-5 of flower? This is why I need to write stuff down):

Currently running four cuts that @Yetigrows graciously hooked me up with - GG#4 RIL, Pancakes, White Cherry Truffle, and Sherbinski’s Gelato41 x Paonia Purple Paralyzer (PPP).

Here’s the GG4 - have had no issues so far and she’s chugging along at a decent pace. Super strong smell.

This is the Pancakes - she was very finicky in veg and it took me a long time to get the watering dialed in. I think it will be worth it though because it has a very unique smells. Beginning of flower it was almost soapy and now its starting to get a peppermint sweetness to it. The flower looks like it will be really dense with minimal trimming.

White Cherry Truffle - unfortunately this one got stunted a bit. I had a dripper fail and it took me a while to catch it so it was overwatered. This one is the furthest behind of the four and I’m hoping it will start putting on weight. It is extremely sticky already though.

The Gelato x PPP - this plant has just been a beast from the start. Zero issues, and has always been the biggest plant in the tent. It’s really stacking too.


Great looking plants! Welcome to og @Leakyears


We have another Southern Ontario grower here!
…Black Swallow Living Soils… I love these folks…



Welcome to OG, @Leakyears ! Great looking plants and any friend of @Yetigrows is gonna get along just fine here


How do the 15 gallon pots work for you in the 4x4? I also grow in living soil in the same size tent, usually four plants and I’ve been considering moving from 7G to 15G to get the wet dry cycles slowed down and give them more room to spread their roots.


Welcome and your plants look great!

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Those cuts were from my summer run,

@Tonygreen GG4RIL
Aficionado Pancakez and White Cherry Truffle
Sherbinski’s Gelato41 x Paonia Purple Paralyzer (PPP)

The PPP pollen came courtesy of our own OG legend @DougDawson !

Gorgeous looking plants my friend!


They ALL have beautiful color!!! CONGRATS on a very successful Grow. Wishing you nothing but continued great output. One objection, though…I need that far right Corner cleared so I can have a seat… if not, I’ll just hang near the Door :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: WELCOME, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for clarifying the PPP! And thank you again for the cuts. I’m super happy with the results so far. Hopefully I can return the favour someday!


I was in 7g before this and definitely prefer the 15g. Like you said it’s easier to keep the soil moist and healthy. I get less issues because I think I the plants have more to pull from.

That being said I’m considering moving to a raised bed with blumat tape eventually. I think it might be the easier route especially when I have four different strains.


Tight! That GG4 is beautiful :+1:

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Nice, I can definitely see after using them for a while what people mean when they say 5-7 gallons is the minimum volume for success with living soil, and that at that size solid pots might actually be better. I use cloth 7G for the root pruning and health but I definitely have grown almost as well in a 5G plastic pot. It seems like 15G or more is going to be my future, I’ve been eyeing these tree pots:


Today was feeding day! I started with an amendment of a full strength dose of the KBS bloom. I’ve never really had any issues using with KBS, but I’m looking to switch it up due to cost. If anyone has tips for dry amendments for living soil I’d love any advice! Here is the label of the KBS Bloom:

I also watered in a tea that I brewed for 24 hours made up of worm castings, bokashi, molasses, and Boogie Brix. I get my worm castings locally from Mother Worms and love them. I see tons of worms in my pots from just the castings alone as they’re teeming with eggs.

While in the garden I was smoking on some Purple Rain from BlkMkt. Like most quality legal options it’s overpriced, but this stuff has an awesome Terp profile and hit me like a truck. It smells creamy with lots of blueberry and grape, with hints of funk/garbage water. 29.13% total THC and 3.75% total terpnes.


BLKMKT does really good, very terpy, insanely overpriced flower.

They’re right up there with Carmel IMO. (Animal face being the best I’ve had so far. So good that I immediately went on a genetics hunt to find face off OG and animal mints seeds so I can make my own!)

Theres some high end legal stuff that inspires me, but the prices are just nuts¡!


The animal face might be my favourite ocs offering ever especially since it’s been so consistent. I feel the same - I like trying new strains to see what I should grow in the future and also really like my local shop, but pricing and quality overall are brutal. I was considering picking up a Jealousy cut because I like the Blkmkt one so much.

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Hit me up if you do!

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Lots of beautiful orange pistils are starting to come in!

Pancakes - not the most photogenic but I think I’m the most pumped to try this. Densest flower I’ve grown so far and the smell is amazing. Hoping the lowers start to bulk up more though.

Gelato41 x Paonia Purple Paralyzer (PPP):


The WCT is still behind - I would guess it will go two weeks longer than everything else. Was hoping to be able to chop and dry in the same tent but might have to figure out a way to stagger the dry.


Also thought I would share my last harvest which I’ve been smoking through. Black Dolato from JOTI:

Also tried making my first temple ball from the sift


After going back through the photos on my phone I think I’m currently close to day 44 of flower.

Plants are looking good but I’m having a hard time keeping my watering even. With different strains, the trellis, and big pots it’s been hard to gauge soil moisture. Next run, I’m thinking I might move to one big 100 gallon pot. If anyone has done a similar set up and has any advice I’m all ears! Speaking of watering, due to a combo of overwatering and accidentally setting my humidity controller too high I’ve pissed off all of my moms. Hoping they bounce back soon as I need to take cuts soon to keep everything on schedule.

The White Cherry Truffle has been bulking up and has caught up quite a bit to the rest of the tent. I love the blues and purples coming in and the plant is super resiny:

This cola of the GG#4RIL is one of my favourites!

The Gelato 41 x PPP is chugging along nicely. Really interested to try this after reading the backstory of the Paonia Purple Paralyzer. Like I’ve said earlier this plant is a tank and seems to tolerate stress very well. Depending on how long it takes to finish I wonder if it would work well outdoors:

And the Pancakes - the frostiest and densest in the tent so far


Spotted a nanner today on the Gelato 41 x PPP:

3/4 are ready to chop with the Pancakez probably bring a little bit past where I’d like it. The only one I’m not sure about is the WCT. I think it could use a few more days but would love a second opinion: